Rule Discussion:: CivAssist II

sounds good to me too. a user poll would be a better representation of the populace on this matter.
It's not that I need it for MM for a PBEM; I don't want to calculate the corruption of every city by hand (and considering the placement of the FP, several times?). (The technology tab is nice as well, but it's easy to keep track of how much you've researched.)
:mischief: perhaps those who use it have forgotten how to play without :p

Actually any chance of having the poll open, I'd be interested in seeing who votes for what.
I just don't see the point of being adverse to these programs. :confused: They will not win the game for you. Spoiler information is not minimal, it's non-existant. All it does is to save you time, RL time, and that is a commodity I value above any other. The programs can never substitute any team discussion, they just produce raw data, so I just don't see that argument. I would be very annoyed if these programs were banned just because some people think they are not needed, when in fact the issue is something very different.
I don't understand this discussion.

If you don't want to use CivAssist or MapStat for some reason, that's fine. Nobody is forcing you to use it. But why deny the option to others who do like to use it?
Whatever...I guess we can poll it, as some of you have supported, but we could just save time and allow it (provided its the latest version) - any compelling reasons to poll it, as we've already had the previous 2 posts in strong support of just allowing it outright?
I said earlier I'm fine with the programs. I use mapstat and it can't be used on pbems so I wasn't aware civassistII didn't give info.

I can pretty much guarantee it would be unanimous to use them if we voted.
There's actually a lot of opposition Whomp.

But as I said, just get it moving along and I am happy.
I was one of the ones wanting it banned, but I could live with it too. So I see no reason to poll it. Unless more people (at least 5) show up stating that they don't want it allowed. I was just concerned about stuff that's available in it that's not available in game (I thought that I've seen spoiler stuff in there before). But if everyone is satisified with it, then I'm ok too. At least everyone has the same amount of information available, and it wouldn't benefit one team over the other.

So I say just allow it and not poll it.
Let's have a poll on whether we should have a poll. :joke:

Let's use these things so we can have a more enjoyable game.
Okay, I will just go ahead and allow CA2 and MS. I'll also include a clause saying if other people want to use other utilities, they should ask the admins for approval, just so we don't have to come up with wording like "utilities used for the purpose of cheating or gaining spoiler information or that provide an unfair advantage...". I guess I'm trying to stray away from vagueness. :)
Okay, I will just go ahead and allow CA2 and MS. I'll also include a clause saying if other people want to use other utilities, they should ask the admins for approval, just so we don't have to come up with wording like "utilities used for the purpose of cheating or gaining spoiler information or that provide an unfair advantage...". I guess I'm trying to stray away from vagueness. :)

Sounds great. One final suggestion is to include in the rule the exact version of CAII and MS that is allowed along with a disclaimer that any other version must be approved by admins before use in the MTDG.
I'm beginning to see why the Canadian Parliament never gets anything done.
dinsog said:
Sounds great. One final suggestion is to include in the rule the exact version of CAII and MS that is allowed along with a disclaimer that any other version must be approved by admins before use in the MTDG.
Shut up about the rules... just play fair. You'll get me to start shouting obscenities soon
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