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several things disappointed me


Mar 21, 2004
the Angkor Wat grant the specialist one more hammer. I want to make a similar thing, but actually what i need is a kind of building grant more commerce, hammer or culture for speciallist just in the current city, not all. But I looked into the xml file, it write like this:


seems like it can only make all priest in country get one more hammer, and even only hammer, not commerce or culture

and another thing is I can't find a way to limit building for local recourses. For example, like ironwork in civ3, it can only be built when there's iron and coal around the city, NOT WHOLE COUNTRY. But this aspect is important for making cities vary among different regions

aha ~~~~ :confused: :cry: I just hope my understanding is wrong, and all above could be implemented in CIV4~~~
"Yield" is food, production or commerce. You can also change <SpecialistExtraCommerces/> to add gold, research and/or culture. Unfortunately yes, it is country wide.
Oh, Thanks! I didn't notice there are 3 iYields. At least we could add more food and commerce for specialist now, though I am still looking for a way to just make this bonus only in one city
really? Great Apple, did you make that before? could tell me any more detail? should we realise that by checking things before every turn?
now i even found that we can't specify a resource as the prerequisite of a building like unit knight need horse,iron... to build.
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