Sana04 - RAR Spaceship, trainingish game

Also you don't need hardys to settle on the jungle - normal clans can do it as long as the tile is roaded, and since our food production currently is better than our shields I'd stick to Pioneers.
About the dotmap: I'd go for a closer black dot, inland, and put another town right on the blockade. White and pink could be rotated clockwise a bit to avoid having that dark blue one there - it could fill unused tiles inland.
Agree with what most said, and with Romeo's comments. We really need Domestication to see camels and other bonuses. We have Philo & classical ed to trade, I know Rome has domestication, so please tell me we traded?

Philo was definitely my choice, if it wasn't for the restrictions I would have been trying for Democracy as the free tech. Demo is far better than republic. The extra rate cap is nice, but the most important difference is Demo is cash-rush, republic is not.

got it, I'll play and post later tonight.
preturn: Pusan is on a hardy pioneer, which costs 2 pop, but can't grow to size 3 yet. :confused: Switch to a worker, waste 2 shields.
Trade Philo and classical ed to rome for domestication, construction, 60 gold. Finally see and start working the camel I knew was there.
Research to Boat building.

730: Res Boat-->Maths

670: Res Maths, give it & 40 gold to rome for mysticism

650: Res Weaving

630: Fermentation, we have wines

610: Sailing, found Hyangsan

590: Ulsan founded

550: Research trade, sell to rome for 180 gold.

We need to keep expanding to fill our island below the choke. We now have boats, we need to get out a couple of explorers. We also need more workers to mine, and more infra. Military is a lowish priority for now, the chokepoint is also an early-warning device, we can switch to military if it gets hit.

New and improved roster:

Beorn - up
namliaM - on deck
Romeo -
Disenfranchised -
Zorn - on deck

Additional rules: We may only get optional techs by researching every last beaker of it ourselves in 1 turn. We may not set foot on inhabited islands other than our own until the modern age.

Sorry for the short report. My plans are fairly vague, the important bit is to try and research stuff we can trade to rome, so we don't drop too far behind. That lets rome get powerful for now, it will change once we have contacts. Anyone else, please post thoughts, dotmaps, whatever. I was going to found the settler by the wines where it is now, it could also be on the hill next to its current location. Hill is an extra shield in the city, but makes placement fairly loose, with all the wines around I'd rather mine the hill for more shields and keep placement slightly tighter.
Hey Sanabas, can you give us an updated dotmap with tight placement. That could really help us all out. I kinda wing stuff like that, but I really can't teach that.
Hey Sanabas, can you give us an updated dotmap with tight placement. That could really help us all out. I kinda wing stuff like that, but I really can't teach that.

You and me both. I tend to wing it too, usually only have a rough idea of where to put stuff. I will do up a dotmap for the next 6 or so cities and post hopefully soon. I want the other guys to do one/point out the errors in mine/etc.
OK, this is a really quickly done one for the north and the south. Can probably be improved upon considerably, so critique away. I've tried to use rivers wherever possible, I probably haven't used coastal enough, and tried to minimise wasted tiles. Might be a little bit too tightly spaced, but each city should be able to work 10-14 tiles minimum I think. Very much a rush job though, with no thought of what order to build. We need to claim iron and horses quickly I think, don't want a settler jumping off a boat and pinching them, I think we only have 1 of each. Certainly indicates we hae a lot of expansion to do.

Dots look good...

Few remarks

On the Upper map:
How about rotating the coast counter clockwise?
The 'settler dot' 1W
The Cow dot 2 SW
The Cotton dot 1S or 1SE
The Iron dot 1SW
The Insence dot 1S

1 hidden dot?! :lol: just behind the Panel... on that hill. 4S-2SE from Wonsan

On the Lower map:
- The one NE of Pusan should go 1 more NE. Give same land, but more sea.
- The dot leftmost NW-ish of Ulsan, can that be moved 2SW to the chocke?

Sana's Log said:
Military is a lowish priority for now, the chokepoint is also an early-warning device, we can switch to military if it gets hit.
Building a spear in Seoul?
Not so sure about the city due south of Wonsan, I'd prefer to have a core city like that with a bit more tiles to itself, and maybe the one by the incense can be moved 1SE to get the horses in its radius.
Map looks good. The only thing I would change is the city that is slated to go on the sugar. I would move it 1 SE. The sugar is a nice food bonus, and I hate settling on food boni. Especially when we will eventually rail and forest it.
namliaM said:
Building a spear in Seoul?

Probably a brainfart on my behalf. Can't remember if there was a reason to build it, it might be for MP.

romeo said:
I would change is the city that is slated to go on the sugar. I would move it 1 SE. The sugar is a nice food bonus, and I hate settling on food boni. Especially when we will eventually rail and forest it.

Also a brainfart. Couldn't remember if sugar was +food as well as +commerce, I guessed it wasn't. Agree completely, settling on +food is really bad. I'd move the floodplain 1 NE, the sugar 1 E, and reorg the other dots around that. I'll settle on BG if I have to, but I'd prefer not to waste them.

Beorn hasn't been online for 3 days, so first one of namliaM or Beorn to post a got it can play.
I haven't indeed, went on a bike roadtrip and took a hard fall, but I'm back now. I don't have my glasses anymore, war casualties we call it, so if I play a lot of computer I'll regret it. New ones were (luckily) already ordered last week, so that won't bother this game further than this turn anyways.

Not a got it for now, but might call it tomorrow if he hasn't.

I'm in favor of a CCW rotation for the bottom map. Top map, given jungle-clearing elephants, looks pretty good, though the sugar move sounds even better. We can't settle deserts with hardy's, right? So on the BG would look good.
Pre-Turns: Switch Ulsan to a Kublai transport, taking a bet in favor of contacts. A wiseman wouldn't have been that useful at present.

T 1.
Seoul pike -> Pioneer

T 3.
Mythology is in, slavery is a 1-turner and I can't resist.

T 4.
Pusan worker -> Slave mart
Pyongyang Hardy -> Hardy Pioneer
Cheju Worker -> Kublai

The pop loss made Wheel go from 1 to 3 turns ... Slavery is in, set research on CoL.
Get Aristocracy for Mytho and 141 gold.
Hardy pioneer headed towards the jungle tile near the choke.

T 5.
Wonsan Academy -> Worker
Seoul Pioneer -> Slave Mart

Pioneer sent towards the elephants

T 6.
Rome flips to Republic.
Wonsan Worker -> Slave mart
Nam'po worker housing -> Slave Mart
Wines connected.

T 7.
CoL is in, Wheel in 1.
Can't get Civ Eng from CoL and straight up gold atm, so I'll wait a bit.

T 8.
Wheel -> Currency
Wonsan Slave->Granary
Hyangsan wiseman -> Worker

T 9.
Seoul Slave Mart -> Pioneer

T 10.
Pyongsong founded on the choke, working on slave market.

MP is sent to Wonsan for crowd control.

All in all a pretty quiet set of turns, been able to pull a lot of workers out to road cities and connect those luxuries in advance. I suggest heading directly to the BG in the North-East to connect sugars and elephants all in one shot. With 4 luxes we'll be way able to deal with slave markets' unhappiness and can continue growing at that rate.

The Save
and did it....

Pre-turn looks ok.

Wonsan Granary> Pioneer
Ulsan Kublai Transport> Forge

1@330 Sci 40%

IT Currency> I will take Civil Eng for the Watermill in 3
Pusan Slave Market> Forge
Nampo Slave Market> Forge
Hangsan Worker> Slave Market
Inchon WOrker> Slave Market

2@310 Meet Polynesia (behind the Romans) They dumb but know C.E.
Trade CE+12g for Mythologie+Philo
Iron Working in 3
Found Taejon> Worker

IT zzz

3@290 Trade IW from Rome for CoL + 57g
Sell IW for 118 to Poly
Sell Math to Poly for 71g
Polytheism in 3
Seoul was building a Pioneer (dont know how long) But stuck on size 3 ATM!!! Change to School of Scribes

IT PyongYang Hardy> Forge
Wonsan Pioneer> School of Scribes
Cheju Kublai> Slave Market

4@270 zzzz

IT Seoul School of Scribes> Water Mill

Found Paegam> Slave Market
Sci 30
Create taxman in Pyongsong

IT Poly> <Mono

6@230 Rome gets currency for 291 gold
MM Hangsang for 6f/2s to not waste shields on the Slave Market

7@210 Found Manp'o> Slave Market
Up Sci to 60 (Forgot last turn Sorry!) Up Lux to 20 Now at -3gpt
Poly to rome for 235g
Trade to Poly for 77g (They now broke!)

IT Nampo Forge> Pioneer

8@190 zzzz

IT Wonsan School of Scribes > Water Mill
Hyangsan Slave Market> Forge

9@170 MM Pyongsong to work again, now that it has luxes, Sci 30 for Mono in 1

IT Mono> Mil Train (Last AA Tech)

10@150 Double check... No optionals in 1... Mil Train it is...

Ze Zave

New information + Comments on previous dotmap + new towns:

New situation & Dotmap:
namliaM, your dot #1 is on a desert tile; AFAIK, those are barren from settling. We'll need to put a quick culture building up in a town south of that, or bury the food bonus - I'm for settling the FP and buying a monument or shrine. In any case, IIRC sugar is a lux and we want it in, fast.
We might want to put #2 1 tile NW too, for faster lux assimilation as well - or again culture it up.

Btw I'm wondering: could one put a coastal lux in a mod? One that you must build a harbor to get - or even a sea lux, which is available with TGL+harbor, or something like that?
Ok, Actually I thought I was up after Namalia, but I cannot play until Sat at the earliest. I would settle the unnumbered dot first, then #8.
Try and get enough science buildings up soon enough that we can get us some jumbos soon.
Do you mean the jungle unnumbered dot?
My preference would be for #2 where it stands, to put a quick research building and/or culture building there, as it will grow fast and bring a lot of cash back, along with a lux soon.
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