RevEarth 1100 CE Scenario


Plotting something
Sep 1, 2010
Greetings! RevEarth is a mod designed to allow me (or others) to create historical, realistic scenarios of human history. Currently, just one, Earth 1100 CE is finished, though I intend to create many more. This mod was built off of the platform of Revolutions DCM (see, which enables revolutions (cities rising up to form new civs), inquisition, Improved aerial bombardment (from Road to War), and BarbarianCivs (Barbarian cities forming new civilizations). The latter process is disabled in my 1100 AD scenario, since it produces bizarre and a-historical results. This was an excellent platform to start from, but I decided to add some stuff along the way, hopefully to allow for semi-realistic simulation of human history. My mod offers:

1: Historical Scenarios (starting with the medieval 1100 CE, Crusades, Mongol Invasions, and some time later Initiate Imperialism (or resist it!)).

2: New Civs: Brazil, Argentina, Australia and Canada can all rise up as revolutions later in the game

3: Changed religions: Judaism is replaced with Orthodoxy, Taoism is replaced with Shiite Islam, since these two have historically been more influential than their Vanilla counterparts (I hope to add Judaism and Taoism back if I can figure out a way to increase the # of religions)

4: New units and buildings: Modern pirates, historically accurate macemen, heavy swordsmen and unique units and buildings for the new civs. More will be added in later patches.

5: Minor civs to represent cities, kingdoms, tribes and empires that were influential, but to small or transient to warrant their own civilization

Download Link:

For this mod to work, you need to go into your BtS config file (My Docs/My Games/Beyond the Sword/Civ4Config.ini IIRC), and change
ModularLoading = 0
ModularLoading = 1

Credits: Brazil Australia Argentina for Canada

Known bugs (+ indicates that I know the bug's origins and it will probably be fixed in the next release, - indicates that I do not though it is confirmed, ? indicates that I am not sure if its a real bug or not):
+ Orthodoxy and Shiite Islam have the wrong art.
? Some civs start with random, distant parts of the map revealed

What you can do:
Play it and say what you think! If you have any suggestions for features or art, please offer them!

Planned Features:
Add the Better Global Warming Mod
Make scenarios for time periods other than 1100 CE
Fix the technology rate. Currently, civilizations are consistently behind where they should be technologically. Or maybe I should just make the game take more turns to reach 1500 CE?
Add Barbarian "Camps" which produce Barbarian units continuously, to represent the historic power of nomads
Add additional religions (Judaism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, Protestantism, Native American, Native African)
1100 CE: These screenshots are outdated, and were made with Version 3. I will get around to updating them... some day

Playable Starting Civilization's List:
Great Seljuk Empire (The Persian Seljuk faction, lead by Mehmed)
China (Song Dynasty)
Holy Roman Empire
Kievian Russia (Catherine)
Poland (Peter)
Western India (Asoka)
Konya Seljuks (lead by Suleiman)
Great Zimbabwe
Cahokia (Mississippi Valley Chiefdoms)
Version 2:
Spoiler :

Fixed the names of religious buildings/missionaries
removed a leading space from the “Song” adjective
Tlingut -> Tlingit
Made lumbermills buildable on jungles
Gave the Aztec a settled city (Tula at the start, and an extra worker and Jaguar
Gave the Inca a settled city and an extra worker
Gave native Chan Chan a worker
Gave China Philosophy and Machinery
Gave Korea Theology, Philosophy, Paper, and the Compass
Gave China two Hwachas to represent Chinese gunpowder
Angkor has a population of 3 (same as Paris)
Gave Japan Dazaifu
Gave Asoka (West India) Philosophy and Compass
Gave Chola, Khmer and Sirivijaya Drama, Paper and Philosophy
Gave Japan Drama and Compass
Moved the South African Gold to great Zimbabwe
Removed visible patches of random terrain from Khmer, Japan

Version 3:
Spoiler :

Replaced Barbarians with region-specific minor civilizations (Middle East, Steppe, Asian, Natives, African, European). This means there is no more need to manually add techs to the barbs
Removed Ghaznavid-French Contact
Change the Argentinian adjective from Argentine to Argentinian
Change the Argentinian leader’s names to renderable characters

Middle East:
Made Jerusalem Catholic holy city again
Egypt is now the “Arab Civilization” and uses the Arab flag decal and unique buildings/units. It retains Egyptian colors
Gave the Konya Seljuks many more units so that they pose a more credible threat to the Byzantines
Added temples to Jerusalem and Damascus

Gave Khmer more units so they fare better against the Asian minor civ
Gave Mongols non-Lemming AI and many more units, including a settler in their Kazakh stack
Removed divine right from the Chinese
Made peace between Khwazremids and Ghaznavids
Move Chola capital to where a mountain was. Give them a rice in place of their current capital
Renamed Samarkand to Samarqand so that Mongols don’t build Samarqand in the late game
Give India, and Southeast Asia in general more techs
Extend Timor Island to two tiles, so that it can be divided as it is today
Moved Karakorum South of lake Baikal
Strengthened Indian civ

Replace Novgorod with Poland, and merge Novgorod with Kiev. Added Danzig as a seaport for the Poles
added a German knight near Konigsberg to represent Teutonic crusaders
Move Novgorod 1 South so St. Petersburg is buildable
-1 population in Constantinople
Removed Devine Right from Byzantines
Gave Veliko Tarnovo to the Hungarians and added a theater there so that it resists Constantinople culture
Made Konigsberg pop 2 so that it isn’t auto-razed
Give more techs to Europe.
Christianized Vikings

Add 1 population to Tula, Cuzco and Chechen Itza

Version 4:
Spoiler :

Added Polish civilization with its own leaderhead, UU and UB
Change Maceman to 6 Strength, +100% against Meele (, The chief tactical virtue of the two-handed flail was its capacity to defeat a defender's shield or avoid it entirely. Its chief liability was a lack of precision and the difficulty of using it in close combat, or closely ranked formations.)
Add a Heavy Swordsman, that has 8 Strength, and +50% city attack, to break the Medieval Stalemate
Gave the Konya Seljuks a stack of Heavy Swordsmen near Sinope
Changed Mongol Keishek to a knight replacement with appropriate stats
Fix Berserker to have +50% city attack and no hill attack
Added Indonesian Civilization with UU, UB and LH
Christianized Ireland, Scotland and Iceland
Make an independent Celtic Civilization that controls Scotland and Ireland and is minor (Celtic Peoples)
Give Korea techs to go with the region
Give Poland a worker
Added two new placeholder techs: Papacy (founds Catholicism and allows the Apostolic Palace) and Shia Islam (founds Shia Islam)
You may now post!
Can we at least take a look at starting situation before we download? And some more info, like starting civilizations....
Can we at least take a look at starting situation before we download? And some more info, like starting civilizations....

I have posted the list of starting playable factions, and I will post screenshots when I get the opportunity to, later today (sorry for not posting them immediately)
Screenshots Posted!
Song China should definitely be made more powerful. In 1100, it was by far the most technology advanced, richest, and powerful state the world had ever seen. During the 11th century, its capital Kaifeng (in Henan province, along the Yellow River, definitely not around where Beijing is) around had a population numbering 600 - 700 thousand. China furthermore had a massive army (and definitely crossbows, beginning from the Han dynasty over a thousand years ago) and a large navy. They also had sophisticated machinery for printing and textile production.

Song China invented landmines, continued utilizing gunpowder weaponry (gunpowder isn't given to China in this at the start, although China had had it since the Tang dynasty), and paper currency (with paper having been invented in the 2nd century BCE, over 1200 years before this scenario, and paper currency having been utilized extremely heavily by the Song dynasty beginning a little before this). Guilds were also pretty prevalent in Song China.

China further had huge amounts of philosophical thinkers since even before the Warring States period, with philosophies such as Mohism, Yangism, Legalism, Confucianism, Taoism, Logicians, and more. Chinese philosophy would only be expanded upon as time went on, with rationalist philosophies such as Neo-Confucianism beginning during the Tang dynasty but becoming prominent during the Song. So China should definitely also be given the philosophy technology.

The Middle East was also much more populated than Europe, and much more technology sophisticated...

Kyoto would be better located one tile to the right and up. Similarly, Pyeongyang would be better one tile down and one tile to the right, but then it might be too close to Hanseong. Japan should also be given a city in Kyushu, as a significant portion of its population lives there (a lot more than should be living around Tokyo), and is the origin of Japanese agriculture and civilization. In 1000, Heian-kyo had a population of 150,000, much larger than any city in Western Europe than Cordoba. Japan should also have much more people than Scandinavia.

Great Zimbabwe should be given a gold resource, as gold exportation is pretty much the only reason as to how they got incredibly wealthy and powerful.

Angkor was also larger than any European city in 1000 minus Cordoba. It definitely shouldn't less people than places such as Paris.

Mesoamerica and the Andes were also heavily populated and had civilization long prior to 1100. The Mexica and Tawantinsuyu merely represented the latest powerful entities of both Mesoamerican and Andean civilizations before they were destroyed by the Spanish. It would be like if the game only had Turks, so for a Turkish state you had the Turks found a city in Anatolia, as if the Byzantines never existed.
spaceman98: "? Some civs start with random, distant parts of the map revealed"

Did you check all the TeamReveal=x in the file? This happens when you work on a map, accidentally adding a unit (even if you delete it immediately) or changing locations of civs.

It could be a tedious work but it can be fixed.

About the religions: to add them, you should be able to update the two tga files which contain their symbols. The rest is pure xml (+ eventually a new Religions screen).

About the barbarians: since it's a mod/scenario, did you try to give them technologies for free in the Civilizations file? Not sure that it would work though. Another solution could be with Python.
Song China should definitely be made more powerful. In 1100, it was by far the most technology advanced, richest, and powerful state the world had ever seen. During the 11th century, its capital Kaifeng (in Henan province, along the Yellow River, definitely not around where Beijing is) around had a population numbering 600 - 700 thousand. China furthermore had a massive army (and definitely crossbows, beginning from the Han dynasty over a thousand years ago) and a large navy. They also had sophisticated machinery for printing and textile production.

Song China invented landmines, continued utilizing gunpowder weaponry (gunpowder isn't given to China in this at the start, although China had had it since the Tang dynasty), and paper currency (with paper having been invented in the 2nd century BCE, over 1200 years before this scenario, and paper currency having been utilized extremely heavily by the Song dynasty beginning a little before this). Guilds were also pretty prevalent in Song China.

China further had huge amounts of philosophical thinkers since even before the Warring States period, with philosophies such as Mohism, Yangism, Legalism, Confucianism, Taoism, Logicians, and more. Chinese philosophy would only be expanded upon as time went on, with rationalist philosophies such as Neo-Confucianism beginning during the Tang dynasty but becoming prominent during the Song. So China should definitely also be given the philosophy technology.

The Middle East was also much more populated than Europe, and much more technology sophisticated...

Kyoto would be better located one tile to the right and up. Similarly, Pyeongyang would be better one tile down and one tile to the right, but then it might be too close to Hanseong. Japan should also be given a city in Kyushu, as a significant portion of its population lives there (a lot more than should be living around Tokyo), and is the origin of Japanese agriculture and civilization. In 1000, Heian-kyo had a population of 150,000, much larger than any city in Western Europe than Cordoba. Japan should also have much more people than Scandinavia.

Great Zimbabwe should be given a gold resource, as gold exportation is pretty much the only reason as to how they got incredibly wealthy and powerful.

Angkor was also larger than any European city in 1000 minus Cordoba. It definitely shouldn't less people than places such as Paris.

Mesoamerica and the Andes were also heavily populated and had civilization long prior to 1100. The Mexica and Tawantinsuyu merely represented the latest powerful entities of both Mesoamerican and Andean civilizations before they were destroyed by the Spanish. It would be like if the game only had Turks, so for a Turkish state you had the Turks found a city in Anatolia, as if the Byzantines never existed.

I will definitely give China more technologies (philosophy and machinery). Gunpowder is excessive though: they should not be able to build Musketmen this early. I will give them a few Hwachas though.

For Japan, would Nara (,_Nara) be a good city to add to the south? It seems to have been fairly important, even serving as a capital earlier.

For Great Zimbabwe, fair point. Do you think I should remove the gold on the South African coast, so that there is only one gold in the region, or just add a gold?

I will definitely give the Inca and Aztec starting cities. Do you know of any important factions in the region at that time which are currently under-represented?

Finally, do you guys think that I should move the entire tech level up (i.e. give Europe, Asia, India and the Middle East Machinery and Civil Services, give Asia, India and the Middle East additional technologies on top of that, etc?
I gave a lot of Asian nations better techs, and am pleasantly surprised: Preview: Stuff actually happens in India!
I will definitely give China more technologies (philosophy and machinery). Gunpowder is excessive though: they should not be able to build Musketmen this early. I will give them a few Hwachas though.

For Japan, would Nara (,_Nara) be a good city to add to the south? It seems to have been fairly important, even serving as a capital earlier.

For Great Zimbabwe, fair point. Do you think I should remove the gold on the South African coast, so that there is only one gold in the region, or just add a gold?

I will definitely give the Inca and Aztec starting cities. Do you know of any important factions in the region at that time which are currently under-represented?

Finally, do you guys think that I should move the entire tech level up (i.e. give Europe, Asia, India and the Middle East Machinery and Civil Services, give Asia, India and the Middle East additional technologies on top of that, etc?

Nah, Nara wouldn't. Nara and Kyoto would probably be on the same tile, if anything. Dazaifu would be a better city, and it's of pretty historic significance, especially during this time period, when its the political center of Kyushu. It should be on the forested tile, I think.

I think adding a gold would be better. There'd be one to keep, and one to trade if Zimbabwe expands to that area.

Important factions in the region? What do you mean by that?
Nah, Nara wouldn't. Nara and Kyoto would probably be on the same tile, if anything. Dazaifu would be a better city, and it's of pretty historic significance, especially during this time period, when its the political center of Kyushu. It should be on the forested tile, I think.

I think adding a gold would be better. There'd be one to keep, and one to trade if Zimbabwe expands to that area.

Important factions in the region? What do you mean by that?

Huh, when I added Nara, it ended up on a different tile. Remember, Nara is on the East Coast of Japan, while Kyoto is on the West coast. However, you are right that Dazaifu at this point is more important.

I decided eventually to move the gold, because overall, the map has a paucity of it, and I don't want to put too much of it one place. I'm open to revisiting this decision if it appears that Great Zimbabwe is underpowered, but they look ok for me.

For Mesoamerica I guess it will become more clear once I release the updated version of the area.
Huh, when I added Nara, it ended up on a different tile. Remember, Nara is on the East Coast of Japan, while Kyoto is on the West coast. However, you are right that Dazaifu at this point is more important.

I decided eventually to move the gold, because overall, the map has a paucity of it, and I don't want to put too much of it one place. I'm open to revisiting this decision if it appears that Great Zimbabwe is underpowered, but they look ok for me.

For Mesoamerica I guess it will become more clear once I release the updated version of the area.

Nara is in western Japan, probably less than 30 miles away. The distance between them, I'm pretty sure, is smaller than the distance between New York City and Philadelphia.

Are you sure you aren't confusing it with another city? Because Nara is actually closer to the west coast than Kyoto (which is more inland).
Nara is in western Japan, probably less than 30 miles away. The distance between them, I'm pretty sure, is smaller than the distance between New York City and Philadelphia.

Are you sure you aren't confusing it with another city? Because Nara is actually closer to the west coast than Kyoto (which is more inland).

Oh, never mind. I misinterpreted its location based on the Wikipedia map
Spoiler :
1100 CE Change Log
Fixed the names of religious buildings/missionaries
removed a leading space from the “Song” adjective
Tlingut -> Tlingit
Made lumbermills buildable on jungles
Gave the Aztec a settled city (Tula at the start, and an extra worker and Jaguar
Gave the Inca a settled city and an extra worker
Gave native Chan Chan a worker
Gave China Philosophy and Machinery
Gave Korea Theology, Philosophy, Paper, and the Compass
Gave China two Hwachas to represent Chinese gunpowder
Angkor has a population of 3 (same as Paris)
Gave Japan Dazaifu
Gave Asoka (West India) Philosophy and Compass
Gave Chola, Khmer and Sirivijaya Drama, Paper and Philosophy
Gave Japan Drama and Compass
Moved the South African Gold to great Zimbabwe
Removed visible patches of random terrain from Khmer, Japan

I have implemented many of captaincoconut's excellent suggestions, most notably increasing Asia's tech level and population to match or exceed Europe's and giving Mesoamerican civilizations starting cities. I have also fixed several minor bugs and misnamings, and started the process of making jungles more useful in the late game, by making lumbermills buildable on them.

People, do you believe that, Europe, Asia and the Middle East should have civil services researched from the start? Irrigation and bureaucracy after all were both already common in this time period.
Do you think that there should be a city at the start in Algeria?

Spoiler :

Replaced Barbarians with region-specific minor civilizations (Middle East, Steppe, Asian, Natives, African, European). This means there is no more need to manually add techs to the barbs
Removed Ghaznavid-French Contact
Change the Argentinian adjective from Argentine to Argentinian
Change the Argentinian leader’s names to renderable characters

Middle East:
Made Jerusalem Catholic holy city again
Egypt is now the “Arab Civilization” and uses the Arab flag decal and unique buildings/units. It retains Egyptian colors
Gave the Konya Seljuks many more units so that they pose a more credible threat to the Byzantines
Added temples to Jerusalem and Damascus

Gave Khmer more units so they fare better against the Asian minor civ
Gave Mongols non-Lemming AI and many more units, including a settler in their Kazakh stack
Removed divine right from the Chinese
Made peace between Khwazremids and Ghaznavids
Move Chola capital to where a mountain was. Give them a rice in place of their current capital
Renamed Samarkand to Samarqand so that Mongols don’t build Samarqand in the late game
Give India, and Southeast Asia in general more techs
Extend Timor Island to two tiles, so that it can be divided as it is today
Moved Karakorum South of lake Baikal
Strengthened Indian civ

Replace Novgorod with Poland, and merge Novgorod with Kiev. Added Danzig as a seaport for the Poles
added a German knight near Konigsberg to represent Teutonic crusaders
Move Novgorod 1 South so St. Petersburg is buildable
-1 population in Constantinople
Removed Devine Right from Byzantines
Gave Veliko Tarnovo to the Hungarians and added a theater there so that it resists Constantinople culture
Made Konigsberg pop 2 so that it isn’t auto-razed
Give more techs to Europe.
Christianized Vikings

Add 1 population to Tula, Cuzco and Chechen Itza

The biggest changes in this version are:

1: I have added region-specific minor civilizations, (Middle East, Steppe, Asian, Natives, African, European) to replace Barbarians. This not only represents local tech level more realistically, it also removes the need to manually give Barbarians techs via worldbuilder, since there are no more Barbarian cities at the start of the game

2: Novgorod has been replaced with Poland, which makes more sense historically and makes Europe more interesting overall
Since Atomic Gamer is dead, I am going to publish what new work I've done on this via Sourceforge.

Changelog for Version 4:

Spoiler :

Added Polish civilization with its own leaderhead, UU and UB
Change Maceman to 6 Strength, +100% against Meele (, The chief tactical virtue of the two-handed flail was its capacity to defeat a defender's shield or avoid it entirely. Its chief liability was a lack of precision and the difficulty of using it in close combat, or closely ranked formations.)
Add a Heavy Swordsman, that has 8 Strength, and +50% city attack, to break the Medieval Stalemate
Gave the Konya Seljuks a stack of Heavy Swordsmen near Sinope
Changed Mongol Keishek to a knight replacement with appropriate stats
Fix Berserker to have +50% city attack and no hill attack
Added Indonesian Civilization with UU, UB and LH
Christianized Ireland, Scotland and Iceland
Make an independent Celtic Civilization that controls Scotland and Ireland and is minor (Celtic Peoples)
Give Korea techs to go with the region
Give Poland a worker
Added two new placeholder techs: Papacy (founds Catholicism and allows the Apostolic Palace) and Shia Islam (founds Shia Islam)

Download here:
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