RFC Classical World

Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy guys, for every mod, the mod creator has a final say in what goes in and usually it's because they want to use it. That's the beauty of mods - the creator and the end user often are one and the same. It can also be an issue (something I've experienced myself during my software projects). We're here for the ride and for ideas and testing, nothing else.
The OP should be updated: the number of Indian dynasties should be changed. BTW, Srpt, what are your thoughts about Ghana? You don't like it or you just need some suggestions (not that I can make them, just interested)?
EDIT: Can you post some links to information about Harsha? All I found was articles about people.
The OP should be updated: the number of Indian dynasties should be changed. BTW, Srpt, what are your thoughts about Ghana? You don't like it or you just need some suggestions (not that I can make them, just interested)?
EDIT: Can you post some links to information about Harsha? All I found was articles about people.

Harsha was a single individual dynasty, I believe.
svn 256

fixed Seleucid victory screen and the province name display

about Ghana: they are just not really early enough are they?

and "get lost" is a figure of speech. what I meant was "this one is my way or the highway, don't bother trying to change my mind". I think the meaning was pretty clear to see.
there is now a script that gives the AI bonus production or gold in certain cases instead of the slave unit.

I dont know hos Python works out but is it possible to make a script that would make AI to settle slaves in cities and not to use them as workers if certain terms match, like low production, surplus food and already existing number of slaves.

I dont know how it would turn out but I think it would be much better solution than out of nowhere bonuses.
the bonuses are not "out of nowhere"

introduced a simple call when the AI would get a slave. if the AIs capital is building a building and still needs at least 45 hammers, it gets the 60 hammers there. if if its not building a building but has less then 10 gold, it gets 20 gold. otherwise it gets the slave unit.

adding a call to assess the suitability of a settled slave is a bit more complex and could slow the game down if it got called a lot. I may add it later.

svn 257

new Sassanid UP: can build state religion buildings as long as you can currently research the prerequired techs
Alright then... Mod is in steamapps, mods, everything. However, the game still simply loads back to regular bts. Any help? I understand that this is an important thread and I am contributing nothing... But if I am able to get this goingn I would love to provide feedback. Even if the kind people on this thread aren't able to help, could you please direct me to a thread that might help? Or somebody that might be able to? Thanks a bunch
unfortunately, I cannot, as my computer is being difficult in that regard. However, this is the order the file is in: Program files/Steam/steamapps/common/Sid Meiers Civilization 4 Beyond the Sword/beyond the sword/mods. RFCW listed with all of the other BtS mods. In the folder are two folders called Assets and Private maps, below is read.me.txt, and below that RFC Classical World.ini. Inside Private maps are the start date maps, however if i click on them they simply bring up what i believe is the code for the map. Assets folder contains the following folders: Art, Python, Res, Sounds, XML. There are, below those, pages containing units, leaderheads, etc. Im sorry that this wasnt much help, and i will try to get a picture in the morning if my computer works fine. Will this info help?
Srpt, is there a way to achieve a positive outcome from the religion column ?

In all my games I don't ever declare a state religion (I even avoid researching it) because all my cities end up having like 3-4 religions present and I am afraid that declaring a state religion will create so much unhappiness
I was able to select BtS to open it, specifically beyond.the.sword.exe im pretty sure, however now the same problem occurs where it only loads regular BtS, with the exception of the mod name in the top right.
the bonuses are not "out of nowhere"

adding a call to assess the suitability of a settled slave is a bit more complex and could slow the game down if it got called a lot. I may add it later.

I have some ideas:

About call: how about a call is made when a new slave unit has been created (enslaved)? That does not happen on every turn so it likely would not slow game too much.

Slave logic: slaves are primarily used as workers but every time when a new slave has been created game runs a check if slaves can be settled in cities. Problem here is how many slaves can be settled into one city without making it useless (preventing pop growth), so:

AI will settle a slave in cities which are more than size of 3, has a positive food growth and checks existing slaves in cities. I think a good balance would be one slave for each pop after size of 3. So city size of 4 can have one slave, city size of 5 can have 2 slaves and so one... This checking can and should be more complex because it can be done better and number of slaves should not prevent city growing. Also some mechanics are needed like which cities are settled first, the nearest or largest? I think largest would make sense more because likely it is a capital and border cities that are under constant thread would not be a slave dominated.

What do you think?
svn 260

fixed the Chera UHVs

added some Arabic city names in Anatolia

made the Byzantine's extra stability UP more powerful, especially for the AI
Imho, it's not their stability that causes them to collapse. Its their military.

They just can't cope with the Sassanids' UU and heavy horse archers. Especially while using heavy spearmen. I haven't ever seen them creating foederatis, and they always seem to turtle to their flipped areas, instead of going out and conquer.
hmmm I wonder why they don't build their UU?

I have a plan for how to add the Scythians

they will not be in the start menu and will not appear unless the human player chooses to play them

I think I will have them retain some characteristics of the currently implemented nomad civs: a different unit roster and very limited buildings, units built with food to keep their cities small

I'm not sure about the hidden nationality UU. I would feel strange giving this ability to the human played Scythians but not the other hordes. I wonder if the other hordes would use it properly if they had it

the easiest way I can think of doing the moveable cities/camps is making it a unit ability because I know how to add python buttons to a unit. I would use the warlord unit. the ability would destroy the city and grant a settler.

I wasn't kidding about more Indian civs. I'm going to add the Khalabras, spawning in 250AD as a respawn of some dead civ. their goals will be: conquer 5 cities very fast, ensure that both Buddhism and Jainism are more popular in India than Hinduism at some date, ensure that no Indian civ is running Caste System or has Hinduism as a state religion at a later date.
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