The following numbers need to be changed:
Owners of the units, owners of cities, owner of the culture in a city, revealed tiles for civs
You can't just use the text replace option straightforward, that will mess up the coordinates as well. But with a little trick, it can be used.
We start with the unitowner and cityowners. Both can be changed at the same time. Open the "replace text" option in the text editor. (Ctrl+h)
Search for: Owner=[U]45[/U]
Replace with: Owner=[U]46[/U]
Click the "Replace all" button. Now, all units and cities which belonged to civ 45 now belong to civ 46. Lower the numbers (underlined) by 1 and repeat this step. Repeat this step until the number in "search for" equals the teamnumber of the newly added civ. (So if you added a civ with teamnumber 36, "Owner=36" is the last one you should replace)
NOTE: It's important you start with the highest number. (Which is 45) Otherwise you will change all numbers to 46.
Next we will change the cultureowner. This is done the same way as the unitowners and cityowners. Open the replace text option again.
Search for: Player[U]45[/U]Culture
Replace with: Player[U]46[/U]Culture
Replace all. Lower the numbers (underlined) by 1 and repeat this step. The number you new civ has should be the last number you replace.
Last, we will change the teamrevealed plots. These are by far the most numerous numbers. It is done the same way as above.
Search for: TeamReveal=[U]45[/U],
Replace with: TeamReveal=[U]46[/U],
Note the comma after the number.
Replace all, lower underlined numbers by 1 and repeat until the number of the new civ is the number in "search for".
Also search and replace what's below. (Note the commas before and after the number)
Search for: ,[U]45[/U],
Replace with: ,[U]46[/U],
This should do it.