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RNES2 - Strategy or Diplomacy

alrighty guys, i'm awake, will send pms in a little bit.

again, sorry bout the long delay on the update (took me what? a week? lol)
BTW Nivi, be almost sure i'll give you the money, cause exapt for invading africa and defensing from texas, I have nothing to do lol... and invading africa won't happan...
To Bolivia
From Australia

I do not consider the DPP to be activated when you started the war. Also, you don't seem to be in need of my help.
OOC: Roddy, unless I made a lotta mistakes in my orders, I have we have a few things to fix. But I see you on AIM, so I'll talk to you there ;).

alrighty, seems i made a few mistakes. if you guys see anything with the map that seems wrong (like you attacked some place, but it aint showing or something) then please tell me.
the PMs should be done in about 10 mins (it takes me a while to copy/paste though so it might be a bit longer before you actualy get them)

please look over the stuff in there and tell me if anything is wrong. because i started/stoped doing the update so many times, its likely that i missed some stuff and messed up some other stuff, so i'm expecting a few errors. i would like to get them fixes asap so that there's no confusion later.
Btw, roddy, next time when i say sprinkle, you put armies one by one on the border untill i am out of cash, ok?
It's not my fault that he never read my msg to him about how much he is giving me. :( This suck.
to Africa:
We will give you 15c this turn, and 15c next turn, I belive 30c are enough?

BTW after looking at the PM, I know I can beat you up still, only 2 armies in each place?! are you forgeting you was at war?!

Nivi, get on AIM (if you have it, what's your name on it?)

or i'll have to talk to you via PM or somehting.
you're misunderstanding what happened to you last turn.
I'm RoddyVR on Aim. send me an IM

Azale your PM box is full, empty it and tell me, i'll send your country Info.

to everyone

The info PMs have some wierdneses in them that i didnt notice (thanks jason for pionting them out).
the line that sais "Forces In Consisting of Belonging To" is supposed to be headers for the stuff under it. for some reason it didnt allign right.
also the spying info part for some reason seems to list your onw sea units. i think its cause the database dont think of anyone as owning the sea provinces, so it lists stuff in them.
I don't have aim, can't install it on this bloody comuter, send me a pm, and ill replay ASAP (probably a few mins from when i get it)
To bolivia:

Just send me the money.
The whole army thing was a mistake, i didn't spend a heap of what i had, and if you want to you can confirm with roddy.
Nivi, just this time in your orders don't forget to write you give me all thos provinces (TUN MAI NIG LIB)
and I won't forgot to give you your 15c 4 provinces, and maybe a present of 15 armies!!! but only maybe...
I do not need a show of force from you, i have other things to deal with.I will not forget them when i will send the orders. Like i can do anything at my currunt position.
Sent orders.

To erez, i did not forget about our deal, hope you won't 2. And i hope you are not sending me armies a a 'gift'.
Ok, I still havn't sent orders, not sure where to take all thos 15 armies in CAP...
Want them? if I turn the land to you, all armies in it are yours... and the armies in RHO must be yours, want it or not lol....
In KEN i'll take the army alone, and frmo CAP i'll try building enough transports... what that left will be yours, cause when I turn the country, I also give up the armies...
Oh, i thought if you hand a place over the armies get teleported to the capitol, just made civ3 sense to me.
If you realy don't have anything to do with them i will be willing to pay, say 2c for every army (the thing is, ill have to do my orders, again, and i realy hate doing it, but, if i get the armies in cheap i will do it).
Nivi! No
Instead next turn I will pay you 15-(c*2)
c= # of armies I give you... Don't change orders.
Ok, this dows not mean i will get 7 armies, right? Maybe lower?

Hope with this signed peace we can be friends and maybe even sign a MA against someone. (i have someone in mind but i need to set up my forces before i do anything)
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