The Story of the crew of
United Humanity Long Distance Exploration Odyssey 2169
UHLDE-Odyssey 2169

Welcome. This is a play-by-post game of the pen and paper roleplaying game GURPS (4th edition). The introductory story is just below but first, one important rule…
Anyone is welcome to post in this thread. However, if you are not one of the players listed below, please do so in SPOILERS tags.
In 2010, NASA sponsored scientists based in Hawaii found the first exoplanet deemed suitable for human life. This planet is over 20 light years away from Earth, in the Libra constellation. Gliese 581g, as it is named, is situated just in that sweet spot, affectionately called “goldilocks zone”; that is not too close, nor too far, from its red dwarf parent star.

Against all odds, in 2151, after much exploratory efforts, Gliese 581g was still the only exoplanet discovered with these qualities. While dwindling resources on Earth still hadn’t made tensions explode yet, there were evident signs that, given a few more hundred years, things could start getting quite ugly. At this point, the United Nations decided to send a team of surveyors towards Gliese 581g (UN resolution 6419B), despite the fact that research into Faster-Than-Light (FTL) travel and hyperdrives had met with failure. Thus, the journey with conventional reaction drives, with current technology allowing a speed of 10-15 % the speed of light, would last 150 years. By the time the team had made it to the exoplanet, it is even conceivable that finally a breakthrough in FTL travel may have happened back on Earth. Still, waiting for better technology is what humanity had been doing for the past 150 years, and the waiting was starting to make world leaders nervous.
Thus on October 30th 2151, the United Nations unanimously resolved to build a super high-tech space ship and train a team of martyrs/heroes to report on Gliese 581g. Construction of the ship started in 2154 and was completed 15 years later. In that same time period, the 7 people meant to board the ship were selected from a worldwide pool of candidates and extensively trained.
The 7 heroes boarded UHLDE-Odyssey 2169 (UHLDE: United Humanity Long Distance Exploration) on October 30th 2171, 20 years to the day after UN resolution 6419B, amidst a poisonous climate that seemed to signify the collapse of the UN itself. These people had almost no hope of seeing anything dear to them ever again. This was a one way trip through space, and time, as they were going to be held in stasis for more than a hundred years. Their mission: construct an outpost base on Gliese 581g and use their comm equipment to report on the suitability of the planet, including on any pre-existing life. This was no colonization mission, but more of an attempt to throw an eye at a distant planet in case no better opportunity showed itself in the future.
The distance to be traveled was 20.5 light years (6,3 parsecs), towards the Libra constellation. Stasis was not perfected yet, and the body of those involved was going to age a certain number of years that was hard to estimate.
UHLDE-Odyssey 2169
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This advanced metallic laminate armor ship is a 3,000 tons ship that is 70 yards long and has the shape of a rather lopsided dumbbell. Its front hull contains most of the usable space (labs, factory, sick bay, cabins, and vehicle hangars) and looks like a thick disk on one end of the dumbbell. The middle hull is almost entirely dedicated to cargo holds along with a triple missile launcher turret (meant to be used to attack space debris) and an engine room. The back hull is the large side of the dumbbell; about three times the size of the front disk, this area contains an antimatter thermal rocket engine powered by large fuel tanks of hydrogen that dominate the appearance of the ship.
The first vessel constructed by humanity for this purpose, it is meant to bring a small crew to a very distant exoplanet where surveying equipment, labs and cargo may be used to setup a first outpost and report on the planet using binary digit data transfer as was the case with the Arecibo message in 1974. The only weapon is meant to be used to fire at asteroids or space objects to get them out of the way.
The first vessel constructed by humanity for this purpose, it is meant to bring a small crew to a very distant exoplanet where surveying equipment, labs and cargo may be used to setup a first outpost and report on the planet using binary digit data transfer as was the case with the Arecibo message in 1974. The only weapon is meant to be used to fire at asteroids or space objects to get them out of the way.

Our cast:
(no open positions right now, but if you are interested do send me a PM since it’s not out of the question that there could be new characters, replacements needed, or later games):
Kan’ Sharuminar as Sergeant Quentin Daniel Gregory aka “Nads”
Quentin D. Gregory was born in Manchester, England to a working-class family. He had an unremarkable upbringing and education, before enlisting in the Parachute Regiment when he was 17. For four years he served in various locations, mainly in peacekeeping and garrison duties, before being selected for SAS training. He showed particular adeptness in small-arms weapons, as well as scoring highly on his survival training.
With these skills, and with the benefit of having few personal ties to Earth, Sergeant Gregory was selected for the manned mission to Gliese 581g, as the main security and weapons officer, and to provide an advisory role should the planet prove to be able to support human life.
PrinceScamp as Alexander Fraser PhD
Alexander Fraser was born and raised in Yellowknife, North West Province, Canada. His parents both worked in the booming mining industry in Canada's northern regions. While he was never one of the popular kids (partly because he had nearly double their IQ) his dislike of being alone forced him to overcome shyness at a young age and he was known for his honesty. Following in his father's footsteps Alex attended the University of British Columbia after being awarded a massive scholarship. As one of the most promising and brilliant students he was fast tracked for selection for a top secret UN exploratory mission to another planet and was awarded an honourary PhD prior to departure (there had not been enough time to complete it normally). However, an 'accident' during the final day of field training for these candidates involving explosives (no foul play was ever proven although suspicion rests upon a fellow candidate) nearly killed him and several other candidates. Alexander's left arm and hand were badly injured and artificial implants using cybernetics were surgically installed as a replacement granting ambidexterity on top of a spark producing mechanism activated by a flick of the fingers (accidental flicks being highly unlikely).
CivGeneral as specialized agent Nozomi Valentine
Nozomi Valentine was born and raised in southeastern New England. Her mother was an immigrant from Japan and a member of a secretive ninja clan who fell in love with an American Army officer. Nozomi has gained her ninjutsu training directly from her mother. Growing up, she developed a distant personality due mainly because of being teased. Determined not to let the teasing get to her, she honed into her skills. Later, she was chosen to enter in the expedition to another planet. Largely thanks to the recommendations from her father.
Duke Lawless as MD Laszlo Martin
Laszlo Martin was born in Manhattan to completely unremarkable parents in completely unremarkable circumstances, despite having been born in one of the largest and most populous mega-cities in the world. Outwardly he's average in every way, and his early life reflects that. He was well-liked but not popular, a good student but not top of his class, and so on and so forth. The one thing that differentiated him from his peers, and what ultimately landed him a position on this mission, was his dedication to his work and his skill as a diagnostician combined with his eagerness to serve. He's a genuinely talented individual but he hides it well, and largely unintentionally, under a veneer of complete ordinariness.
Rubrum (aka SimonL, me) your host and friendly Game Master (GM).
GURPS LITE. We are using the full GURPS rules, but GURPS lite still lists the general concepts of the game and can help you understand.
Skill Categories. To filter out the zounds of GURPS skills more easily.
Combat Cheat Sheet. Strongly suggested. Lists all the maneuvers you can use in combat. Note that I will most likely be taking care of most defensive maneuvers so as not to bog down the game, but your choice of maneuver on your turn determines which defenses are available during that turn (ex: doing an ALL-OUT-ATTACK leaves you with no defenses, so if someone rolls a success on an attack roll on you after you made an ALL-OUT-ATTACK, you don’t get to try to dodge)
GURPS jargon
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For more details, look in the books! Especially in the "Campaigns" book.
d: Many RPGs use a variety of dice. A 20-sided dice is known as a d20, so rolling two of them would be "roll 2d20". However, GURPS only uses the 6 sided dice. So by convention in GURPS, we never add the "6". For instance, no point saying this attack causes 3d6 damage if all rolls are always d6. So we'd just say "roll 3d".
DR: Damage resistance (armor and materials have DR, this is the amount of damage an attack has to cause before it even starts to damage the person or the structure. For instance, you get hit for 4 damage but have an armor that gives you 1 DR, the damage that penetrates is 3. Basically, armor doesn't help you avoiding hits, but it reduces the damage. To avoid getting hit, you have to count on your Dodge, Block and Parry)
FP: Fatigue points (not too hard to recover, but when used up, can cause slowing down and collapse)
SL: Skill level (this is your skill level in one skill; the number you have to roll (equal or under) to succeed at an average task, many modifiers (mods) will often be applied depending on the situation)
TL: Technology level. Applied to people, equipment, campaigns, to represent technology level. TL 3 represents middle age stuff, TL4 is musket and cannons, TL 8 is modern and digital days, TL 12 is super sci-fi with arcologies and stuff that is hard to imagine
Hints, tips, guidelines, rules, old cat ladies
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- Everything that isn’t an action or character discussion should be put in spoilers. So questions regarding what the character can and cannot do will probably be in spoiler tags. PM to me is also alright.
- Post actions in third person, if you really want to refer to game mechanics, put them in parenthesis. Ex: Dr Joe takes aim and shoots when the monster is in range (aim maneuver, wait maneuver and shoot when monster is in range)
- Just because I didn’t mention something doesn’t mean it’s not there. Example; you’re hiding in a maintenance closet. I didn’t describe all the content of the closet, so if you ask to get an item like bleach from the closet, there are good chances that there will indeed be bleach in there. So while sometimes it’s ok to just “look for stuff in general”, it’s also ok to say “I look in that desk to see if I couldn’t find some glue” …
- In combat, if possible, try to anticipate what your character may want to do for the next couple of rounds. Feel free to “program” your future actions with “if/then” logics.
- There won’t be a specific pattern to when I’ll post updates. Don’t wait for me to answer to every single post before describing more actions. Sometimes posting the fact that you’re done can help, even if it’s just “Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner gets up and looks out the window” (with his… neck…
. Feel free to converse between yourselves and such, don’t necessarily wait for me to update unless an update is obviously necessary (mid-combat, or everybody is waiting to see what they found in the different corners of the room they each explored).
- For the sake of keeping things moving, I will most likely have to, once in a while, decide on a reasonable course of action for someone. That’s just the way Play-by-Post games tend to work. I will try to keep this to a minimum, but it’s likely to happen if you somehow disappear at a particularly crucial moment of the game. But since I’m fairly convinced that this will happen, I think you should be prepared to just accept it. If it does happen, it’s not a punishment or anything; it’s just for everybody else and the survival of the game.
- Perhaps the most important part is (related to the point above): if you feel you won’t be able to play for a number of days and such, or if you just don’t want to do this anymore, it’d be better to tell us right away. Many such games have died because posting stopped after everybody waited for that one person who just decided he didn’t want to play anymore or that person who went out on vacation without warning. Lethargy of one brings lethargy of everybody.
- Keep in mind game mastering online like this is kind of new for me (and I haven’t even had the chance to GM in a sustained fashion “irl” for years), so allow for some indulgence, and do PM me any input, ideas or concern you may have.
- While offenses to any of the above are easy to forgive, there will be zero tolerance to any form of internet drama or overreaction. Remember that things aren’t likely to go perfectly well and this is about creating a story. It is not about “winning”, nor is it only about you.
- Post actions in third person, if you really want to refer to game mechanics, put them in parenthesis. Ex: Dr Joe takes aim and shoots when the monster is in range (aim maneuver, wait maneuver and shoot when monster is in range)
- Just because I didn’t mention something doesn’t mean it’s not there. Example; you’re hiding in a maintenance closet. I didn’t describe all the content of the closet, so if you ask to get an item like bleach from the closet, there are good chances that there will indeed be bleach in there. So while sometimes it’s ok to just “look for stuff in general”, it’s also ok to say “I look in that desk to see if I couldn’t find some glue” …
- In combat, if possible, try to anticipate what your character may want to do for the next couple of rounds. Feel free to “program” your future actions with “if/then” logics.
- There won’t be a specific pattern to when I’ll post updates. Don’t wait for me to answer to every single post before describing more actions. Sometimes posting the fact that you’re done can help, even if it’s just “Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner gets up and looks out the window” (with his… neck…

- For the sake of keeping things moving, I will most likely have to, once in a while, decide on a reasonable course of action for someone. That’s just the way Play-by-Post games tend to work. I will try to keep this to a minimum, but it’s likely to happen if you somehow disappear at a particularly crucial moment of the game. But since I’m fairly convinced that this will happen, I think you should be prepared to just accept it. If it does happen, it’s not a punishment or anything; it’s just for everybody else and the survival of the game.
- Perhaps the most important part is (related to the point above): if you feel you won’t be able to play for a number of days and such, or if you just don’t want to do this anymore, it’d be better to tell us right away. Many such games have died because posting stopped after everybody waited for that one person who just decided he didn’t want to play anymore or that person who went out on vacation without warning. Lethargy of one brings lethargy of everybody.
- Keep in mind game mastering online like this is kind of new for me (and I haven’t even had the chance to GM in a sustained fashion “irl” for years), so allow for some indulgence, and do PM me any input, ideas or concern you may have.
- While offenses to any of the above are easy to forgive, there will be zero tolerance to any form of internet drama or overreaction. Remember that things aren’t likely to go perfectly well and this is about creating a story. It is not about “winning”, nor is it only about you.
A bit on reasoning behind choice of forum
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I didn’t choose to post in All Other Games randomly; I pondered and asked opinions around. For a while I thought about the NES forum because it’s the closest to role-playing games we have on CFC. I was granted permission, but NES are rather specific types of games in retrospect. Then I thought of Forum Games, but this game of GURPS isn’t really a Forum Game in the sense that it’s not built for forums; it’s “another game” that exists on the market (GURPS RPG books!), and it’s not meant for forums or invented by forum people either. So it landed here.