Saladin No cottages Immortal


Feb 20, 2006
Well, I roll out a new start.

I choise saladin by the reason that I realised that I never got him in all my rundom start and I allways playing rundom now.

Fractional map,
Normal speed,
Rundom climate.

Varians: We are not permitted to own cottages, ever.

First time I role out on emperor, was to drunk, this is second attempt.

I think we need to move, but where?


Mutiner - to drunk
uberfish - will try something risky
ThERat - common civ is fun, just different. I never was able to stand Civ3.
Qwack - BW
Open - an other brave soul


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Settle 1 NE of start to get the fish in range, maybe, and play with half an eye towards great lighthouse and colossus? It'll be tricky because we seem to need almost every tech there is for our development, so I think we must avoid archery at all costs.
personally I am tempted by this cyrcle south east.
AS minimum place would have 2 cows, coast and might be something else.
What did the climate come out as btw? If its high sea level ill agree with uberfish in terms of moving 1 NE and chasing those 2 wonders. I think the only way that is possible though is if we get metal casting with oracle, otherwise I think it will be hard getting colussus.

Circling southeast is a possibility but I dont like taking risks. We are sure bet here with a fish/2 spices and cow by moving NE. Also going south then east is giving us 2 + possibly more grassland tiles which arent on a river. But moving this way can provide the best city location also if we get a water resource and a river..
1 NE sounds good to me, we need that sea resource

ThERat - common civ is fun, just different. I never was able to stand Civ3.
:lol: , well playing in this team is fun...but C3C is fun too
OK, played a few turns and come to strategy decision point.
Settle on safe location.

Went Politeism-fishing.

Buddism fidal, but we got Politheism.
Found chinise and some how Isoballa found as last turn, but I did not see any of her units.
I convertes, as we are spiritual and this cost as nothing.
I allways had impression that when one converted when founding religion spread faster, but It could be just my urban lagent.
Isabella is not a founder of buddism, I bet she will go stright to Monoteism.

As you see we have a lots of water and a lots of calendar resources and
blocked by chinise.
We have stone.
Otherwize our land is mostly tundra.

I suspect we will have barbarians problems, our 3 warrior alldeady kill 4 animals and one of them die moving next to bear.

I am undesided, as I believe we some units to figth barbarians, as chinese will not fog bust for as.
Uberfish say avoide archery.
so, Mining-bronze? or animal husbentry right now?

I want to have discussion to formulate our plane and I will continue playing.

Build wize we have half builded worker, but I switch to boat right now when finishing come in. Worker only can make roads right now.

You can see chinise border on right, blocking as.


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I think maybe in this case we should go for AH before bronze since we have cows around. I think we might want to settle a city to the east giving us a passage and that city would also contain cows
This sounds extremely challenging, I'll be watching for certain.

Hope you get no iron :D
I think AH is the way to go here:

1) of all military techs it's quickest to research for us

2) cows in city radius, more cows nearby

3) with the flat terrain it's more likely that there will be horses nearby than bronze, and if a horse pops in the 3rd ring our holy city cultural expansion will claim it.
I played with the thought to sign up,but I consider myself
not qualified enough for an Immortal game.
Also I don't think ThERat can handle another SG so soon with me. :D
I agree with AH next. I also have a feeling there are horses on one of those plains tiles near our capital.

The cold climate means not too much grasslands around. The good thing about this is AI's cant spam cottages on all thier tiles either, the bad thing is we cant spam specialists in all our cities ;). Just looking from those screenshots, I think it might benefit us a good deal if we build the great lighthouse on this map.

Seems as if Isabella not the one that founded buddhism... thats a new one. Depending on where Isabella is, I think our first city will probably go on that desert canal tile to secure the chokepoint. Im guessing we probably have enough land for 5-6 decent coastal cities on our landmass.
Ok, went Agriculture-Animal husbentry.
We do have a poor start as I see it,
but we can have a bunch of land just for our development.


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Got it, will play tonight but what should we go for next assuming we found some military resources?

Early sailing to try and grab the pig/ivory site north while planning for great lighthouse?

Try for oracle and metal casting? Not sure I like this one, we don't have a high commerce start so we might fail to research everything in time.

Pyramids? we would have to put our 2nd city on the stone for this, probably.

If we take the canal, we can put the 2nd city on the desert tile or the grassland forest south to claim the deer. I think it's better on the desert leaving the deer+fish for a future city.
Personally I am go conservativelly after Greate Ligthhouse.
Early sayling will give as trade routes and may be spread our religion to neybors.
The force is strong with us. Isabella founded Judaism, and there are horses in range of our capital. I proceed to research sailing, let's go for the Lighthouse.

We also met Toku. Joy. Killed a couple of barbarian warriors, promoting our other warrior to woods 2.

Our lands with a couple possible city locations marked... blue blob is pretty poor but its third expansion would claim furs. This isn't a city we would want to found in the opening; either we do purple square or try to ship a settler north for our third city. (or invade China I suppose.)
I think I am in favor of building a stone city.
GL use stone? I think.
AI useally does not priorities it and in this case we can build it cheaply.
ok, got it, I like purple spot as well, let's try to get that up in my turnset. Aer we playing 10 or 15 rounds in the first turnset?

So, we are heading for writing/alphabet/literature?

we still have no BW yet, so I guess that is highest now on the list

btw I cant see a save
I would say masonry first after sailing. We need to build quary as soon as posible.
Chariots should provide enogth defence for now.

I say 15 turns first round.
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