Revealed Tiles


Feb 24, 2011
I have a few questions about revealed tiles - I think that is the correct term - tiles that have been visible to my units (or cities) in the past but where I do not have current visibility.

It appears that I can see up-to-date information on cities (possibly only after mousing over the banner) that I have had prior visibility of. This information includes religion follower counts, population and defense. I can also see the locations of strategic resources that have appeared since I last had visibility.

I cannot see units nor up-to-date info on barb camps (new ones may have appeared, shown ones may have been cleared). OK so far?

So, in revealed lands:

1) If a civ I have met founds a new city, will I see it?
2) If an unmet civ founds a city, will I see that? (and would I then automatically meet the civ?)
3) If a city is razed, will it disappear?
4) If a city gets a new owner (conquest/trade), will I see that?

1. jes
2. jes but u don't meet them
3. i think so mor sure though
4. jes,even if u never meet the old owner
1. jes
2. jes but u don't meet them
3. i think so mor sure though
4. jes,even if u never meet the old owner

Thank you! So you can sometimes see a city owned by someone you have not met; Can you tell who they are?

Also, if anyone is interested, I see you also get visibility in and around the borders of allied city states (I'm playing now and just discovered a natural wonder next to the borders of a CS I just allied :)). I presume these tiles will also be considered revealed, should I lose this ally.
Thank you! So you can sometimes see a city owned by someone you have not met; Can you tell who they are?

Also, if anyone is interested, I see you also get visibility in and around the borders of allied city states (I'm playing now and just discovered a natural wonder next to the borders of a CS I just allied :)). I presume these tiles will also be considered revealed, should I lose this ally.

Yes. You will be able to see new cities belonging to any city states, and any future owners.

But if you haven't met you will still need to approach them.

It does not work like it does in Civ 4 where you have to re-explore those areas in order to update your maps. THe maps are always updated.

The only things that don't get updated are Improvements (this includes Ruins, Barb. Camps and Archeological Sites) or enemy unit positions.
You can also see if a tile is occupied by a unit. It's a technique called radaring. You use a civilian unit and press the move command and move the cursor from tile to tile as if you want to move there. If there is a unit on the selected tile, then the cursor becomes red. This is somewhat an exploit, but the ai also does it.
It does not work like it does in Civ 4 where you have to re-explore those areas in order to update your maps. THe maps are always updated.
This is not quite correct in my experience. As you unlock techs, strategic resources are revealed on dark portions of the map, as are archeology sites. AI improvements are not revealed until you revisit areas. Archeology sites disappear off the map when dug up.
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