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SGOTM 12 - tao

Save uploaded-sorry this slipped my mind.

If I was still playing this is what I would do:

T1-Dromons bomb the southern stack and then carry on round to head towards Ent. Knights take out the southern units-don't worry about the spear this turn-we want that road south. Armies heal.

T2-knights clear the way for the armies head for iron mountain (if almost/fully healed) or volcano-preferably protected by the rifle. Take any spare knights if at all possible. Dromons should now get to be one tile from Ent.

T3-we have 6 army attacks vs Ent defenders. After dromon bombarment this 'should' be enough. (This is assuming that the viking caravel doesn't get there first-this is why I would only give one turn of healing)

I prefer not to use sea travel for the armies as a lucky galley strike could be catastrophic.

It's up to you though-that's why I didn't play out my last turn. I didn't want to set you up for something that you were uncomfortable with.

Edit: don't forget to consider tech/gpt trade with Persia as we need the cash IMO.

Also maybe we can use our new found Viking friends to attack France next. They'll take the heat whilst we slip in the back and take Paris? We'll need some more troops in the area but personally I'd rather do it this way around instead of taking on Scandinavia first.
Do we still need more knights or would economic developments be better ? I see a need to maximise gold with rail bonus and possibly banks so we can bribe Civs when we get to the UN vote.

Once major cities are linked by rails I will ship workers to rail around Constantinople and innner (low coruption) cities for max gold (this is getting into the next turns probably).
Completed the 1050 AD turn and get another leader. Do I build another army or is their any builds in prospect we can hurry ? I have already started the Pentagon as a pre-build but could forgo that. If I can trade Mil Trad from France we could build Mil Academy.

I will keap the leader on tap for a few turns at least till we have units free to joint it. Quick advice needed as I play on.
I'd say build army - no Pentagon because armies couldn't be transported until Combustion if they are filled with four units
Team Zoe must have finished their game as their last post in their team thread was on april 13th, 1300AD is a good date for this SGotm. I Predict we will not finish faster than 1500AD.
Why we should destroy France?. Persia and France are the best AI researchers in this game, there are high chances they will research Rep Parts for us if we will give Electricity ASAP.
I agree with an additional army.

Why destroy France? This may need further analysis but they are a danger to beat us via 20K.
Can one get a rough estimate of Paris' culture/turn from checking f8 from a few turns and estimate their 20k win date?? I know it won't be constant/linear with bonus culture kicking in, but is the idea worthwhile persuing??
I have reached 1080 AD and the Celts are no more. We have 3 or 4 armies. Note rushing Pentagon would give us three 4 unit armies vs four 3 unit armies (with Pentagon still possible) so I go with four armies.

Any other rushes like Smith's takes too long to wait for five banks to complete and Mil Academy again takes time to delivery what should be possible my taking out a few more minor Civs.

I will take a short break and look at Scandinavia as next candidate as it takes beserker out of the equation (but AI does use it very well) and puts us next door to France.

Alternatively take out America while looking for more leaders. Later we might consider encouraging war between Scand & France using Dromons / frigates to destroy any French shipping, then bombard French forces crossing narrow ismuth or bomdard sheep tiles rather than get involved in direct assault. However this does not seem worth the effort right now.

Any other candidates ?

In either event a few turns of peace are needed to max our production while organising forces and complete major rail networks.
Can one get a rough estimate of Paris' culture/turn from checking f8 from a few turns and estimate their 20k win date?? I know it won't be constant/linear with bonus culture kicking in, but is the idea worthwhile persuing??
950AD: 9161 points. 1050AD: 10019 points. Sorry but my worries appear unfounded. Allowing for doubling effect of Copers, Mags and JSB plus the odd additional wonder suggests that they will not reach 20K before another 90-100 turns i.e not before 1600AD. We can keep an eye on it but we should be OK.

We should guard against flips in their area though.
Reached 1090AD and Pesia is prepared to offer 220g plus 82 gpt for stream power !

Is this too good to be true and a sign the Ai would do the deal then start a war ? `Tempted to take the deal as the straight gold gives us four more turns at 70% science to Electricity. Note Persia has already taken 1 of Babylon's cities so that's one Civ not going to be handing around long.

Quick thoughts before I take the money ?
Tone suggested taking Persia money before and I like the idea too. OTOH like Ignas suggested Persia is a good bet to research middle part of the tree and if we go bottom with ToE, it seems like the trading might be more efficient and it might hurt to slow Persia down by taking their gpt. Just a feeling no concrete numbers.

Nice job Mac on leader farming and taking out the Celts.
I say stay nice with the Vikings and France which leaves the Americans. Though our rail network is good, I envision the possibility of the Vikings hitting a 1or2 defender city with berserkers before we could blink. I don't have much experience with that - perhaps the AI isn't that capable. As long as France isn't a 20k threat, they should be helpful with techs. edit:Thanks for the number crunching regarding Paris culture.
Have reached 1110 AD and I will pause here till tomorrow as it is getting late.

Persia has destroyed Babylon (I checked but they were not at war the turn before).

We are 2 turns from Electricity and the fleet is ready to sail for America. On balance I think we keep the option of Scandinavia as an ally against France. It also places our armies not too far from Persia if they get troublesome. Rail nearly complete on Indo / Inca continent so will ship workers to rail around mimimal corrupt inner cities.

By end of turn armies should be ready to land / attack on mountain next to New York with blockading dromon off Washington.
Consider if Vikings are adequate diversionary force. If not, and you have enough units, consider some diversion before landing the main SOD. otoh perhaps AI won't attack 4 armies stacked.
Post the save??
Persia destroyed Babylon?That's really sad, just 6 scientific civs are left in the game (including us), there might be some problem in getting Fission upon entering Modern Age.
I'd say take around 35 gpt from Persia and donate Electricity them after few turns are invested in Scientific Method research, we have a prebuild, so we should get ToE easily.
We should rail corrupted areas ASAP for fast growth and later sci farms. I'd also say we shouldn't attack France, they might research required tech for us (remember we are not going for conquest but for diplo so leave France in game unless they are threatening us with culture)
Persia destroyed Babylon?That's really sad
Gifting Babylon Alesia to keep them in the game was in my mind but they were not at war. Should have guessed Persia could destroy them in one turn.

Have taken the gold. Is gifting Electricity to our advantage as we want the AIs to research the upper arm through industrialisation which we can trade for.

I favour railing uncorrupt cities, especially pre-build cities, as we get the full advantage while corrupt cities just waste the extra shields. Extra food is not usually a big issue in most outer cities but could help a few size twelve cities have to option to use specialists without starvation.

Since little should happen I should be able to quickly finish this turn in a few hours. Full write-up may take till tomorrow.
Turn complete. We have Electricity with Scietific Method on 9 plus Military Tradition (traded with France) hence Cavalry builds.

Most units are in place for attack on America (4 armies plus a few elite units) off New York and a Dromon + frigate to blockade Washington.

All major cities linked by rail and immediate surroundings tiles railed for extra shield or food.

End of next turn set should see Sc. Method and hence Atomic theory and Electonics. Watch pre-build for ToE does not arrive early. Pre-build for Hoover should not be too long behind. Need to encourage AIs to research the upper route via Corporation.

Save uploaded.
1050 AD continued
Bombard stack S. of Alesia, 3 hits, 3 misses
vKnt (>1/4) kills 3/4 vGallicSword
vKnt kills 3/5 eliteGSw
vKnt (> 3/4) kills 3/4 vGSw
vKnt dies on vHorse (4/4 > 1/4)
vKnt kills 4/4 vHorse
eKnt (> 3/5) kills 2/4 vGSw
eRifle kills 1/4 vHorse will get Hero 4 & Gt. Leader

Continue railing to Bombay & Lisbon all down to Instanbul
Move Knt from Seoul to kill Barb.
Switch Dehli to Pentagon as pre-build for Hoover Dam
mm Bombay / Lisbon / Kyoto / Teotihuscan for WLTK and beakers
Trade Persia Dyes for WM, 70g + 5 gpt.

IBT 5 vet Gallic Swordsmen die attacking Alesia (all three armies red-lined)

1060 AD
Army recover strength
Army 1 kills 1/4 Horse on iron mountain & occupies.
Army 2 7 3 joint it.
Dromons head for Entremont
EKn kills spear & captures worker.
vKnt kills last 1/4 Gallic Sword
Trade Germany Dyes for 20g
Knt destroys Barb camp +25g and upgrade to vet
War weariness seems to be kicking in.

IBT Scand. Caravel lands single Berserker which dies attacking Entr.
Seoul b worker > Library
Const. b Rifle > Rifle
York b worker > worker
Veii b worker > Library

1070 AD
1st Army (>9/12) kills vSpear in Entr.
2nd Army (>10/14) kills vSpear
eKnt (>1/4) kills vSpear
3rd Army (>8/14) kills Vspear
2nd Army (>6/14) kills vGS
1st Army kills1/4 vGS capture Entremont (Walls + Harbour) - Celts are no more.

Move worker to clear pollution nr Contst.
MmKotoo for Bank next turn
Up science to 70 % for Electric in 6.

IBT Koyot b Bank > Frigate
Bombay b vKnt > Bank
Oporto b vKnt > Frigate
Babylon does not renew trade (-1 gpt)

1080 AD
Build 4th Army and load with vetKnt units.
Rail reaches Oporto so switch to south.

IBT Ur b Rifle > ?
Cusco b Bank > Rifle
Const. b Rifle > Frigate
Sumner b University> Knt
Load headed Armies into Galleys

1090 AD
Trade Persia Steam Power for 220g + 82 gpt
Trade WM around for some gold
NB Keep eye on Babylon as it is reduced to one city (not at war)

IBT Madrid b worker > MI (as MP)
Worker clesr pollution and continue railing around Const.

1100 AD
Organise Galleys & Dromons into two stacks plus galley/dromon from Alisia with 3 elite units.

IBT Babylonians destroyed by Persia ! As they were not at war last turn this was done in one move – should have anticipated that and gifted Alesia sooner
York b worker > Univ.

1110 AD
Move ships and continue railing moving some workers from Dehli to ‘home’ continent
Agree right of Passage with France when they threaten to through us out. OK as I think attacking them is not going to happen any time soon (they have been able to build cavalry for some time now)
Scandinavian only ask us to leave – fine by me

IBT Istanbul b Galleon > Bank
Rome b Market > Library
London b Rifle > worker
Kyoto b Frigate > worker
Copan b Market > worker
Sumner b worker > market
We research Electricity > Scientific Method (9 turns)

1120 AD
More movements & railing
Trade France Elect for WM, 5g, Wool & Military Tradition (switch to Cavalry builds)

IBT London b worker > Frigate
Const. b Frigate > Cav
Copan b worker > Cav
Teoti. B Bank > Cav

1130 AD
Trade Scand. Spices for 20g
Move shipping & rail tiles

IBT Cusco b Rifle > Cav
Oporto b Frigate > Cav

1050 AD
Move shipping & rail tiles

Attack forces is now off new York with 4 Armies and 3 elites. Dromon + Frigate off Washington With luck they will go in 3 / 4 turns and gain us Gt. Leader with which to build Cav army.

Several trades expired and need to be re-considered. Probably also need to give gold and trade back Advances with scientific Civs to get them moving – especially along Corporation path. Tao - you are good at that, wouldn’t want to mess up and lose 100g as we race for Scientific Method.

Have looked at railing for extra food to enable use of specialist (tax or scientist) in major cities without starvation. Done this with Constantinople.
Have looked at railing for extra food to enable use of specialist (tax or scientist) in major cities without starvation. Done this with Constantinople.
Due to the zero corruption in the capital combined with the multiplier buildings for science/commerce there, this is a bad idea. Doing it in our corrupt towns is going to beneficial though.

(I'll take a look tomorrow and make any further comments if I see something.)

Are you able to play next, tao or are you still busy?
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