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RIP Jr Seau


Aug 5, 2011
Junior Seau, a local hero here in Oceanside, died today, supposedly due to a self inflicted gun shot the chest.

Personally, I blame Courtney Love.
Jeez, that's a big shock.

That's eight members of the 94 Super Bowl team who are dead now.

Go ahead and call roll, and you find that linebacker Lew Bush died last December from a heart attack. Defensive lineman Chris Mims died the same year that teammate Shawn Lee was a victim of cardiac arrest. Mims had an enlarged heart. Running back Rodney Culver was killed in a plane crash. Linebacker David Griggs was killed in a car crash. Linebacker Doug Miller was struck by lightning. Center Curtis Whitley died of a drug overdose.

Now this.
RIP too early
If this was anything like Dave Duerson's death, I'm really starting to get uncomfortable with football.
RIP. :(
If this was anything like Dave Duerson's death, I'm really starting to get uncomfortable with football.
Four posts.

I'm actually surprised it took that long.
I didn't really know much about him until his TV series: Sports Jobs with Junior Seau.

Link to video.

I am literally stunned that he would commit suicide.
If this was anything like Dave Duerson's death, I'm really starting to get uncomfortable with football.

Well there were no symptoms (that have come out) of depression except for one 'falling asleep at the wheel' incident. Several people/friends had been with him in the last few days (J.Rice) and said he was his normal jovial self. It is quite sad regardless. I find it interesting if 'found' by his 'girlfriend'... they are so sure of suicide (and so quick) if there were no red flags or suicide note.
Watching his mother yesterday was heartbreaking.
Well there were no symptoms (that have come out) of depression except for one 'falling asleep at the wheel' incident. Several people/friends had been with him in the last few days (J.Rice) and said he was his normal jovial self. It is quite sad regardless. I find it interesting if 'found' by his 'girlfriend'... they are so sure of suicide (and so quick) if there were no red flags or suicide note.
He texted 3 family members "I love you".
Oh, this was crushing for me to hear. I was so shocked and saddened by this. I wish his family all the best.
Well there were no symptoms (that have come out) of depression except for one 'falling asleep at the wheel' incident. Several people/friends had been with him in the last few days (J.Rice) and said he was his normal jovial self. It is quite sad regardless. I find it interesting if 'found' by his 'girlfriend'... they are so sure of suicide (and so quick) if there were no red flags or suicide note.

If he shot himself through the heart...

You can be your jovial self to others and still be depressed. Generally, when trying to figure out if someone was depressed, the fact they killed themselves has more weight than the fact that family thought they seemed happy.
OK, thanks. My point was how are they so sure of suicide so quickly.
r.i.p Seau. The man was truly the LB of a generation.
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