Ruff05 - Team SG

hamtastic said:
Signing in for action, if you'll have me.
Long time, no see. You are in!

We could be Gandhi and just build a crapload of fast workers to upgrade everyone else's land (ok, I don't know if it lets you do that in a team game, but it would be funny)
From what I have been told, you can give UU to your team mates and they stay as UU.
We have a 5 man roster. I am going to start a 4v4 game on Emperor in about 20 hrs. The map might not be fractoral as I just played a game on that with two continents - better if we are all on the same island. I might go for a team-game map.

Please report back if you have played a dummy game and have any feedback.

@jeejeep - how do we give a production boost - AND DON'T say MOD!
I played a test game (currently to about 2000BC) on 5v5 emporer and found the following.

It didn't show battles between my forces and barbarians/animals IBT, except if it was featuring Civ#5 units. Am currently about to wage my first war on an enemy AI so will report on whether the same is for that.

Jeep is right about production seeming slow compared to the pace of research. I had BW, IW and AH all researched before I could even produce 1 worker in any of the 5 civs to take advantage of the bronze/iron/horses.

The AIs are all heaps ahead on score but have many cities, while I only had 8 in total but haven't seen any axes/swords only archers and I've already sent a stack of my own their way. They have founded 3 religions, so even in AW, they haven't researched the military techs!!

It does take alot more time.
hmmn - do we play quick speed or normal?
I say normal. I don't think you can give everyone a production boost except for what I'm not supposed to say, but if anyone has modding experience it shouldn't be that hard.
Here is our starting set-up pages ... random civs ...

Here is our settings ... battle team game (left v right) ...

Team 01 - Huayna Capac, Aggressive, Financial

Team 02 - Cyrus, Expansive, Creative

Team 03 - Mongolia (leader unknown), Aggressive, Expansive or Creative

Team 04 - Montezuma, Aggressive, Spiritual

I don't know if we are on the left or the right so I cannot tell you who is on the front line. Current Techs we know: Mysticism, Hunting, Agriculture, The Wheel.

Any comments on city placements and tech priority?
Glad you went with normal speed - I think quick would have really disadvantaged us (since our units would be worthless by the time they got anywhere with the quick teching). I dunno about techs. I actually kind of favor archery (which is a tech I normally refuse to research until everything else is gone), and of course bronze working/iron working will be useful.

Cyrus and Monty should settle in place - others should look around near them a tad bit more, especially Mongolia...
BW first. After that archery is definitely a priority. Cyrus should focus on building and commerce (maybe immortals too), HC might want to try some kind of Quechua rush. Montezuma and the Mongolian leader probably want to build a little to try and secure resources, then war. For random leaders, I am suprised we get four with ancient age UU's.
We could also try for the Civil Service sling shot - we should have a good shot at it given the tech rate.
ruff_hi said:
Team 03 - Mongolia (leader unknown), Aggressive, Expansive or Creative
You might be able to tell from the F8 settings screen.

hamtastic said:
Cyrus and Monty should settle in place
Agreed. I think HC should settle 1S to get off of the flood plain the Settler is standing on. We should probably move the scouts before deciding, though.

ruff_hi said:
We could also try for the Civil Service sling shot - we should have a good shot at it given the tech rate.
Oracle is definitely a possibility with that marble we've got. However, I think Pyramids would be a much better grab for us than the CS slingshot. Opening up all of the government civics for 4 civs -- Wow!
Pyramids definately better than Oracle (both would be good though!!!) for Police State (war weariness is a major issue).

Tech wise, BW and IW would be good. From what I found in the test game I ran, an early axe/sword rush can be more effective than normal. Also knowing these two techs determines early on which cities are military producers (have bronze/iron) and which cities are to produce workers/settlers/wonders. Worker techs as required after this.

Archery I found to be not that important. It seems all civs start with a scout rather than warrior, so no roaming warriors. By the time you see barbarians or enemy troops, should be well down the track, so pick it up late!
I have played a few rounds and found that we are separated from our prey by an ocean. I then read up on battle-ground maps and found that is the standard configuration for left v right. I am here for the battle, not for a bunch of builder, teching turns.

I am going to regenerate on a lakes map (and I just poped animal husbandry from a hut too).
Ruff05-Take II

We are Qin (Ind/Fin), Gandhi (Spi/Ind), Saladin (Phi/Spi) and Peter (Phi/Exp). What a spineless bunch of Civilizations to play as. I had named them Ruff05-1, -2, -3 and -4 because I thought that would make play easier - turns out it doesn't (Ozbenno - feel free to change their names back to the proper ones).

We have all the first column of techs except fishing (actually got fishing from one of the 10 huts I popped). We have also met the enemy (see picture below for details). Gandhi and Saladin are in the back lines (this is good - Gandhi can pump out workers and wonders) with Peter and Qin in the front lines. We have teched Bronze Working - some bronze nearby and I have set the tech to Priesthood (some civs might only be set to Meditation) for the oracle.


The above picture is what we know of our lands. As you can see, the opposition is a total bunch of nut cases. Lucky this is always-war as we would be at war with this bunch anyway. Isabella is just East of Peter.

The other huts provided experience (nice - woodsman II scout), scout and gold x 7.

Ruff_Hi - just played
Ozbenno - up
Conroe - on deck

forgot to mention that I accidently played 11 turns - it is hard to remember when to stop. Also, I was planning on swapping to a worker when cities are at pop 2, got 3 civs right but missed with Gandhi.
Noob lurker question.
In team games can you swop techs before alphabet?
lurker's comment: In a team game all techs are shared with the team as soon as they are reseached, so no need for alphabet.
lurker's comment: This isn't what I envisioned it to be. I thought each player would play a civ, not one player controlling all 4 civs for 5 turns. Is this how it's supposed to be?
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