• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

SGOTM 20 - Civ Geeks United


Mac addict, php monkey
Hall of Fame Staff
GOTM Staff
Jan 9, 2003
Welcome to your BtS SGOTM 20 Team Thread. Please use it for all internal team communication, turn logs and discussions. Subscribe to it to receive notifications, and do not visit the other team threads for this game until you have finished. Please also subscribe to the Maintenance Thread for this game, where teams and staff may post non-spoiler information of general interest.

You can find the Game Details in the first post of the Maintenance Thread. If any changes occur in the game settings or rules, I shall post them in that thread, and edit that post.

Please wait until your team leader/administrator/scribe has reserved a couple of top posts in this thread for game admin information. Then post here to let your team know you have arrived.

Your first action as a team should be to decide on a new team name. I can then change the name of this thread, and produce your team starting save to match the new name.

Good luck with the game, and welcome to our new players. :)
You will play as Mehmed the Defender of Faiths.

You are Mehmed II and you are in charge of what's left of the Ottoman Empire.

Just a few years ago your glorious capital was flourishing under your King's rulership and you and your men were proud to protect its borders against all foes. Your people engaged in trade and cultural exchange with various foreign tribes and the future seemed bright.

But it all changed when all the different preachers arrived. When the foreigners brought their beliefs to your city, the King tried to prevent them from spreading and caused great unrest. And now, you find yourself at the height of a devastating civil war. Your King is dead and the capital is burning.

You took your loyal guard with you as well as a small group of your subjects. They have followed you to the northern border of your nation to rebuild your empire.

Your starting situation
Click for a full size image

Your guard is well trained: The warrior and the archer both have the city garrison promotion and your scout is an experienced medic.
The people that will settle your new city know about The Wheel, Fishing and Agriculture, but they lack any higher education.
Your former capitol lays to the south. The last time you saw it it was burning and the people were fighting in the streets. It might be dangerous to go back anytime soon.

Your goals
You have sworn to rebuild your empire and to ensure such madness will never be repeated, by encouraging and not suppressing faith. To do so...

Take control of the Religions! - Only you (or your vassals) may own a Holy City.
Bring them together! - Each of your cities has at least two religions. There are at least seventy temples in your cities.
Promote Equality! - You must adopt and stay in Free Religion upon learning Liberalism.
End the madness! - You will be told how to do that after you capture three Holy Cities or when you have met every other civilization.
Prove that you are a worthy ruler! - You win the game in any way but conquest.

Game Options
Ancient Era Start
Normal Speed
No Goody Huts
No Events
All Victory Conditions Enabled

Map size Large
9 Opponents
Normal Barbs
Map: Custom made Pangaea
Difficulty: Immortal



The Pre-game Discussion Thread for this game is now open for business.

The team discussion threads for this game will open on or before July 1

The team starting saves will be available here on July 7.

The completion deadline will be October 31. Plan your game, and please avoid a last minute struggle to meet the deadline.
Please be warned, except in the event of cosmic catastrophes. THERE WILL BE NO DEADLINE EXTENSIONS.

[*]Rules and Procedures
Please visit the Civ4 SGOTM reference thread to check out the rules and procedures to ensure that you are adequately prepared for this game.

Note, the usual GOTM restrictions apply: no replaying, no liberating cities to a civ you are at war with (except in peace deal), no subsidizing resource trades with AI, no goto mapping or flying camera, only 1 tech from Oracle/Liberalism.

Team Rules*


  • Read the various rule threads posted by AlanH.
  • Before playing every single turnset, verify that your ini file has the autosave interval set to 1.
  • Before playing every single turnset, verify that the BUFFY log is enabled.
  • After uploading your save file, post BOTH the CivFanatics log (displayed on the upload confirmation web page) and the BUFFY log.
  • No reloads! We get one shot, no replays, period!
  • No reading other team threads. The easiest way to do this is to use the thread tools to subscribe to this thread. You could also bookmark the thread.
  • When looking at the save, do not perform any irreversible action. Do not move units, whip, or trade.
  • The flying camera exploit is banned.
  • If the game crashes, stop and PM AlanH with the details of what happened. Wait for instructions from AlanH before proceeding.
  • Do not open auto saves except to recover from a crash.
  • Stop and ask the team for advice if a new opportunity presents itself.
  • Stop and ask the team if anything goes wrong.
  • Have fun!

Strongly Recommended

  • Make manual saves often, preferably every turn, in case we need to review diplomacy screens or other metrics.
  • Pause the game before uploading or examining it.
  • Put TEST flags on the map on test games, and name test games so it's obvious they aren't the real game.
  • Let us know if you are unable to make a deadline, get too busy in real life, or are going offline for vacation.
  • Do not automate workers.
  • Do not use city governors.
  • Do not leave units on goto orders.
  • Have fun!

  • Active participation -- Your contribution to every set is important, even if it's an 'I agree.' Although everyone might have real life issues sometimes, it's courteous to notify the team of your absence.
  • Pre-Play Plan -- The spirit of succession games is to play the game following the consensus of the team decision. Therefore the player who is UP should post a clear plan for discussion. Guidelines have been posted for the contents of your plan in the next post. It might be that the team decides to head in a direction you were opposed to, it does not mean you are wrong but rather that the team believes the odds of winning are more likely with the decided approach.
  • Timing -- We will stick to a schedule in order to complete this game within the 3 month ironcast deadline. It is still important to reach consensus and ensure quality of play.
    -An "Initial PPP" should be posted within 24 hours of the previous submission. After 24 hours, ANY player is open to posting an Initial PPP for team debate. Getting the debate going is sometimes the biggest delay as everyone may be waiting for a specific person to post the Initial PPP.
    -Game must be played within 48 hours of team consensus, otherwise ANY available player can post a "SUB" and immediately play the set
    -A "WILL PLAY" must be announced by the next rostered player, after the team consensus to 24 hours after a save is submitted. Otherwise YOU WILL BE SKIPPED.
    -Some sets will take much longer than others. If the UP player cannot play within 48 hrs of consensus due to RL issues, please inform the team early.
  • Please, please, please include a report when you submit the save, complete with the CivFanatics log AND the BUFFY log. You may submit your report later but it would be preferable to have it before the discussion on the next set starts.
  • Finish all your discussed turns and upload the game saved at the END of the discussed part.
  • Don’t be afraid to post things that may appear stupid or evident. Each player has strengths and weaknesses. There are numerous examples in the earlier SGOTM threads when the most simple rule has been unknown to players (such as the difference between peace treaty and cease fire). Don’t be afraid that other members will think you are stupid.
  • Don’t play intoxicated (from alcohol, drugs or smoke). Don’t play when you are too tired. Don't play when your kids or spouse are talking to you.
  • Respect your team mates, and demand their respect. Take care of your writing style. Accept that people whose first language is not English will use English in a different way than you are used to. Disagree by all means, but don't make it personal, and don't take it personally.
  • Use smilies and emoticons in your posts. Jokes, humor, sarcasm, and offensive language can be misinterpreted, except when I am making them, when I will expect everyone to laugh!!
  • Remember that a lot of players read what we post. Don't be rude or disrespectful to any player not on our team.
  • SG's are team games. Be a good team member. Post your ideas, argue your case, and encourage and praise your team mates. Don't be afraid to post in our game thread. That is what it's for.
  • Have fun!

Turn Sets

There are 7 major parts to every set.

  1. Initial Pre-Play Plan: see below.
  2. Voting: everyone voices his or her opinion on the issues raised in 1.
  3. Plan: see below.
  4. Critique of the Plan: once the Plan is posted, players should try/read the plan and look for anything they'd like to change. This is where you must support your arguments!
  5. Final Plan: tries to glue everything together.
  6. Play the Set: see below.
  7. Post the Report: see below

What is the Initial Pre-Play Plan?

The Pre-Play Plan is to initiate the discussion on the diverging possibilities at the start of a set. This includes, but not limited to, EP focus, general city micro, general worker micro, general techs. Basically, make an idea of what you want to do with your 10/15 turns.

Below are general ideas as to what you can cover with the pre-play plan. Not everything needs to be discussed, only the obvious decision points. If others feel that other missing issues should be raised, then the debate after the Initial PPP is the time to do it!

1. Technologies
  • What techs are you aiming for? (One, a beeline ex. Literature, part-research for trading)
  • What trades will you attempt with who and when? (When to sell for gold ex. first opportunity or wait for more, specify the leader(s), waiting for a wonder to finish so the AI get failure gold)
  • Are we planning a Great Person bulb?

2. Dealing with AIs
  • Resource trade negotiations
  • Espionage assignment
  • Open borders (cancel or allow)
  • AI demands (resources, cancel trades, who do we send packing or not, technologies, war, religions, civics)

3. City placement and builds - mostly in the beginning
  • Where are you planning on sending a settler?
  • Are you sending a worker along?
  • Is the land fogbusted/do we have an escort?
  • Initial city builds (Monument/Granary etc...)
  • Tile improvements around this city (food, hammers, commerce)

4. General micro
  • Special tile assignments (starve city for specialists, switch to growth, etc.)
  • Tile swapping with other cities
  • Whips
  • Build order (infrastructure/military/settlers/workers/wealth/science)
  • Dealing with happy/health caps
  • Worker improvements and moves

5. Civics and religion
  • Are you planning on civic switches/do we need to acquire the techs? (Caste for border pops, slavery for whip...)
  • Are we expecting a religion change?

6.War - if applicable
  • Refuse/accept AI war demands
  • Bribing civs to declare war or for stopping war
  • War plan (who, how many units and how to acquire them, which cities to strike, scouting prior to DoW...)

7. Bigger picture
  • Gifts (city, gold, techs...)
  • What AI do we try to please
  • Goals for the future
  • Diplo manipulation
  • Extras

What your Plan should cover:

The plan must contain 2 detailed parts:

  1. What you will check for every turn (EP, trades available, GPT available, etc.) [this is easy].
  2. Turn-by-turn worker moves, city micromanagement, unit movement and or general guidelines as to what we can't control via test game [this is the hard part].

The team will almost certainly decide to slack on #2 once the game becomes well in hand, but for the first 100 turns this is expected.

How your set should go:

  • Play according to the plan
  • If something unexpected (or an opportunity) comes up, STOP AND CHECK WITH THE TEAM.
  • If you have to adapt, do so!
  • You can add markers in game during and at the end of your set. It's a lot easier on team members to figure where units are going.

What your set report should cover:
  • WHEOOHRN alerts and possible/likely targets
  • Great Generals and Great Engineers in distant lands
  • Religions founded
  • Wonders built
  • When to renegotiate trades
  • What you were planning for the future
  • How the plan worked out/didn't
  • Anything unexpected
  • Remember to post BOTH the CivFanatics log (found on the upload confirmation screen) and the BUFFY log.

*Copied from neilmeister, Apostrophes SGOTM 19, which was itself liberally copied from various team threads in previous SGOTM games.

References and useful links:

Test Games, Dot Maps, and Spreadsheets
T0-16 shulec Researched AH, met Peter, Suleiman and Catherine. Turnset ended at a risky worker steal opportunity.
T16-37 zbg Stolen workers => Three! Research mining, BW. Settle second city on ruins.
T37-50 ngraner. More stolen workers. Amassed a chariot army mostly from chopping with a few whips. Declared on Peter and captured his 2nd city. He recently switched yo slavery and our stack was not big enough to capture his Capitol.
T50-54 astre Attack and kill Catherine. Losing 4 chariots to 2 archers. Took Moscow, her only city.
T55-T61 astre Research directed to Oracle. Attempts are underway to take St. Petersburg, Peter's capitol. We are waiting for him to finish his current build, which was initially believed to be a settler, but appears to be the Great Wall, which was finished elsewhere. We redirect our chariots south to take a barb city that will be very productive.
T61-T68 Astre Take barb city. Finish oracle.
T68-75 NobleZarkon Metal Casting chosen with Oracle. We make plans to take St. Petersburg and succeed with chariots over two turns of attacking. Research writing.
T76-92 shulec Attack Peter's last city, Moscow and destroy him. Research Hunting, alphabet, then 0%:science: We have 8 cities and go into builder mode trying to get a library, several forges, and Colossus. We discover the Hindu and Christian Holy Cities. Confucian island is seen up north. Louis is in war mode for almost all of the turnset. We met the last AI on T76. We trade for Alphabet on T76.
Hidden task:
Spoiler :
Stop the Madness!
Mehmed smote his breast and tore his robes. These civil wars must be stopped once and for all.
"There can never be peace as long as brothers fight brothers. Make sure that all internal fights end! - Each nation can only have one free leader. At least one leader of each nation has to be eliminated or be vassalized."
It doesn't matter whose vassal they are.[/
Hi all, not sure i want to be a leader. I think we have to discuss to chose one.
please anyone report for duty here, It would help us to know who is really here.

We can always start a new one after choosing the name and team leader.
For reference, the team starting saves will be available on July 7.

no problem for getting holydays up to the 14th.

for names, i tought about new team (an old remembrance of Captain Tsubasa manga of cource) but would take about anything. The Imperfect Ducks would make think of previous plastic duck team so i'd rather not.

I am around and generally ready to go. I do seem to have a problem with getting email notification of posts in my subscribed threads, so I have to keep checking the forum. I sent a message about that to the staff last night, so hopefully I can get it fixed.

I haven't thought too seriously about a team name... there's only a near-infinite number of choices, right?

Here are some selected results from a couple of random team name generators that I found amusing. Feel free to mix and match adjectives and nouns.

The Doomsday Bunnies
Nunchuk United
Axis of Ignorance
Gecko Cyborgs
Dynamo Chicken Kiev
Eccentric Mavericks
Thunder Ninjas
Chocolate Orange Penguins
Scandalous Dragonflys
The Imperfect Ducks
Demented MoonBoot
Furious Freakin' Fish
Snow Swillers
Inappropriate Tan Aardvarks
Very Sad Disco Dogs
Amazing Azure Lava Weasels
Angry Cyclops Lions

Team Captain is very easy. If no one wants to do it I will.

Well, in that case, I'll nominate shulec.

I agree that the main thing is to keep it fun and try to learn something along the way.

@NobleZarkon: Angry Cyclops Lions was one of my favorites that came out of the name generators. I also like the idea of "_____ United", but I haven't found the right word or two words to go in the blank.

Re: Team Name

How about Fanatics United or CFC United in honor of our web community here?

I could also go for Civ Geeks United, Imperialists United (it's all about building empires, after all), or something similar.

for early strat (to be confirmed by hiden data in the save) and more long term objectieves: minning + BW then oracle path, try to found at least COL with oracle. other options are theology (GP bulb?) for religious victory and philo (GS bulb?) for domination. monotheism could be good prize if we can.

That mean we could benefice from GP priest points -> do we want to go for stonehedge?
As map is derived from Pangaea, Great lighthouse is not that powerfull but still interesting. do we want to go for it?

opening: warrior NW (no other choice), archer: along the road and scout 1NE then we see (to be discussed). The road is intriging, maybe archer first, it could change everything...

I'd realy like to settle E of settler as we know we will need to tech fast early on and double fishboat + silver mine seems a very good start for that...

I actually set up a play test of the starting area before the teams were even finalized. Settling with access to the fish has looked to be far superior. The drawback is that there seems to be a line of mountains in the fog to the west and those tiles (probably including both sheep) would basically become useless. I don't think that outweighs the importance of having good food and commerce in the capital though.

We know we're in the north, so I'd actually prefer to send the scout down the road (he'll get just as far on T1) and use the archer to map out either NE or SE. With mountains to the west, it seems like the best direction to expand is S and SE and then backfill whatever cities will fit north of the capital.

Also, the playtest showed it will basically be impossible to found either Buddhism or Hinduism. I haven't gone as far as Mono, but I suspect it will be quite difficult.
Checking in but I go on holiday tomorrow!

May get a chance to log in but won't have access to Civ until 14th July.

PS I like Angry Cyclops Lions or The Imperfect Ducks

Well, in that case, I'll nominate shulec.
I'll second that.

Settling 2E gives you access to the seafood whilst still leaving space for a 2nd city at the Silver, although it would be nice to have that in the Capital. Scout S down the road, warrior NW, archer NE should give us maximum info before we have to decide.

Reading between the lines we may find the religions have already been founded!
we do not start with myst, the 2 first religion are impossible to get unless nobody have myst (unlikely in such scenario)

We know we're in the north, so I'd actually prefer to send the scout down the road (he'll get just as far on T1) and use the archer to map out either NE or SE. With mountains to the west, it seems like the best direction to expand is S and SE and then backfill whatever cities will fit north of the capital.

seems sensible. sent scout first along the road. Then archer NE then warrior NW then discuss settling place ?

Reading between the lines we may find the religions have already been founded!
That's also possible. Can barbarian have a holy city? is there is one at the other end of the road?
Reading between the lines we may find the religions have already been founded!

I didn't catch anything that would suggest that. With the possible exception of the "former capital", which is presumably at the end of that road. Will we find City Ruins or a barb city? I would bet on the latter.

@BSPollux: Anything you want to say about whether some or all religions have already been founded?
If you have burning questions that don't reveal spoiler information about your game (unlikely at this stage), then please ask them in the maintenance thread so that all teams see any answers we may give.

In general, if you haven't been told something ahead of the game, that's probably because we don't intend to do so.
My propositions:

for early strat (to be confirmed by hiden data in the save) and more long term objectieves: minning + BW then oracle path, try to found at least COL with oracle. other options are theology (GP bulb?) for religious victory and philo (GS bulb?) for domination. monotheism could be good prize if we can.

That mean we could benefice from GP priest points -> do we want to go for stonehedge?
As map is derived from Pangaea, Great lighthouse is not that powerfull but still interesting. do we want to go for it?

I agree on the tech path, especially assuming the Silver is in the Cap's BFC. I think Stonehenge + Oracle would be really great. We'll probably want to bulb Theology even if we don't go for Religious victory. That path founds two religions, and if we are very good or very lucky we could get Mono and found the 3 religions we need to unveil the secret objective. Otherwise, we'll need to set up Scientists in our 2nd city (or 3rd, maybe) to bulb Philo. As a last resort, we would get another Prophet eventually and could bulb Divine Right.

GLH doesn't sound that good to me, but I haven't built it all that often. I could be missing out. On the other hand, we're already talking about two wonders and we have to balance that against early expansion.

One other thing I hadn't realized before: The bonus to Worker production (Exp. trait) only applies to hammers, so it doesn't make sense to build workers at size 1 unless you already have a 4H tile (i.e. an improved tile). Another good reason to put the capital on the coast and let it grow while building workboats instead of workers.
GLH doesn't sound that good to me, but I haven't built it all that often. I could be missing out.
you really should, with 6 cities with sea access, i always try to get it but it's better with several land mass. with that you can't go broke if your cities are sea border. With pangaea, it is always a bit random depending of available land for us.
BTW, am I confused about how the 'subscribed threads' are supposed to work? Do you guys get emails sent to you when new posts show up? Mine is set for instant email notification, but I never get emails. I've checked my spam folder and they aren't going there either.
Email notifications are not working on the forums currently.

I've already posted on this in the sign-up thread … but you probably didn't get an email about that either :)
Email notifications are not working on the forums currently.

I've already posted on this in the sign-up thread … but you probably didn't get an email about that either :)

Huh. I had been watching that thread pretty closely, but I must have missed that. How recently did this happen?
Huh. I had been watching that thread pretty closely, but I must have missed that. How recently did this happen?

It's been a problem since early this year. There was an issue with spam generation and blacklisting. See Site Feedback for more info.

I'll need your new team name soon.
for name, following a proposition from zbgayumn, what do you guy think of : Civ Geeks United ?

I liked it.

for thread following, for civ fanatic, my browser arrive directly at "subscribded thread". Very convenient not to miss anything important on followed threads. It is also very usefull to avoid opening a thread of another team

BTW, anyone have unavailabilities? I will be in holydays from 09 to 28 of july. I will be able to logon on the forum 1 or 2 times a day and do a bit of tests but clearly no time to play.
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