SGOTM 15 - Unusual Suspects

I can volunteer for Governor-General or Foreign Minister, and talk to Alan/complain if that needs be done :p
I am happy to direct strategy, if we want to lose extra quick.
shhh... trojan. You are not supposed to let them know your purpose so quick :nono:
vra, I think you should officially "de-lurk". You don't have to play turnsets if you aren't comfortable with it (God knows I'm never comfortable playing mine...), and we wouldn't have to worry about it later if you do want to play.

BTW, I am voting we move the warrior 1E after deleting the settler so we can collect some fish.
Actually, it seems Alan has made the Vra Rule where lurkers can play. *sigh* So, no issues.

And deal. FISH FRY!
OK, so no one wants to be captain; let's form an autonomous collective instead.

The US' captain's role has been more of moving the team along than setting strategy.
Important captain duties as ably performed by kcd previously: establish team rules, keep the game moving, identify who is up and who is on deck, final OK to play.
Each turn set is preceded by discussions, a Pre Play Plan, more discussions, updated PPP, and approval.

One problem is our availability. Many of us can't commit to being available to participate in the planning for all turn sets. What we need is a quorum of players available for the discussions.
Brian wrote:
We could always split out some of the leadership roles as well though if need be, e.g. have a leader but let him/her delegate to sub leaders in charge of e.g. linking to turnsets, working sandboxes, organising team micromanagement scenario testing.

While the leader would still be in charge and be allowed to prod some serious buttock when needed it would spread out the more tedious aspects of leadership a bit, giving everybody extra interest in the game and lessening the individual workload.
Chris & Trys have volunteered to do the documentation aspect - so that's covered. :cool:

Perhaps add these items to the current PPP: current captain (approval to play, designation of who is up = skip current player if he is awol) and current play order roster.

Important note: all players have veto power over current proposed PPP. [I think yamps used this effectively]. Need a quorum of yes votes plus captain ok to play.

BTW, I am voting we move the warrior 1E after deleting the settler so we can collect some fish.
We don't have fishing and do have agriculture, so maybe move warrior toward corn instead?
OK, so no one wants to be captain; let's form an autonomous collective instead.

The US' captain's role has been more of moving the team along than setting strategy.
Important captain duties as ably performed by kcd previously: establish team rules, keep the game moving, identify who is up and who is on deck, final OK to play.
Each turn set is preceded by discussions, a Pre Play Plan, more discussions, updated PPP, and approval.

One problem is our availability. Many of us can't commit to being available to participate in the planning for all turn sets. What we need is a quorum of players available for the discussions.
Brian wrote: Chris & Trys have volunteered to do the documentation aspect - so that's covered. :cool:

Perhaps add these items to the current PPP: current captain (approval to play, designation of who is up = skip current player if he is awol) and current play order roster.

Important note: all players have veto power over current proposed PPP. [I think yamps used this effectively]. Need a quorum of yes votes plus captain ok to play.

We don't have fishing and do have agriculture, so maybe move warrior toward corn instead?


Vra: "I rise on a Point of Order."

Chair:"The Dais recognizes Vra, please state that point."

Vra:"I motion we call ourselves the Unusual Suspects Politburo for this game." :goodjob: (I am serious btw, its been years since we had a name change.)
Trystero and I are willing to be co-captains. We've already worked out a division of duties. Trystero will handle the roster, deadlines, vacation/away requests, etc. I will document rules and links to relevant information, link turnset reports, and write turnset summaries.

For strategy and PPP approval, your plan sounds great to me.
Trystero and I are willing to be co-captains. We've already worked out a division of duties. Trystero will handle the roster, deadlines, vacation/away requests, etc. I will document rules and links to relevant information, link turnset reports, and write turnset summaries.

For strategy and PPP approval, your plan sounds great to me.

Looks good. Thoughts on the name change though? :p
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