hmm... as history teaches, the Romans seems to be in favour of racial integration. The arrive of this strange foreigner is welcomed by an immediate palace upgrade! But... the capital is yet to be founded and the palace doesn't exist yet, so what am i supposed to expand exactly?
now... how does it works?
The mongol worker will be joined in a city, then it will be used to produce a mongol settler, that will be joined again in a city so to produce
two mongol workers. Repeating this process over and over will result in the Mongol civ flourish as part of the Roman empire. This is my the immediate goal... well actually i have 2 immediate goals, the second one being to survive. This will be a tough game.
After some testing i kinda figured out how the process works. If the city with the mongol unit grows to size 3 then produce a settler, the mongol unit will stay in the city and the settler produced will be Roman. This obviously won't help.
Something different happens when the city is kept at size 2 with zero growth, the settler is completed and in the interturn the city is abandoned. In this case the settler produced is
mongol and so the growth is possible.
I still don't know exactly what happens when the settler is joined and we try to extract the 2 workers. A mongol worker can be extracted for sure, but the 2nd worker may as well be roman, with the 2nd mongol being locked forever in the city. But in this case the city may be abandoned with the method above so to extract a new mongol settler. In this case we'll end up with a worker
and a settler, for a total population of 3. It's a less efficient process, but still a growth.
As the game goes on (hopefully) the conquered civs will be included in this process, whenever possible. The final goal is to win by conquest, by having the highest number possible of foreign citizens in our empire. The assimilation factor has been set to zero for all the governments, so a captured citizen will retain its nationality forever.
Moreover, i'll be using the conqueror variant, whose rules are:
1) no intentional city razing (autorazing of size 1 cities does not count);
2) no population starving, unless it's necessary to prevent a riot. It's not compulsory to raise the lux slider for this purpose, so the general rule is that you can starve if the governor would do so with the "manage city mood" flag activated.
3) no city abandoning, except for these 2 cases:
- the city is pop 1, zero growth, a worker is completed and in the interturn you choose to abandon;
- same as above, but with city pop 2 and a settler;
Finally, to make up this thing i had to generate a map and place the Roman start point and the Mongol one next to each other. This mean a certain prior knowledge of the map. I'm balancing this by intentionally choosing an unfavourable start. It won't take long to figure it out.
To sum up things, we have:
- an overcrowded map
- played at Deity level
- with a bad start
- with two variants that will add extra difficulty for the human player.
Definitely a harsh game to play. But high difficulty level with bad starts is exactly the situation where i perform better, so i think i'll be able to survive long enough to provide an interesting game log
Oh, despite the intro this thing will be mostly a gamelog and not a story. I tried once to write a storylike thread but i lost the inspiration quite soon, so don't expect too much about it.
Hope you like the idea. Feedback is appreciated, but please don't spam if i'm not too fast with updates
~~~ to be continued ~~~