RFC Germania

I would still be willing to help, although as I've said before, my coding ability is absolutely 0.
Glad to see some interest still. I'll have to try some of the python, but again my skills are low.

As long as we can get the basics down, UHVs and UPs can come later
as long as you are willing to do the work, I (and others, I'm sure) will help you get over any problems.

alot of stuff can be almost direct cut-and-paste from other mods. there are 5 fully functional mods to take examples from (DoC, SoI, RFCE, RFCA, RFCCW).

you can easily do a basic HRE function using the UN or AP. just change what the resolutions do and add the rest in python.

here is a bit of a clue about how the python works:

the "top of the tree" as far as we are concerned for now is a file called CvRFCEventHandler.py. this is where the triggers are, and here they are in a list:
Spoiler :
eventManager.addEventHandler("GameStart", self.onGameStart)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("OnLoad", self.onLoadGame)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("OnPreSave", self.onPreSave)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("BeginGameTurn", self.onBeginGameTurn)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("EndGameTurn", self.onEndGameTurn)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("BeginPlayerTurn", self.onBeginPlayerTurn)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("EndPlayerTurn", self.onEndPlayerTurn)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("firstContact", self.onFirstContact)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("cityAcquired", self.onCityAcquired)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("goldenAge", self.onGoldenAge) # srpt
		eventManager.addEventHandler("cityAcquiredAndKept", self.onCityAcquiredAndKept)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("cityRazed", self.onCityRazed)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("cityBuilt", self.onCityBuilt)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("combatResult", self.onCombatResult)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("buildingBuilt", self.onBuildingBuilt)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("projectBuilt", self.onProjectBuilt)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("techAcquired", self.onTechAcquired)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("religionSpread", self.onReligionSpread)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("unitSpreadReligionAttempt", self.onUnitSpreadReligionAttempt)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("playerChangeStateReligion", self.onPlayerChangeStateReligion)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("vassalState", self.onVassalState)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("changeWar", self.onChangeWar)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("unitBuilt", self.onUnitBuilt)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("revolution", self.onRevolution)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("setPlayerAlive", self.onSetPlayerAlive)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("greatPersonBorn", self.onGreatPersonBorn)
		eventManager.addEventHandler("kbdEvent", self.onKbdEvent)

you can mod in other triggers, but as you can see thats a pretty good list.

further down in that file each trigger has an entry and you can tell the game to do something there. usually what you tell it to do is to call another function in another file, like Victory.py or CityNameManager.py or whatever.

the best thing to do with python is just try something. I probably won't work but its guaranteed that you'll learn something.
Before the break, I started on the regions. I think we should finish that first. With that, we can give civs a core, flip area and all other consts dealing with the regions. (Look at rev. 49 to see how it's done)

Also, you can design the tech tree. There isn't any coding required at all for this.
Or the list of generic buildings/units etc.

These are very easy to code, but we have to know what we need to code.
What happened to the spreadsheet?!
What the...

It seems someone used the spreadsheet for another mod, deleting our information.

I hope I can turn it back. For know, I disabled editing for everyone.

Good news, I managed to revert back to our latest version.
I will keep the spreadsheet locked down. Only the ones with permission can edit the file.
No permission required for looking at the file or posting remarks.
The discussion should be on the forum ofcourse.

Onle Flame, BairtheNormal and myself can edit the spreadsheet.
PM your google account if you also want too.

Spoiler :
It seems that someone started an own project since october 23. (Someone called Jacub S.)
I wish him good luck with his project, if he ISNT USING OUR SPREADSHEET.

It also seems he isn't really aware of what RFC really is, looking at the UP suggestions he made.
Don't let the mod die! :sad:
Ugh... I don't want it to, but my attempts to code things farther haven't exactly worked as planned.

Tech tree is just research I have to do, and lack the time. I wish for this to continue and if support is still there I'll try, but again I lack the coding experience (and time to learn python). You guys have put in a ton of work for this, so I don't want this to die...

Regions and techs are just research right now and I'll start more research (and if some assistance on that could come as well), but won't have as much time until late next week.
I've put some regions in a new tab for core and border for the civs. I don't know if that's enough (probably not) and the sizes and names might be a little off, but it's a start.
The files are all there if anyone wants to do it. I just don't have the time or experience... sadly
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