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Rugby Super 12

Originally posted by Bose
I knew it would be betwwen $4.50-$5, but i can't pass up a chance to take the pi$s... i'm sure you wouldn't either! Any other takers?

I heard this morning that the Christchurch boys beat us 96-16 last year. That doesn't exactly instill me with confidence...

:lol: Yes, it was a very surreal game, i couldn't quite believe what i was seeing.
Did you watch the comedy gala last night? Some Kiwi chick got up and gave herself sh*t for being Kiwi... it's an outrage!!
(Seriously off topic, but only for a sec) It was the Annual Melbourne Comedy Gala, i thought it was televised right across your wide brown new homeland (sorry, couldn't help myself!). Anyway, she got up and said "Let me get this out of the way... six, chips, nipple. Now that you've had your laugh at my screwed up accent i'll begin".

Couldn't believe it. i didn't catch her name, but she was good looking, actually, mabey she wasn't really a Kiwi...

Better get back on topic, I'm going to win CIV$5 of Lord_Byron already when the Tah's flog the Crusaders, do you want in as well? Do you want any points head start?
Well, just a bit off the topic, I'll be checking out the Reds-Hurricanes clash tonight. Will be interesting to see if the Reds can back up after their win last week. Australian sides are 0-5 against the Kiwi sides so far - not a good omen for the Tri-Series or World Cup. Maybe, it'll change tonight. It looks like it'll rain tonight, so the Reds might have more of a chance.
CIV$5 for the Crusaders then...

BUT, i'll give you a head start on points, say 50 or so going by last time around? ;) just joking, but i'm confident i wont need a head start.

I think the Reds are gonna be beaten, although my hometown team the Hurricanes are pretty unpredictable.. one minute they're the greatest thing since sliced bread and the next they're getting beaten by the Bulls!!

Im betting that you guys will have a first win against Kiwi sides playing the Chiefs.
Who's going for who with you NZer's? I take it ur a Hurricane bloke Groovin, and i'm pretty sure your a Waratah Matt, but what about the rest?
Yep, Hurricanes all the way. I'm guessing by Lord_byrons location he's a Crusaders fan.... it would be pretty hard to be anything else in that town without getting into a bit of trouble with the locals!! :lol:
Well that'll be CIV$5 each gentlemen...

Awesome game, i anly got to watch the last 10 minutes, but it was a great watch. Go the 'Tahs!!
Dammit, that was a good penalty kick in the dying minutes. This was the one game i went to the pub to watch on FoxTel, and at half time a storm came and there was no signal for the next rest of the game!!! :mad: Had to wait and watch todays RugbyZone to get the result.

maybe the storm was a omen of things to come in the game.

Well heres your $5 anyway!
I'm guessing by Lord_byrons location he's a Crusaders fan.... it would be pretty hard to be anything else in that town without getting into a bit of trouble with the locals!!

Actually, I am still a die hard 'Canes fan, despite my current location. I actually wore a Black and Gold costume to the Canes-Canty game and was justifiably bottled.
Originally posted by lord_byron_nz

Actually, I am still a die hard 'Canes fan, despite my current location. I actually wore a Black and Gold costume to the Canes-Canty game and was justifiably bottled.

:goodjob: Well, you've certainly earnt my respect wearing the Black & Gold to a game at Lancaster Park. Only the Otago fans are on a equal with the Red & Blacks.

Did the Hurricanes win that game?
So it's the showdown we've all been waiting for... the 'Tah's v 'Canes blockbuster!

Any chance of a brief description of the Wellington ground and the low-down on a touring team's chances of success?
After watching the Reds-Hurricanes match last week, I've gotta say I was impressed with the Wellington defence. Qld were lucky to be awarded their first try and the Hurricanes showed fantastic resolve and determination to hang on and on and not let the Reds over at the end.

I didn't see the NSW game, but they're going to have to mix up their attack and throw everything at Wellington if they want to win. With the Blues and Crusaders losing on the weekend, the comp has opened up and The Huricanes are right in there with a chance.
The Canes main strength is their imposing loose forward trio of Jerry Collins, Rodney So'oialo and Kupu Vanisi. They seem to have been able to dominate every game so far and now that the tight five is performing as well, the Scrum looks as solid as it has done in a long time.

In the backs, Cullen seems to be back to his brilliant best at fullback and the centre combination of No'nu and Umaga is also terrorising the opposition. Question marks have to remain though about the selection of Riki Flutey over David Howell for the Reds game. Hopefully, he is back this week.

Expect the Wellington fans to get in behind their team. The stadium is one of the most imposing for opposition teams to visit and should give the Home team about a 6 point head start.

I'd pick a Canes win but I'm loathe to write off the Waratahs just yet as Wellingotn teams ahve a habit of getting our hopes up and then smashing them.
Taranaki really pumps out those forwards :goodjob: Cullen has been top mark since he visited RSA... And I'm gunning for the Canes as I cannot stand Australian commentators repeating " 'Tahs! "
although i support the Hurricanes i think the Blues will win this year, and the All Blacks will win the world cup to make up for Australia holding the cup.

Also i think that the Wainui High 1st XV would win the super 12 if they were in it
Originally posted by Randy_Campbell
although i support the Hurricanes i think the Blues will win this year, and the All Blacks will win the world cup to make up for Australia holding the cup.

Also i think that the Wainui High 1st XV would win the super 12 if they were in it

Hey (A bit off topic but what the hell) what division is the Wainui High 1st XV in this year. When i played (before the schools merged) the 1st's were only 3rd division and my team (2nds) was playing 5th division.

The 1st's should be awesome now that the 2 high schools have merged
In fear of a massive uprising on this thread, i will dare to say that the All Blacks may be a little too suspect with the pressure on to go all the way in the Cup...

One thing you wont have to worry about is partisan crowds... There are more of you over here than there are over there!

A little OT... i was watching a show last night had an peice on the Eco Challenge (big endurance race) and it had a Kiwi woman telling us about some ordeal and throughout the whole interview they had english sub-titles!! Told you you's had a strange handle on the english lanuage... (for the record, i'm just kidding)
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