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SGOTM 05 - Geezers

Took 12 turns. I changed 2 civics and went back to war with Saladin, hoping to finish him off; unfortunately, I seriously underestimated his helicopter & naval forces. Captured Baghdad, destroyed Damascus, and lost Medina back to him. Not much has canged on Lushland.

Turn 1 (1971):
*Osaka: artillery -> fighter.
*Abstain from Diplomatic Victory vote.
*Big stack in Kyoto split to Izumo & Osaka. Multiple promotions.
*3 artillerys in Istakhr go to Mecca. Tank & SAM inf. retained as Home Island guard.

Turn 2 (1972):
*Turfan: artillery -> fighter.
*Kyoto: SAM inf. -> tank.

Turn 3 (1973):
*Kolhapur: tank -> infantry.
*Trade banana to Qin for 8 gpt.
*Tiflis: SAM inf. -> Confucian temple.
*Queue West Point in Kyoto.
*Change civics to Universal Suffrage (for production) & State Property (for minimal city maintenance costs). 3 turns Anarchy.
*Demand 200 :gold: from Saladin. He capitulates!

Turn 4 (1974):
*Queue bank in Turfan & theatre in Old Sarai.

Turn 5 (1975):
*Still making +38 gpt despite Anarchy.
*Queue gunship & university in Tabriz.
*Vote for single currency.
*3 transports in Samarquand, 1 sent on to Athens.

Turn 6 (1976):
*Queue gunship & market in Corinth.
*Single currency vote succeeds.
*Government restored. Research up to 60%, +29 gpt.
*Arabian gunships multiplying, becoming a real threat. Decide to declare war again before Saladin gets stronger.
*Lose 3 tanks & 2 artillerys, killing 4 gunships (1 worker captured).

*Worker lost again. 1 Arab gunship killed.
*Japanese pillage village & hamlet NW of Osaka.

Turn 7 (1977):
*Sign Open Borders with Asoka.
*Culture rate up to 30% to combt war unhappiness; research down to 50%, -78 gpt.
*Athens: tank -> Christian temple.
*SAM inf. kills Arabian gunship.
*Main stack (10 tanks & 5 artillerys) heads for Damascus.

Turn 8 (1978):
*Ning-hsia: SAM inf. -> bomber.
*Arabian fighters & navy pillaging around Old Sarai & New Sarai.

*Arabian gunships kill 3 tanks & 1 SAM inf.! Medina left undefended, surrounded by enemy.

Turn 9 (1979):
*Attack & raze Damascus. :mad:
*Land new SAM inf. in Mecca.
*Vote against global Environmentalism civic.

*Medina retaken by Arabians. :blush: Cultural borders instantly enclose Mecca.
*Our transport with 2 SAM inf.s sunk by Arabian destroyer. :(

Turn 10 (1980):
*Mecca starving.
*Global Environmentalism resolution fails.

*3 Arabian gunships lose to our defenders.
*Arabian battleships bombarding Turfan.

Turn 11 (1981):
*Ning-hsia: bomber -> battleship.
*Bomber starts air strikes against enemy battleships.
*Osaka: fighter -> gunship.
*Attack and capture Baghdad. 1 tank lost, 1 worker captured.

*1 tank lost in field.

Turn 12 (1982):
*Queue battleship in Karakorum.
*Samarquand: SAM inf. -> bomber.
*Hyderabad: lighthouse -> SAM inf.

Game saved.

I tried to enclose the Session Turn Log as a spoiler, but get the following error message:
The text that you have entered is too long (33272 characters). Please shorten it to 30000 characters long.
Pariah, no problem :) . We are in "grab it and go" mode and got in three turnsets while you were tied up.

Turnsets of 20, 20, and 28 will finish the game. Hard to believe Cyrus won't launch before then.

Looks like Harbourboy, AgedOne, and Sam are the next three up to bat (assuming Mark is still unavailable). First come, first serve!!! I'd suggest one of the three of you post an "I got it" and go for it.

My only suggestion at this point... let's not do anything tooooo crazy and get ourselves wiped out. We want to stick around on the slim chance that Cyrus does not launch in the next 68 turns. Who knows, maybe we can survive to the end?

Mark, if you are available to play on the 31st, I'd suggest you play "safety" (warning: US football term). Hopefully the other three will have finished by then, but if they haven't, pick up the game and run it out to the end. I'll peek in on the 31st in the evening (east coast US time) just to be sure. ;)
Geezers 19910000.JPG

Spoiler :
Turn 592, 1982 AD: Logging Game to File: SGOTM5Log.txt
Turn 592, 1982 AD: 68 turns to go!
Turn 592, 1982 AD: You have trained a Artillery in Karakorum. Work has now begun on a Battleship.
Turn 592, 1982 AD: Osaka celebrates "We Love the President Day"!!!
Turn 592, 1982 AD: Isabella has completed SS Docking Bay!

Turn 593, 1983 AD: You have trained a Fighter in Turfan. Work has now begun on a Bank.
Turn 593, 1983 AD: Osaka celebrates "We Love the President Day"!!!
Turn 593, 1983 AD: You have trained a Fighter in Tiflis. Work has now begun on a Tank.
Turn 593, 1983 AD: Saladin's Gunship (28.80) vs Temujin's Tank (11.34)
Turn 593, 1983 AD: Combat Odds: 99.9%
Turn 593, 1983 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 593, 1983 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 593, 1983 AD: (Combat: -100%)
Turn 593, 1983 AD: Saladin's Gunship is hit for 13 (87/100HP)
Turn 593, 1983 AD: Temujin's Tank is hit for 29 (48/100HP)
Turn 593, 1983 AD: Temujin's Tank is hit for 29 (19/100HP)
Turn 593, 1983 AD: Temujin's Tank is hit for 29 (0/100HP)
Turn 593, 1983 AD: Saladin's Gunship has defeated Temujin's Tank!

Turn 594, 1984 AD: Saladin's Gunship (25.05) vs Temujin's Tank (12.60)
Turn 594, 1984 AD: Combat Odds: 98.0%
Turn 594, 1984 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 594, 1984 AD: (Combat: -100%)
Turn 594, 1984 AD: Saladin's Gunship is hit for 14 (73/100HP)
Turn 594, 1984 AD: Saladin's Gunship is hit for 14 (59/100HP)
Turn 594, 1984 AD: Temujin's Tank is hit for 28 (62/100HP)
Turn 594, 1984 AD: Saladin's Gunship is hit for 14 (45/100HP)
Turn 594, 1984 AD: Temujin's Tank is hit for 28 (34/100HP)
Turn 594, 1984 AD: Temujin's Tank is hit for 28 (6/100HP)
Turn 594, 1984 AD: Temujin's Tank is hit for 28 (0/100HP)
Turn 594, 1984 AD: Saladin's Gunship has defeated Temujin's Tank!
Turn 594, 1984 AD: Isabella has completed SS Cockpit!

Turn 595, 1985 AD: Osaka celebrates "We Love the President Day"!!!
Turn 595, 1985 AD: Saladin's Artillery (18.00) vs Temujin's Infantry (41.00)
Turn 595, 1985 AD: Combat Odds: 0.5%
Turn 595, 1985 AD: (Extra Combat: +30%)
Turn 595, 1985 AD: (Plot Defense: +45%)
Turn 595, 1985 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 595, 1985 AD: (City Attack: -20%)
Turn 595, 1985 AD: (River Attack: +25%)
Turn 595, 1985 AD: Saladin's Artillery is hit for 29 (71/100HP)
Turn 595, 1985 AD: Temujin's Infantry is hit for 13 (87/100HP)
Turn 595, 1985 AD: Saladin's Artillery is hit for 29 (42/100HP)
Turn 595, 1985 AD: Saladin's Artillery is hit for 29 (13/100HP)
Turn 595, 1985 AD: Temujin's Infantry is hit for 13 (74/100HP)

Turn 596, 1986 AD: Osaka celebrates "We Love the President Day"!!!
Turn 596, 1986 AD: The borders of Kolhapur have expanded!

Turn 597, 1987 AD: Tiflis will grow to size 13 on the next turn
Turn 597, 1987 AD: Saladin's Gunship (24.48) vs Temujin's Tank (11.93)
Turn 597, 1987 AD: Combat Odds: 99.3%
Turn 597, 1987 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 597, 1987 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 597, 1987 AD: (Combat: -100%)
Turn 597, 1987 AD: Temujin's Tank is hit for 27 (54/100HP)
Turn 597, 1987 AD: Saladin's Gunship is hit for 14 (71/100HP)
Turn 597, 1987 AD: Temujin's Tank is hit for 27 (27/100HP)
Turn 597, 1987 AD: Saladin's Gunship is hit for 14 (57/100HP)
Turn 597, 1987 AD: Temujin's Tank is hit for 27 (0/100HP)
Turn 597, 1987 AD: Saladin's Gunship has defeated Temujin's Tank!
Turn 597, 1987 AD: You have discovered Fission!

Turn 598, 1988 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Baghdad!
Turn 598, 1988 AD: You have made peace with Saladin!
Turn 598, 1988 AD: This war with Saladin no longer serves any purpose. Let's end it here and now! All we are saying is Give Peace a Chance!
Turn 598, 1988 AD: New Sarai celebrates "We Love the President Day"!!!
Turn 598, 1988 AD: Baghdad's cultural boundary is about to expand.

Turn 599, 1989 AD: New Sarai celebrates "We Love the President Day"!!!
Turn 599, 1989 AD: Baghdad's cultural boundary is about to expand.

Turn 600, 1990 AD: The borders of Baghdad have expanded!
Turn 600, 1990 AD: Kolhapur will grow to size 10 on the next turn
Turn 600, 1990 AD: Cyrus has completed SS Stasis Chamber!

Warren G. Harding - 1991.

We kept revising our objectives until finally we met our current one: complete the game before the deadline. Go us!
Turn 600, 1990 AD: Cyrus has completed SS Stasis Chamber!

:( I may be wrong but I have a feeling that was the last item Cyrus needed to build. :cry:

EDIT: Of course it helps if I look at the screenshot first. :blush: Oh well, time to try and work out where we went wrong.

EDIT 2: @Harbourboy, do you have the autosave from 1989 and if so can you post it here?
So that's that.

Cliche time:

It's not winning, it's the taking part that counts...
We fought the good fight...
Good job, everyone..
Better luck next time, to us all.
:hmm: No need to open each thread to check which teams have finished. You just need to see which threads have Harbourboy's name against them. :lol:
Good work we finished it at least and hopefully we are in for the Wooden Spoon.:)
Good work we finished it at least and hopefully we are in for the Wooden Spoon.:)

I haven't looked their thread yet but I suspects the Misfits may be the favourites for that. :cry:
I can't believe how much better some of the other teams did than us. Those domination and conquest victories are awesome.

So, who's up for the next one?
I can't believe how much better some of the other teams did than us. Those domination and conquest victories are awesome.

I haven't had a chance to really look at the threads yet. More to the point have you identified where we took the wrong options?

So, who's up for the next one?

I suspect I'll be one of the usual suspects. :D
Some of the other teams were ultra precise in their approach to this, much more analytical than us. We seemed to make decisions based on hunches, whereas the elite guys actually worked out the maths behind their strategies.

I think on a wider matter about this game, the best teams had a definite plan for dealing with the crippling war weariness. They had elaborate tactics based on gifting away cities for peace then taking them back again.

As mentioned earlier, they also settled the home island sooner.
The OSS thread is an interesting read, not to mention fairly short. Briefly they skipped most of the techs. In fact they ran for a long time at 0% science. On the last save of their's that I can download they don't have Alphabet and both Construction & HA came very late, probably via the barbs. They beelined BW & IW which made the barbs much more dangerous to the AI e.g. the barbs took Barcelona and in fact kept it till the end of the game. As a result they had much more success getting peace although they were probably at war with between two to three AI at any one time. They just built loads of swords, with a few axes initially, and rampaged around lush island. They also made me look an amateur on the :whipped: front.
Wow! I'm late again.
If I'd been up at 6 this morning I would have seen the rockets at dawn.
Now I finally kick the kids off a PC and what do I find? The shows over and the chairs are being piled up in the corner. :(

Hey, let's not get despondent about it. . .
We tried hard and kicked a few butts from time to time.
We gave it sweat and blood for nearly 3 months.

Perhaps we Geezers do prefer to fly by the seats of our pants rather than number-crunching. It's certainly one of the flaws I recognise in my own SP games!

Perhaps we should do a bit of careful recruitment ready for next time. Let's kidnap ourselves a mathematical guru :D Does anyone know any? Could they be prised away from their current team?
Well fought Geezers.

You stuck at it and were committed to finish the game before the deadline. :goodjob:

1991 eh?

That reminds me of Vanilla Ice, Home Alone movies and...




Sid Meier's Civilization!
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