Sabers story


Retired Moderator
Jan 5, 2006
The island of Saber had been ruled by strict dictators for centuries. They ruled from the palace in the centre of the capital Baldric. Rumour had it that inside that palace, there was a gigantic copper cage with a tiger called Baby Puss. This tiger was the real ruler of Saber in those days, as it gave the government officials orders through divine intervention. And the people of the island lived with this, and they abided the rules of Baby Puss.

However, one day, a decree was issued from the palace that a substance called alcohol would from that day be forbidden. All wine and beer would have to be delivered to minister gbno1fan to be "destroyed". The people of Saber could endure a lot, but no alcohol was one step to far for them. They rose up against their government and took over the capital. All government officials (except gbno1fan, who was oddly missing after having received the first shipment of wines) were removed from their positions. Baby Puss was removed from his gigantic cage, and he was placed in an asylum pending decisions on what to do with him.

Now, they had to decide what to do with all the copper that was left from the cage. The people decided to celebrate their freedom, and their beer, by building a statue. The first drawings of a copper statue, to an harbour, with a flame to represent hope, looked like this:

However apparently that idea was copyrighted by some institution called "The United States of America", so they had to adjust their plans.

Today, the harbour of Georgetown looks like this:
Very nice! :clap:

And in the grand tradition of taking humor literally…
Empiremaker said:
I don't understand the point of a big statue and how it inspires commerce.
The statue stood for only fifty-six years until Rhodes Saber was hit by an earthquake in 226 BC. The statue snapped at the knees and fell over onto the land. Ptolemy III offered to pay for the reconstruction of the statue, but the oracle of Delphi made the Rhodians afraid that they had offended Helios, and they declined to rebuild it. The remains lay on the ground for over 800 years, and even broken, they were so impressive that many traveled to see them. Pliny the Elder remarked that few people could wrap their arms around the fallen thumb and that each of its fingers was larger than most statues. – Wikipedia.


I must say, as a tourist destination, that beats the heck out of visiting the Biggest Ball of Twine in Meletesota :D
I hope Zeus doesn't get angry now since our statue of him ain't quite so big as this one! :eek:
:eek: And he's moving too! He stepped out to straddle the inlet on his own!?!! What a great defender he must be. :)
Neato! I think our gals would like to meet that big hunk. :love:
this looks like a vain attempt to be a lighthouse greater than the Emp. Killyouall peeping tom tower that BABE has. I doubt that the torch that this man carries will be able to shoot laser beams at any boats that come near the BABE harbors :lol:

And since SABER likes the look of a huge man in just a loin cloth, then the BABE's might steer clear of the queer :lol:
Neato! I think our gals would like to meet that big hunk. :love:

Are that girls on the boats we constantly see? (They looked like horses to us, maybe we should ask Emp Killyouall for some new binoculars) :p
:eek: And he's moving too! He stepped out to straddle the inlet on his own!?!! What a great defender he must be. :)

Shh, you're not supposed to notice that. It's really a giant robot operated by five specially trained mice, like Voltron.
There had been tensions between the nations of Babe and Saber ever since they met. They both had great horseriders, unique in the world, and they had arguments about which horseriders were best from the start. However, these arguments were just minor difficulties compared to what happened later on. At some point in time, the Babes completed a giant lighthouse. The people of Saber feared that this lighthouse would be used for spying purposes. And they were right. It didn't take the Babes much time to colonize islands near Saber's coast. These Babe Settlers were all but pilgrim fathers, as it was soon clear that they weren't there for peaceful purposes. They set up their colony in a "Spartan" style, with everything and everyone geared for war. The people of Saber noticed this, and took their measures. The citizens of these Babe islands were of course very mad at this, and they lived in a rage at Saber for the rest of their lives. Everything Saberish was considered bad, and everything Babe was considered good.

However, the new generation that grew up didn't have the anger that the older people had. They saw their own island, where everything was made for a war that wouldn't be happening anyway, where all resources were turned into making state of the art weaponry, where there was no room for fun or enjoyment because that would get in the way of the military efforts, and thougth that it wasn't the best way to live. And they looked across the channel from their beach, to their Saberish neighbours. At that side of the channel, the beach wasn't used for invasion training, it was used by large groups of people to swim, sunbath, barbecue, surf or just relax. There were beachvolleyball tournaments and sailing contests instead of contractual obligations to the military. And the beach was always crowded with people having fun. It was so crowded that there was hardly room for anyone to land there.

The younger generation decided that that was the kind of culture they wanted to live in, and they overthrew the leaders of the colony, who had long grown old. They immediately sent a messenger to Baldric and asked to join the Saber empire. The sultan didn't have to think about this, he immediately accepted their offer, and threw a great party on the island.
At that side of the channel, the beach wasn't used for invasion training, it was used by large groups of people to swim, sunbath, barbecue, surf or just relax. There were beachvolleyball tournaments and sailing contests instead of contractual obligations to the military. And the beach was always crowded with people having fun. It was so crowded that there was hardly room for anyone to land there.
well...that is a nice way to describe the military pile up on Saber's shores :rolleyes: :lol:
It's nice to know the SABER SAGA will continue on. I can't wait for the next plot twist!
Oh i wan't to come to the beach party.
There had been tensions between the nations of Babe and Saber ever since they met. They both had great horseriders, unique in the world, and they had arguments about which horseriders were best from the start. However, these arguments were just minor difficulties compared to what happened later on. At some point in time, the Babes completed a giant lighthouse. The people of Saber feared that this lighthouse would be used for spying purposes. And they were right. It didn't take the Babes much time to colonize islands near Saber's coast. These Babe Settlers were all but pilgrim fathers, as it was soon clear that they weren't there for peaceful purposes. They set up their colony in a "Spartan" style, with everything and everyone geared for war. The people of Saber noticed this, and took their measures. The citizens of these Babe islands were of course very mad at this, and they lived in a rage at Saber for the rest of their lives. Everything Saberish was considered bad, and everything Babe was considered good.

However, the new generation that grew up didn't have the anger that the older people had. They saw their own island, where everything was made for a war that wouldn't be happening anyway, where all resources were turned into making state of the art weaponry, where there was no room for fun or enjoyment because that would get in the way of the military efforts, and thougth that it wasn't the best way to live. And they looked across the channel from their beach, to their Saberish neighbours. At that side of the channel, the beach wasn't used for invasion training, it was used by large groups of people to swim, sunbath, barbecue, surf or just relax. There were beachvolleyball tournaments and sailing contests instead of contractual obligations to the military. And the beach was always crowded with people having fun. It was so crowded that there was hardly room for anyone to land there.

The younger generation decided that that was the kind of culture they wanted to live in, and they overthrew the leaders of the colony, who had long grown old. They immediately sent a messenger to Baldric and asked to join the Saber empire. The sultan didn't have to think about this, he immediately accepted their offer, and threw a great party on the island.

It's nice to know the SABER SAGA will continue on. I can't wait for the next plot twist!

It's a deja vu really :)
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