SGOTM 16 - U'nu'sual S'us'pec'ts

Classical starts tend to be easier if I remember correctly since starting units are the same for all. Just got to get adjusted to them. Not sure if I'll be signing up for this one actually..RL has taken all my time lately and I don't THINK I'll be able to contribute much until March and I'm heading off on a 3 month holiday in April or May.

You pinned the right explanation. Indeed, later starts are rigged by default. For instance, on deity, for a classical start, the AI starts with 2 settlers and 2 workers, thus just one more worker (and a couple archers) than from 4000 BC. Since when a deity won't found a third city by 4000 BC to 2000 BC. Of course, that's rigged and slows the AI down. On ancient starts, I think an AI with already 5 cities exist (like Joao II).
kcd, you gonna take that lying down? I think you need to teach Tachy a lesson. Like prohibiting worker stealing. :cool:

Oh my, that would instantly become known as the 'Tachy rule'.
Classical starts tend to be easier if I remember correctly since starting units are the same for all. Just got to get adjusted to them. Not sure if I'll be signing up for this one actually..RL has taken all my time lately and I don't THINK I'll be able to contribute much until March and I'm heading off on a 3 month holiday in April or May.

3 month holiday :goodjob:
You Europeans - enjoy.
Stop picking on Tachywaxon, whose enslavement article is the best in Strategy and Tips - Articles.

Stealing Workers with Warriors Successfully is Always Satisfying.

Sun Tzu Wu
Im very happy to see the team back together. Onward and upward!!!
3 month holiday :goodjob:
You Europeans - enjoy.

Thanks! I would've been gone from March until September but my visa only lets me stay outside the UK for that long :lol: (Although this holiday is going to be student style, so budgeting and all that applies :) )

Let's get this rolling!! :) I managed to get interviews at my first choice and second choice universities which is why I've been all over the place lately. :(
Let's get this rolling!! :) I managed to get interviews at my first choice and second choice universities which is why I've been all over the place lately. :(

I'm ready. :)

I'm playing a few practice openings with Charly and Classical starts to get a feel for things.

PS - Congrats on the interviews, Revent! :thumbsup:
Hi guys. Thanks for the invitations to join SGOTM17 (and sorry that a hung server ate my original reply to Neil). I just turned 50 and am examining what I want to do with my few remaining years. ;) I've been slogging through GOTM87 (designed by a certain evil mapmaker), and view it as sort of a foretaste of the SG. And BOTM62 has really rammed home the realization that my early game is at best adequate, and that I will never learn how to properly rush an AI or how to beat Deity except as a fluke. So instead of devoting tens to hundreds of hours to a game--even a game as awesome as BTS, and with fantastic teammates like you--I think I'll renovate my basement. :D Good luck, and congrats again on your great work in SGOTM16!
Hi guys. Thanks for the invitations to join SGOTM17 (and sorry that a hung server ate my original reply to Neil). I just turned 50 and am examining what I want to do with my few remaining years. ;) I've been slogging through GOTM87 (designed by a certain evil mapmaker), and view it as sort of a foretaste of the SG. And BOTM62 has really rammed home the realization that my early game is at best adequate, and that I will never learn how to properly rush an AI or how to beat Deity except as a fluke. So instead of devoting tens to hundreds of hours to a game--even a game as awesome as BTS, and with fantastic teammates like you--I think I'll renovate my basement. :D Good luck, and congrats again on your great work in SGOTM16!

Best wishes Xcal. Will miss you. Just remember Worker First for basement remodeling.
OK - I think we are all back. Hopefully the new team threads should open shortly.

Anyone want to volunteer to captain the ship this time around? I can't speak for Chris, but I am fine running the schedule/keeping things moving again if needed. But perhaps we need/want someone new?
^ you guys did a great job. I'm happy to let you continue.

In a month, Iff my job ends and I retire, then I would be willing to captain.
I'm very happy for either of you guys to do it.
Not yet, was waiting for our own thread to open..... which it now has.

I will have a go at one hopefully today
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