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Requests for new components (and features)

The number of Bonuses could be tracked, if it was 3 or more, the building text in the list could be modified to 'yellow/gold' or something ;-)
But I've yet to see a 3 bonus/penalty building.

One building with 5 :eek: bonuses immediately springs to mind and that is a fully wonder (with state religion) maxed out cathedral.
It would gives
+2 hammers (Apolisitc Palace)
+2 Beakers (Uni Sankore)
+2 Gold (Spiral Minnaret)
+5 Culture (Sistine CHapel)
+2 Happy (state religion)
That is Alotta SPace! :D
Just installed BUG.....woot. It looks cool. If only I knew what it did. I tried the help file in the bugmod folder and it said could not display page. then I saw a link to a help file. It explained (sorta) what each button/feature did, but didn't tell you what the button looked like. I am sure I will figure most of it out by trial and error (mainly error :D ) but a teensy bit of help would be sorta super spiffy cool.
Yes, I'm working on adding hover help text to the new buttons. It's always easier when you can just point at something to see what it does. Don't be afraid to click around, though. None of the buttons do anything -- they just change the display.

Check out the thread here about disabling PLE. I posted a link to the PLE instructions -- those new buttons along the bottom of the screen.

Glad you are liking BUG. Let us know any ideas you may have for new stuff. New blood is good for bringing a fresh perspective on things. :)
It does. Go into the Options, and the Options Tab. Hover your mouse over the Layout, and it will tell you what those random looking letters mean. I think if you add R to it, it will add an icon to show the civs relgion.
I would like the scoreboard in the BUG mod to be able to display the civ's religion.

By default, it does display the religion of each rival.

Go to the "Scores" tab of the BUG Options screen [ALT+CTRL+O] and look at the "Display Order" text entry box. If you hover over the box it will show you the letters and symbols for each part of the scoreboard.

The default for this box is "WSC?EPTUNBDRAH*LO" (without the quotes). For reference, here are the meaning of the symbols:

  • S - The civ's score.
  • C - The civ's/leader's name.
  • ? - You have not yet met the civ.
  • W - You are at war with the civ.
  • E - You have a positive espionage point ratio against the civ.
  • P - Your power ratio compared to the civ (espionage).
  • T - The tech the civ is researching (vassals, teammates and espionage).
  • U - The number of research turns left.
  • N - The civ is connected to your trade network.
  • B - You have an open borders agreement with the civ.
  • D - You have a defensive pact with the civ.
  • R - The civ's state religion.
  • A - The civ's attitude toward you.
  • H - You are the civ's worst enemy.
  • * - You are waiting for this civ to finish its turn.
  • L - Civ's network stats (ping).
  • O - The network player is out-of-sync.
I personally put W at the end so I can see the signs of their hatred all grouped together (AHW).
Well, then, there appear to be some bugs with the BUG mod :crazyeyes:

First of all, there appears to be a limit on the number of things that can shown on the scoreboard. I had to take some things out and move R to the end in order to get that single Judaism icon.

From that screenshot, it looks as though Frederick's Germany is Taoist, but it's not showing in the scoreboard?
to start with - wow, a marathon game with lots of AIs. Each turn must take ages. Any you have heaps of gold with a low science percentage but a nice science beaker count. I would love to see the sit-rep for this one. Do you have a save so that we can take a look at the scoreboard issue?
Yes, please attach a save file so we can replicate the issue on our end.

Oh, a request for more bugs? I think you can count on that! ;)
A feature I would like to see:

When Civ A Pops up and asks me to go to war with Civ D, It would bee cool to be able see that Civ D is actualy a vasal of Civ B, and I might be biting off a bit more than I can chew . . . Yes, I realize I can mouse over the scoreboard to see this, but something right there in the pop-up would be swell for the lazy/uninitiated . . .
Excellent idea, comatosedragon.

When I get war requests, my first step is to hit F4 to see the attitudes of the other civs. It was a long time before I realized I could open the advisor screens with those war/embargo requests up.

Warning: Make sure you click "EXIT" instead of hitting the Escape key to close the advisor, or you'll deny the request instead of closing the window! :mad:
Would it be possible to add a display to the production queue for how many turns until a paused building/unit will start to decay, if it's within a certain number of turns, and which items are decaying? We know the math, and we could count turns, but that's no fun. Something like:

[pre]Archer (8)
Settler (17)
Barracks (12) (20 turns to decay)
The Pyramids (45) (15:hammers: decay)[/pre]
So I've put the barracks and pyramids off for a way too long, the pyramids have started to decay, and that barracks is going to be there soon if I don't finish it.
@OnmyojiOmn - Neat idea. Could you please write this up with the calculations needed (I'm only passingly familiar with them) to our Feature Request tracker on SF.net (link in my sig) so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle?

@OnmyojiOmn - Neat idea. Could you please write this up with the calculations needed (I'm only passingly familiar with them) to our Feature Request tracker on SF.net (link in my sig) so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle?


Done and done.
I'd also like options for the new yield display on the city screen saved to the config file. Right now I'm only using it to check food, and switching to the right display every time I run the game is too much work!
I'd also like options for the new yield display on the city screen saved to the config file.

Done. It works just like PLE's default view. Changing the view on the city screen doesn't save to the file. Instead, set the default view to use every time Civ starts in the BUG Options screen.
Request: change the Self-Extracting .EXE file to not show the General Public License.

The GPL is not a usage license; thus, people do not have to agree to it to use a GPL-licensed program. It's just a distribution license. Since the default behavior if you have a distribution license is "you don't get to distribute it," anyone who ignores the license cannot distribute it.

(This is minor, but it's a pet peeve of mine.)
Agreed with not showing the GPL. It's included with the install, so people can read it if they've got an hour to kill.
Some culture related stuff:

Would it be possible to add a display mode where you can see how much culture points a certain plot has and how much will be added next turn?

Or maybe a counter that displays how many turns will approximately be needed to flip a certain tile given the current plot culture point acccumulation rate (green number) or how many turns it will approximately take for a plot tile to flip to an opponent (red number).

Best Regards,
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