[BTS] [RFC DoC] - game crash after new turn

Instead of spending your time on the save/reload solution, please try to delete unit stacks in the game to see if that fixes the crash. A save with information about which stack is responsible would help me a lot more than this.
I searched through other threads and found https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/pae-trouble-shooting.526567/ where people also had this problem.
On page 4 is a link to https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/at-long-last-1-21-released.522062/page-2#post-13112876 where it is said that the problem seams to be a bug from BTS itself.
And also in the PAE-thread page 4 is a link to https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/infinite-loop-bts-1-01.389940/ where a sollution from Afforess is presented (which I honestly just didn't understand).

The problem seams to happen mostly with pirate/privateer units (says the thread) so in my game I deleted all such units and could play on. Hope this helps.
I like to try alternative methods than deleting stacks of troops one by one cause that also sounds time consuming. But let me explain few things that got me, once again, through this crashing error:

I tried deleting all the barbs I could find, even the animals were not safe, but no luck there so I decided to do things differently -> LOAD -1turn -> I didn't counquer Babylon-city, I didn't move 3 of my workers, 1 pikeman stood still instead of moving after being completed, I attacked barb city radius, but didn't kill anyone -> TADAA I survived crashing turn.

I know Leoreth you don't get much info out of this like you said. Just wanted to point out how unlogical and minor that annoying glitch might be that is crashing these games.
Ok, would this be helpful? Encountered yet another error and my last hope was deleting those unit in WB. I chose randomly England deleting all their SHIPS IN SEA...maybe some 5 to 7 and some of them were stacked :shifty:. Clicked next turn and I made it, again! No error. I really don't know whatta hell happened, but if this makes sense to you guys here's the savegame BEFORE deleting.


That only helped a few turns. Next time I get on by starting the Reformation which made the error disappear.


Yeah, definitely something spooky going on because I always get by a few turns until a new crashing error comes along.


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That's very helpful, thanks. Limiting the suspects to only naval units makes my job a lot easier.
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