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SGOTM 12 - ChokoMisfits

Great Great work, Sleepless!! :thumbsup: :goodjob:

As JerichoHill has already played in this rotation, it is back to my turnset, so take this as a got-it. I know the deadline is looming, so will aim to play as soon as possible.

Research path... I'd go Fission (to gift Fission & Ecology), then Industrialism-Radio-Combustion-Plastics-Artillery-Rocketry

I agree that Free Religion would benefit us more than OrgRel, as most of our newer cities are not Confucian. So I'd revolt this turn to Free Religion and Free Market, as well as founding the 2 Corporations.

I'll look for trading opportunities with the AIs for the Corporation resources, and spam out the Execs.

Re De Gaulle... I'll move the units back towards Lyon, although they have a long way to go.

Any comments, please be quick!!
Outstanding work, Sleepless! :goodjob:

A major scenario goal achieved, without us getting nuked by Stalin the Despicable. :D Plus lots of other good stuff. :lol:

ianw1610, the general plan sounds good. I agree with Sleepless that changing out of SP is going to be expensive. :( Some of our cities may also suffer significant decreases in food from workshops, etc. -- getting Sushi into these ASAP will be important to prevent starvation (or at least loss of specialists to work more food tiles).

On civics, do we have OB with as many AIs as possible? FM will boost our trade routes, and we need good foreign route income to help cover costs. Also, what about labor -- Emancipation to maintain happiness, or could we afford the penalties to go with Caste? If we can beat the AIs to Radio and build Eiffel (doubling the modern happiness resources), maybe Caste? Cristo Redentor would also be great so we could make future changes without anarchy.

I think Free Religion is the right choice at this point for more research and happiness, although I do not know how many of our cities have more than one religion. I assume we are not getting shared faith bonuses with anyone, maybe we will lose some infidel penalties? OR has served us well with all our infra building, but most of the future will be SS parts, units, and wealth. FR is also cheaper than OR, plus inflation effects, and we are going to need all the coins we can manage to scrape up.

On tech path, I definitely like Fission so we can trade/sell/gift Ecology and get the AIs cleaning up fallout. I also find Radio quite tempting for Eiffel (more happiness and culture everywhere) and Cristo (civic changes in case we find we need them) although those are both quite a large number of hammers. Not sure we can fit them in to our plans, although both would be useful. The modern happiness wonders we can probably manage to get from trade.

Industrialism to reveal aluminum (there had better be some!) and allow marines and tanks is critical. I am not sure I would leave Rocketry until after Combustion and Plastics, though -- getting the Apollo Project underway early so we will be able to start building SS parts earlier can speed up the entire process. We can build Life Support already due to Ecology, plus 5 Thrusters from Superconductors -- let's get Apollo started early so we can get all these parts underway. Unlike many games we will not have to wait for more techs after Rocketry/Apollo before building SS parts, so let's take advantage of that.

Good luck, ianw1610!

Rep - Burea - Caste (We need unlimited spec slots. I would go as far to say we should run max science specs in every city especially the ones that aren't going to get many more buildings etc. So would finish courthouses then run max scientists) - FM (must if we run corps) - FR (cheaper costs and more science which will be the slow point for us now).

Cities likely to build space parts.

Marble Town - IW will build an engine

Sugar/Pig should run max specs here but the other engine city. Would change cottages - workshops near the end.

Ivory Town/CopperCorn/Capital/Marseilles (if it ever gets its research institute built) are other strong sites for smaller parts.

So the above cities should get a factory/power plant.

Our HE city should get its power plant then concentrate on military. All others I would generally build wealth/research run specs. Once our heavy hammer cities have factory/power plants they will give us a big boost in building wealth as well.

Workers are concentrating on building rr tiles for the extra hammer. I would then think about linking our cities afterwards. There are a couple clearing fallout in the South we have to send a galleon for as there are other tiles they can clear down there as well. Have used an airship to clear most of the fogged tiles though there are some above Stalingrad which we can send an airship to.

We have OB with all civs but most trade routes are internal as we have so many cities. :) Just to add Churchill has a lot of units running around our lands checking us out so don't neglect our military to much and beware if he goes into WHEOOH. Note Mao is out of WHEOOH though Roo is likely to attack him sometime soon.
Great Turn Set, Sleepless!


We need to continue building Factories and Coal Plants. There are a few Cities with a Factory and no Coal Plant that is building something other than a Coal Plant. A Coal Plant is +50% Hammers with access to Coal; we should be building them everywhere.

We don't want exclusively Scientists, because we need three different Great People for our next Golden Age; it might be our last, so we may want to start it when the bulk of our Space Ship parts can be built. In addition to Scientists, we will want Merchants (+3 Wpt and +3 Bpt) and Spy Specialists (+4 Bpt +4 Ept). I wouldn't use Artists (+4 Bpt +4 Cpt), because the culture they produce is useless, except in new cities that are expanding to ring 2.

A Security Bureau should be build in Marseilles due to its +50% defense against espionage activities. Really, the full range of espionage buildings should be constructed here, since its such a hot bed of foreign Spy activity. After the Security Bureau, I'd build a Factory and Coal Plant here to build things quicker, like Research Institute in 2-3t, so when it gets blown away, it can be rebuilt quickly.

Researching Fission and giving it to the AI leaders sounds suicidal to our game goals when some of those AI are likely to build nuclear weapons and fire them, like Churchill perhaps. Mao Zedong is too backwards, so we might be better off clearing all his plots. Furthermore, we don't need Fission to launch a Space Ship, so its a waste of Beakers too. Industrialism -> Plastics and Combustion also permits Ecology without Fission, and we need those Technologies to build a Space Ship also. We can keep Fission to ourselves and probably should delay it until we need to research Fusion, just to avoid making Fission quicker for the AI nutcase to research.

Most importantly, we have very little time to clear Fallout. AI leaders will clear some Fallout when they get Ecology, but I'm certain that we will need to do the bulk of it. I suggest that we start clearing Fallout in AI Cultures we have Open Borders with. I'd completely clear plots not in any BFC and those in BFC with little utility for the AI. For all other plots, I'd clear all, but 1t of it which will be tricky, because the Worker won't automatically stop with 1t left like it does with any improvement that includes forest chopping. There are still many unclaimed areas with Fallout too that we must clear ourselves near the north and south arctic zones.

When prioritizing Settlers claiming resources, please keep distance to Capital in mind, since we are going to Free Market and founding Corporations ASAP.

In preparation for Free Market and Corporations, be sure all Wealth multiplying buildings are in place in every city with significant base commerce (like at least 20 which 4 trade routes alone can provide).

Sun Tzu Wu
@Sun Tzu Wu our workers can't clear fallout in the AI's lands so they will have to do it themselves or we capture all there lands and do it for them. In theory it should be quicker to gift them ecology asap and get them to do it though we might have to have a war near the end if they won't. We do need fission for fusion though and that is the quickest way to gift out ecology. Agree that its slightly dangerous but as long as an AI doesn't build Manhattan we would be ok.

Building wealth/running merchants specs should enable us to run at 90 -100% science slider till the end of the game so no real point imho building markets/banks etc. All cities with factories should get coal plants did think of 3GD but not worth it with the amount of turns left. Would build sec bureau in cities that will produce space parts though.

We cannot neglect our military though as we will beome a target for Churchill again otherwise. We can delete some of the older units to save some money.

@ ianw1610 plan sounds good but tech wise I would go for fission then onto indus - arty - rocketry and get an early start on Apollo as haphazard1 mentioned.

@haphazard1 Have played the demo of Civ V for a few turns but hoping the actual game is better. Does seem a bit dumbed down options wise and no manual!!! Well here's hoping. :)
On the point about Manhattan Project, Stalin already had this at the start of the game, so Nukes are available to all with the relevant technologies!!

I think this is a game of risk and reward, and in this case, we are risking giving away a “dangerous” technology in the hope of being rewarded by Fallout being cleared for us as soon as possible. Also, our technological advantage should be sufficient that, in the event of war breaking out, we can bribe the AI to peace immediately.

And to repeat, we cannot clear Fallout in AI lands during peacetime... although we can do it if we are at war with the AI at the time.

Interesting note from AlanH in the maintenance thread:

“The only events that are required to be simultaneous in the victory conditions are a space victory, and peace with all civs other than Stalin. The other events can occur before, during or after this point in time. You are therefore free to complete fallout clearance - or the defeat of Stalin - after you achieve a space victory. Please note that we will only verify that these conditions apply to your game by looking at your final save. Your final save must therefore include a map clear of accessible fallout, a space victory indication, and the relevant sets of dead and alive civs. Its date will be recorded as your submission completion date.”

...so essentially we can beeline to Space, and then subsequently clear the fallout...

Anyway, I played my turnset. I’ll post the results in 2 minutes...
Ok, I researched the technologies as discussed (I brought forward Rocketry to accelerate Apollo).

Wonders built in the turnset were Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty and Christ the Redeemer. Also I put the Forbidden Palace on an eastern island, as well as completing the Hermitage to take the failure cash. We have 2 sources of Aluminium – one in the North of our homeland, and one in Stalin’s ex-lands.

I captured Lyons, for the loss of just one Rifleman (to a Swordsman, incredibly!!!)

Gifted Ecology of course... there seems to be less of a glow in the AI lands... but there is still lots of fallout there, for them to clean up.

We got 3 Great People, but unfortunately 2 Scientists and a Merchant, so not enough to start a Golden Age. I’m trying my best to generate something different in SugarPig, hence the unusual mix of Great People at present. That Great Person is 3 turns away. Apollo is 6 turns away.

I founded the two corporations. Sushi has been spread to our main continent and nearest islands. Mining Inc has been spread to our main continent. Nothing has yet been spread out to the ex-Stalin cities or scattered island cities.

Initially I got a lot of trades with all AIs for seafood resources (typically they cost around 8 gold each), but the sheer volume of them (we had in excess of 50 seafood resources) was really hurting our economy so I cancelled after 10 turns. We should still be able to renew these deals if we think the benefits would outweigh the costs (but I doubt that would be the case).

Emancipation is really hurting us, so I’ve set Culture at 20% to eliminate some unhappiness.

Sun Tzu Wu up next.
Sounds pretty good, ianw1610! :thumbsup:

Ok, I researched the technologies as discussed (I brought forward Rocketry to accelerate Apollo).

Good news. :) With Superconductors and Ecology, we have six SS parts we can begin immediately. This will allow us to build them in lower hammer cities if we want to keep our top producers on wonder duty or military or whatever.

Wonders built in the turnset were Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty and Christ the Redeemer. Also I put the Forbidden Palace on an eastern island, as well as completing the Hermitage to take the failure cash. We have 2 sources of Aluminium – one in the North of our homeland, and one in Stalin’s ex-lands.

Useful wonders, more good news. :) We should keep Cristo in mind in case we want to swap civics for short bursts.

The aluminum is excellent news as well, I was quite worried about that.

I captured Lyons, for the loss of just one Rifleman (to a Swordsman, incredibly!!!)

I am guessing his gun jammed. :lol: Excellent combat results, Paris should be tremendously more useful now.

Gifted Ecology of course... there seems to be less of a glow in the AI lands... but there is still lots of fallout there, for them to clean up.

Hopefully they will get to work on this. I would think it should be a pretty high priority, but I do not know how many workers the AI has available.

Extra Great Scientist...what to do with this guy? Or has he already been bulbed/settled/whatever?

I founded the two corporations. Sushi has been spread to our main continent and nearest islands. Mining Inc has been spread to our main continent. Nothing has yet been spread out to the ex-Stalin cities or scattered island cities.

More good news. :) I need to check the save and see exactly what kind of results we are getting.

Initially I got a lot of trades with all AIs for seafood resources (typically they cost around 8 gold each), but the sheer volume of them (we had in excess of 50 seafood resources) was really hurting our economy so I cancelled after 10 turns. We should still be able to renew these deals if we think the benefits would outweigh the costs (but I doubt that would be the case).

8 gold each does seem pretty expensive, but I guess the AI is programmed to realized how valuable they are when you have a corporation.

How is our economy holding up in general?

Emancipation is really hurting us, so I’ve set Culture at 20% to eliminate some unhappiness.

How far in the happiness hole are we? Is this get a couple more luxuries in trade stuff, or 6-8-10 unhappy per city? Eiffel gives us free broadcast towers for an extra happy from each modern "hits" resource -- could we get another one or two by building the wonders (or by trade)?

Sounds like very good work, ianw1610. We are making good progress. :)
Interesting note from AlanH in the maintenance thread:

“The only events that are required to be simultaneous in the victory conditions are a space victory, and peace with all civs other than Stalin. The other events can occur before, during or after this point in time. You are therefore free to complete fallout clearance - or the defeat of Stalin - after you achieve a space victory. Please note that we will only verify that these conditions apply to your game by looking at your final save. Your final save must therefore include a map clear of accessible fallout, a space victory indication, and the relevant sets of dead and alive civs. Its date will be recorded as your submission completion date.”

...so essentially we can beeline to Space, and then subsequently clear the fallout...

I saw this also -- very interesting. We can secure our space victory, and then finish fallout if necessary. Or if we can not get peace for a while with one or more of the AIs. It would delay our finish date, but this means we do not have to delay our spaceship.
Looks good ianw1610 :goodjob: Have to wait until I see the save after work but looks like were well on our way.

Regarding GP remember we will get the GE from fusion so not to much worry over getting a different gp. Main thing is can we get an extra 4 fo another golden age. If not bulbing/trade missions are the way to go.

Resource trades? Did you cancel most of the current ones and using our spare non corporation resources for the trades. If not that is something we can do.
Concerning happiness, I traded away a few unique happiness resources, as the AIs had big bucks (in gold per turn) available to trade to us, and I didn't want to trade away a Corporation tech or a Military tech, so there was nothing more available to choose. We may want to look at these deals and investigate if it would be worth cancelling any of them.

Also I noted that the AI tech rate seemed to slow in my turnset (possibly due to committing so much gold per turn to those deals with us!!)

I haven't yet used the "other" Great Scientist. He could possibly bulb part of Genetics. I'm not sure we would ever get 4 different great people, as we are mostly running Scientists in all cities except SugarPig.

When I was trading away Ecology, everyone seemed to be everyone else's worst enemy, so we got a lot of -4 penalties for trading with worst enemy.

I think every AI bounced in and out of WHEOOHRN at some point in the turnset. A couple of the AIs (Gandhi and Roosevelt) were still in it at the end of the turnset. I built some extra military to defend our main continent.
Increasing the Research slider to 60% with Culture slider 20%:

If our citizens work every Hammer plot with at least 3H or more, we can run Research at 60% = 3207 Bpt and at +41 Wpt with significant numbers of Merchants.

Civics changes (no Anarchy via Cristo Redentor):

Consider Caste System -> Emancipation, to avoid wasting 20% Commerce on Culture slider. Might wait till next Great Person is generated in 2 turns (with negative growth). There are enough non-Citizen specialist slots to handle 14+ specialists without Caste System in PigFish or any other city; since 4 Specialists can be Merchants this is especially appealing to help avoid a deficit to get a good Research rate at 3200 or more. We don't need more than 2 slots for Artists, so Theatre will not need to be built, if it doesn't already exist in a city; Eiffel Tower provides a Broadcast Tower for each city and thus 2 Artist slots. There are 4 Scientist slots in all cities with a Research Institute and Library. Most cities have a Spy specialist slot from Courthouse.

To simulate no Caste System with regard to specialists, I temporarily reassigned all our specialists to their normal non-Caste System limits. By adopting Emancipation, we eliminate Emancipation unhappiness and all our cities become happy at Culture 00%. Thus the research slider can be increased from 60% to 80%, and possibly high enough to oscillate between 80% and 90%, though mostly 80%. The sustainable Research rate with Emancipation becomes:

3469 Bpt at +90 Wpt plus 13 formally unhappy citizens can produce a minimum of +3 Bpt x 2.5 = 102.5 Bpt or a total of 3571 Bpt at +90 Wpt and Research slider 80%. Since we are running a +90 Wpt surplus at Research slider 80%, we can try Research slider 90% which gives us 98.5 more Bpt at -66 Wpt, so our fractional Research slider is just a little less than 86% with an average of about +57 Bpt more than at 80%, thus our final estimated average Research rate becomes:

3628 Bpt at about 0 Wpt and Research slider 85.7% approximately.

The down side of no Caste System is 1 Hpt less per Workshop.

Research Path:

Computers -> Fiber Optics -> Fusion -> Genetics -> Satellites -> Composites

Space Ship related builds:

Capital: 6t to go on The Apollo Project EDIT: I will hire 3 Engineers to complete it in 5t.

EDIT: 1 SS Life Support and 5 SS Thrusters can be started as soon as the Apollo Project is completed in 5t.

1 SS Cockpit -> 2 SS Engines -> 1 SS Stasis Chamber -> 1 SS Docking Bay -> 5 SS Casings

Casings are the quickest to rebuild in our Iron Works city in case of sabotage.

Great Wonder Builds:

Waste of Hammers: The Three Gorges Dam, The Internet

Maybe: RockNRoll for Singles happiness resource

Happiness buildings for the about 6 cities that need them due to Emancipation:

Theatre, Colosseum, Market, and Temple(s). (Broadcast Tower we have in all cities due to Eiffel Tower.)

Heath buildings for the about 17 cities that need them due to Sid's Sushi growth:

Granary, Harbor, Aqueduct, Grocer, Supermarket, Hospital, Public Transportation, Recycling Center, and National Park.

Commerce buildings:

Harbor, Customs House

Wealth buildings:

Courthouse, Market, Grocer, Bank, Forbidden Palace, and Wall Street (in Capital).

Espionage buildings:

Security Bureaus shall be built in all (Hammer heavy) cities where Space Ship parts might be built for the +50% extra defense against enemy espionage activities, especially SS part build sabotage.

Courthouse, Jail, Intelligence Agency, Security Bureau, Scotland Yard, The Kremlin

Production buildings:

Forge, Factory, Coal Plant, Hydro Plant, Nuclear Plant, Iron Works (completed), Levees (completed), Drydock, Industrial Park, Heroic Epic (completed), Moai Statues (for Paris), Research Institute (+50% SS), The Space Elevator (usually too late to help anyway and required Technology is not needed in SS) and The Three Gorges Dam.

Most cities will build Wealth, but some cities will build the most beneficial of the above buildings.

Corporation spread:

Sid's Sushi and Mining, Inc. will be spread to additional cities, provided that it improves the Research rate with minimal economic impact.

City Growth:

In general, City Growth will be practically limited by the Health level, since Happiness Cap is usually higher even accommodating some Emancipation Unhappiness. Thus, larger cities will not be grown above their health cap, since that may actually limit the number of specialists or keep it the same. Newer cities below their health cap will be grown either fast or slowly to run some specialist as they grow.

Fallout clearing:

Workers will be sent to clear all Fallout within our Cultural Boundaries and outside of all Cultural Boundaries. Fallout shall be found and eliminated ASAP, regardless where. Hopefully, the AI leaders will clear out all Fallout within their borders, but we will have to ensure that they do.

Please let me know whether I have forgotten anything.

Sun Tzu Wu
Should we consider gifting workers to our opponents, to make faster clearing possible for them.

Regarding CiV, I still have to open mine, so I have no comments on it yet.
Clearing fallout is going to be our stumbling block and we might have to nudge the AI along a bit by:

a. Gifting workers especially on the island cities.

b. Taking there cities and clearing ourselves.

Doesn't seem much point to building to many buildings now. Looks like DG might be the target of Ghandi so possibly gift him another city somewhere?

Apollo I would have built in our IW city. We still can. Make sure it works its max tiles (get the other ones back not being used), lumbermill the furs etc. Plus we get a bit of failure gold from the Capital.

Looking at the save again I think we should get some more workers out and gift them around to the AI. We have 2 idle workers in the South who should be picked up and moved to the West for more fallout clearance.

Doesn't seem much point to spreading corporations either to my mind.

Civics one option might be to adopt serfdom then bribe the AI into it to speed up there worker actions. For the same reason I would gift steam engine to Mao this turn.

Good luck on your turnset Sun Tzu Wu though the luck we really need is for the AI to clear there fallout so gifting lots of workers seems the way to go.
To clear fallout in enemy lands, we don't need to take the city, but we do need to DoW the AI in question... of course, a stack of our units would need to protect any of our Workers who are in the enemy lands during a war, for the purpose of clearing fallout.

It may be worth looking line by line at each deal which is currently in place with an AI. As I said, I traded away some Resources of which we had only one source, as a lot of gold per turn was available. Cancelling some of these deals would lose us the gold per turn, but would restore some happiness and health.

The PPP looks good - no further comments from me.
Should we consider gifting workers to our opponents, to make faster clearing possible for them.

Great idea! We can give all our excess workers to the AI leaders with Open Borders. Built more workers and them away too.

Clearing fallout is going to be our stumbling block and we might have to nudge the AI along a bit by:

a. Gifting workers especially on the island cities.

b. Taking there cities and clearing ourselves.

Doesn't seem much point to building to many buildings now.

I agree, but I'll still build at least a Security Bureau in each city likely to build SS parts for +50% defense against enemy espionage in those cities like sabotaging the SS part or Factory, Bank, etc.

Looks like DG might be the target of Ghandi so possibly gift him another city somewhere?

OK, but it may be hard to find a city too crappy for De Gaulle to take. ;) I try one in the snow somewhere.

Apollo I would have built in our IW city. We still can. Make sure it works its max tiles (get the other ones back not being used), lumbermill the furs etc. Plus we get a bit of failure gold from the Capital.

Can do. I'll bet were the only team to get failure Wealth from Apollo Program. Does one really get Wealth for incomplete Projects in other cities when the Project is completed like one does for Great and National Wonders?

Looking at the save again I think we should get some more workers out and gift them around to the AI. We have 2 idle workers in the South who should be picked up and moved to the West for more fallout clearance.

You can be sure that I'll distribute our Workers to the AI leaders based on need to clear Fallout and exactly where they need them the most. The rest will be up to the AIs; they will probably waste our workers building Farms and Cottages in the same plots over and over again. :) Actually, they probably will work feverishly to clear Fallout in all plots of their BFCs and possibly beyond.

Doesn't seem much point to spreading corporations either to my mind.

Don't worry, I'll stop spreading Sid's Sushi and Mining, Inc. when they stop improving our overall economy. Also, I'll keep tuning our economy and switching citizens to maximize Research until we have all Technologies needed for our Space Ship.

However, we need corporations in non-SS building cities to help support our economy while many of our Hammer heavy cities are building SS parts. So, I really think we need to spread both corporations more with due diligence to avoid any adverse consequences. I think that is rather unlikely, given our empire was reasonably well prepared with numerous Wealth/Commerce multiplying buildings for very heavy utilization of both our Corporations.

Civics one option might be to adopt serfdom then bribe the AI into it to speed up there worker actions. For the same reason I would gift steam engine to Mao this turn.

OK, we have Cristo Redentor, so I can adopt Serfdom this turn, try to bribe all AI leaders, except De Gaulle into Serfdom. If it works, Emancipation unhappiness will be eliminated and we can stay in Serfdom or go back to Caste System. I'd probably stay in Caste System most of the time, but I'll keep the specialists spread in different disciplines to get a shot at a 4 Great Person Golden Age in those cities that can still generate a Great Person early enough and all Scientists in other cities. If bribing AI leaders to Serfdom fails, we have no recourse except adopt Emancipation for the duration, unless we can come up with enough happiness resources by canceling resource trades for wealth.

Yes, I'll remember to trade Steam Power to Mao Zedong.

Good luck on your turnset Sun Tzu Wu though the luck we really need is for the AI to clear there fallout so gifting lots of workers seems the way to go.

I'll send out our weaker military units as observers and try to entice the AI leaders to clear Fallout as quickly as possible. :) I'm half joking; We really do want to observe the AI's progress with clearing Fallout, until we get Satellites and can see everything. I may switch to Satellites right now, so we can see our entire World every turn ASAP and actually count the Fallout plots remaining with each subsequent turn.

To clear fallout in enemy lands, we don't need to take the city, but we do need to DoW the AI in question... of course, a stack of our units would need to protect any of our Workers who are in the enemy lands during a war, for the purpose of clearing fallout.

Thanks for this description of the only way to clear enemy lands of Fallout without actually capturing or razing their cities.

It may be worth looking line by line at each deal which is currently in place with an AI. As I said, I traded away some Resources of which we had only one source, as a lot of gold per turn was available. Cancelling some of these deals would lose us the gold per turn, but would restore some happiness and health.

I'll selectively cancel some wealth for sole happiness and health deals with the AI as a cheap way to solve our happiness and health issues.

Please observe that we can generate 2000+ Bpt and possibly more at Research slider 00% and about 4000 Bpt at Research slider 100% (which we can't sustain without massive and probably some external inputs of wealth.

I also plan to trade for as much Sid's Sushi and Mining, Inc resources for wealth as possible and spread our corporations further to increase our growth and specialist hiring, possibly reaching 3000+ Bpt at Research slider 00% and substantially more Hammers for Mining, Inc branch offices too. The main focus will be more Mining, Inc. resources for even more productive SS part building cities. As long as empire's Research, Hammer, and Growth rates keeps going up even if the Research slider goes down we will launch sooner.

In the end, as Sleepless noted we probably are at the mercy of how fast the AI clear Fallout. I will be sacrificing building Wealth for spamming Workers to give to AI leaders, so our Research rate will suffer a lot until we have given most of our workers away and while we build SS parts.

I plan to proceed with my Turn Set with an initial subset of turns a little later tonight. It seems to make sense to start with Satellites and complete it and upload the game state so everyone can assess our closeness to achieving our Fallout clearing goal. I will then follow up with probably two much longer subsets of my turn set this weekend. Does that sound reasonable?

Sun Tzu Wu
Plan looks good Sun Tzu Wu. At least we can see in a few plots from the tile yield the AI are clearing fallout now and more workers should speed them up. :)

Regarding DG we can bribe the AI into peace straight away but as he has no troops he's likely to lose his city straight away if the AI have enough movement left and we can't bribe them into peace in time. So gifting another city out of the way seems the best solution. Of course he might not trust us though. :lol:
I plan to proceed with my Turn Set with an initial subset of turns a little later tonight.

Sorry, I'll have to delay playing the first part of my turn set till Friday evening. So, plenty of time for more comments.

It appears like we are doing 25t turn sets now. That will probably take us pretty close to the launch; then there will be about 15t waiting for the ship to arrive. That appears to amount to about two more turn sets till we win, assuming the Fallout gets cleaned out in time and we're able to keep the Peace.

Sun Tzu Wu
Planning looks pretty good, Sun Tzu Wu. :thumbsup:

A couple thoughts on tech path:

- Should we leave Genetics so late? It would allow us to start the Stasis Chamber earlier, a very expensive part with no doubler resource. Also, it would give +3 health in all cities, which we could certainly use in a lot of places.

- If we grab Satellites earlier, is it worth finishing Composites earlier to start the 5 SS Casings? They are relatively cheap and double with aluminum, but there are five of them.

Of course, if we move all of Satellites, Genetics, and Composites earlier we will end up with Fusion last, which means the engines become a bottleneck at the end. :( But I think we should consider at least Genetics earlier to get the bonus health in all cities.

I have no idea if you can get failure cash from a world project like Apollo. Is it actually faster to start it in the IW city than to complete it in the capital? (I have not checked the save.)

Good luck!
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