[BTS] SGOTM 24 Turbo Ants

I doubt he'd move that fast on Yak, but isn't the real problem the tech gifting? or do we have time to get him up to Biology by 156?

If that's the case, couldn't we reduce the time to talk by gifting him Thracian and Stone. Recapture Thracian for extra war success? Or does only his war success matter?
Yes, Thracian gets it down to 3t, t154, giving us 4t to get Stalin to Medicine. If we revert to the Astro plan, Stalin only needs Paper+Guilds+Optics on t151. I don't think Stalin can bribe Bis against us at Pleased, but Bis should have all those techs too, just in case. Bis will get a negmod when we DoW Stalin, but that should be okay.

I guess it's all okay.

Now, question is, if we DoW t151, Stalin gets the oasis tile, but on t152, DaCanal will take it over, right? Or does Stalin even get it at all, if Darius has all that culture on it? His plot culture doesn't go to zero when we gift the city, does it? This absolutely needs to be tested. I'm on it like a slimy snail on my Menlo Park window pane.
TESTED: DaCanal immediately owns the oasis tile. :banana: I just hope my test didn't omit some critical factor, but I can't imagine it would. Why would Darius lose his plot culture? At teh very least, no one would own it for a turn or something. DaCanal is the gift that keeps on giving. Except...if it kills one or more of our spies, who can no longer get through that culture safely since its borders expanded. :gripe:
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Supercool. So we just have to get our spies there safely, succeed in that 80% spy mission, and then succeed in a couple more, along with confu spreads. Only a mildly moderately mild amount of RNG. :crazyeye:

Anything else you see in the save to discuss?
I believe Stalin has been in Despotism for exactly 25 turns now. He should change next turn, although Pollina says losing Mids doesn't count.
Technically, he was in anarchy 1t for budda switch, but that turn probably(?) still decreases the 25t timer.

152 DaCanal should get the Oasis.
Nothing else comes to mind. I'm around most of the day. I'm out this evening and then have family visiting until Wednesday morning, so my responses will be slower
I believe Stalin has been in Despotism for exactly 25 turns now. He should change next turn, although Pollina says losing Mids doesn't count.
Technically, he was in anarchy 1t for budda switch, but that turn probably(?) still decreases the 25t timer.

152 DaCanal should get the Oasis.
That's an encouraging theory. Okay, I'll play after lunch.
I believe Stalin has been in Despotism for exactly 25 turns now. He should change next turn, although Pollina says losing Mids doesn't count.
Technically, he was in anarchy 1t for budda switch, but that turn probably(?) still decreases the 25t timer.
This is so weird. I suppose, my test game setup must have been flawed. I gave my test AI mids on T0 (they switched to a mids civic t3/4), then gave them a second city and razed their Mids city around T15, then gave them Monarchy a turn later. They would always switch into HR on T29 (unless I gave them a bunch of happiness resources, in which case they wouldn't adopt HR). Not sure what is wrong with that setup. :confused:
Got an extra wkr-t. I'm thinking we put in a chop-t somewhere, in case we get an extra forest, we could chop 30h into some build. It would only require 1 additioal chop-t starting t149. Best I can think of is another spy in Gaul.* Thoughts?

*That would also speed up the Gaul worker in case we need more wkr-t for some reason.

Edit: I can also put the chop into the forest that's in the BFC of Q, Corn, and Gaul, to give us options.
All those choptions sound good. Double check it doesn't have a pre-chop turn.
And that it doesn't ruin the flow of preserves. Like I imagine you wouldn't chop one of our roaded forests. Or maybe that's not a dealbreaker.
No chop. Figured out how to use the worker-turn so that we're now exactly 209 out of 209. No extra worker needed if no forest grows at Cow-2s before t153. Will still build a last-minute worker in Gaul as a back-up. New specialized heuristic that we're fortuitously able to use though we didn't prep the terrain for it.
You have to admire Dancing Bears ability to produce hammers from this starting position:

Nothing else comes to mind. I'm around most of the day. I'm out this evening and then have family visiting until Wednesday morning, so my responses will be slower
Okay. I'll try to keep my turnset illustrations pointillistic. Check briefly every so often in case there's a calamity.
Turnset Report t148-

Previous report. PPP.

Trade Darius Chemistry for Banking+50g+Map+Pacifism. Don't want to trade him Paper for Pacifism next turn.
Flip Asoka to Castes in trade. Maybe he'll accumulate more gold.

No change with Stalin.
+1 resource plusmod with Gandhi. Second plusmod t154.
Two barbs archers moving on Thracian.
Flip Gandhi to Vassalage.
We revolt. Civics: -89 -> -107.
Economy: -315gpt -> -365. Commerce: 392 -> 409. (before MM).
Economy: -315gpt -> -330. Commerce: 392 -> 399. (after MM).
2325b in Biology.
Gandhi's Kolhapur already expands borders, finishing the spawnbusting of Togift!

The agonizing uncertainty of Stalin's civic proclivities
Spoiler Stalin's a PUNK :
ENDS!!! :grouphug::clap::bowdown::worship::cooool::woohoo::old::run::rockon::ar15::dance:[party]:band::band::band::beer::bday::bounce::thanx::cheers::high5::trophy: The keedpunk adopts CS + OR + HR + Vassalage!!! He doesn't mess around when he pulls the trigger, does he? Sheesh. Talk about keeping us on the edge of our seats. My hunch and hope, but unspoken to not jinx us, was that a combination of Pollina and WT would hold true, namely that it would be 25t after losing the Mids +1t weird delay.
Golden Age over. Now -379 gpt and we have only 353g in our coffers. Time for a 1300g trade mission, courtesy of WastinTime! :rockon:

BIsmarck has teched Paper. :eek: Time to trade it to Darius for cold cash.
Still on track to easily finish Biology on t154. With gold to burn. Rep rocks!. That was the other bit of luck -- Stalin building the Pyramids for us.

Moree good news. All of our spies made it safely through DariusLand.

Toku pops a GS right after we trade him Paper. yikes.
Bribe Bis to Serfdom+OR
Trade Asoka for Civil Service.
We're down to -291gpt even with Thracian.
Stalin is Taoist.

Confu spreads to Bismarck and Asoka!!! :banana: Only Togift remains.
More good news. We now have a unit on both vulnerable road tiles, preventing forest growth.
+1 OBs, +1 resource trades with Asoka, now +6.
AIs are loading up on techs.

Gandhi will trade wine and Music. Awesome combination. Just in time for Togift to build :culture:. :dance:
Togift settled with Confu.

Biology in. Maybe could have built research and completed t153. Liberalism(1) is a breeze.
Northern islands are infested with barb galleys. This is where Zhary put lots of forests for teams that screwed up.
Our homeland cities are drunken happy with National Parks.

All players now have Medicine, but Toku insists on using shiatsu instead.
Darius pops Great Artist, I'm thinking yay, better than bulbing Educ. What does he do? Culture bombs DaCanal!!! Putting some serious pressure on our easternmost forest preserve. Quahog builds 11:culture: per turn, will pop borders on t157. ;)

Forest grows on TAT hill (minus mine). yeehaw
Darius builds us Notre Dame.

Okay. Stopping for the day. I've done the worker actions for t156 but not the crucial stuff. Tomorrow it is.


Tomorrow, it is. Onward...

Gift Moscow
to Stalin. Moscow's culture crowds all our adjacent cities. We couldn't re-capture this turn withot a 3-mvmt unit... More important, Stalin is now a voting member. ;) We're shown to be still in Rep, as in my test. Not sure if that flips before or after cities do their thing, so I'll MM as if we don't get those beakers.
Gift Togift. All AIs are now AP members of one sort or another. Incidentally, before adding too much culture, Togift liberated to Toku, not Gandhi. Thracian still liberates to Gandhi.
T156 Togift costs 162eps to flip civics at 61% odds of success. Toku should have at most 1c next turn, increasing the cost at most to 180. We have 301 eps on Toku (a mild case of overkill :)).
We also have 427eps on Stalin, and should need precisely 120. I did the overkill to increase, ever so slightly, our mission success odds, since we had the surplus, but more important, because we now have a 6th spy in Stone at only 80% stationary.

AP victory shows a requirement of 231 of 309 votes. We have 180, Darius has 104. So we have less than 75% and with Darius will have enough. No need to gift away any more cities. Darius is +13 with us, including -4 for trading with his WE. Gandhi, Asoka, and Bis are all still Pleased with us. We have 5 spies in place in Togift (assuming they all survive IT), and 6 spies in Stone.

Note that Gandhi just completed Drama. That's significant because the only tech we can now use to bribe him to Environmentalism is Education. We also will have 445g next turn, plus any we earn in trade. That should work.

We have 28 forest preserves and 27 workers to finish the other 22, requiring 24 wkr-t. All workers are in place to finish them next turn.

Time to roll the turn. :scared:

Weird stuff happens IT, like Gandhi canceling the rice deal and refusing to trade Drama, which he offered last turn.
We choose RV against Stalin over OBs with all. We vote for ourselves.
We have 50 forests preserves. I upload the t157 save to the GOTM server. Take screenshots.
We revolt to Environmentalism+Castes+Pacifism.
Bribe Gandhi+Asoka+Darius+Bis to Environmentalism.
Spy mission on Toku 174eps for Environmentalism: Succeeds 1st try. :)
Gift Stalin Stone. He has no culture around Stone now that Darius has conducted his culture bomb. :D
Spy mission on Stalin 120eps for Environmentalism: 1st try
Spoiler :
Spoiler :
2nd try
Spoiler :
Spoiler :
3rd try
Spoiler :
SUCCEEDS! :band::band::beer:

We win religious victory. All AIs are still in Env. We still have all 50 forest preserves. I uploaded our game. PMed AlanH.

Now time to see if nostalgia smoked our a$$es.

Spoiler Log :
Here is your Session Turn Log from 760 AD to 820 AD:

Turn 148, 760 AD: You have discovered Scientific Method!
Turn 148, 760 AD: Darius I adopts Pacifism!
Turn 148, 760 AD: You have discovered Banking!
Turn 148, 760 AD: Asoka adopts Caste System!
Turn 148, 760 AD: Enrico Dandolo (Great Merchant) has been born in Quahog (Sitting Bull)!

Turn 149, 780 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Thracian!
Turn 149, 780 AD: Quahog has shrunk to size 8.
Turn 149, 780 AD: Thracian will be pacified on the next turn.
Turn 149, 780 AD: Gandhi adopts Vassalage!
Turn 149, 780 AD: Sitting Bull adopts Serfdom!
Turn 149, 780 AD: Sitting Bull adopts Mercantilism!
Turn 149, 780 AD: Sitting Bull adopts Organized Religion!
Turn 149, 780 AD: TA Town will grow to size 11 on the next turn.
Turn 149, 780 AD: You have trained a Worker in CowCity. Work has now begun on a Worker.
Turn 149, 780 AD: You have trained a Settler in IvoryCity. Work has now begun on a Spy.
Turn 149, 780 AD: Sitting Bull's Golden Age has ended...
Turn 149, 780 AD: Stalin adopts Hereditary Rule!
Turn 149, 780 AD: Stalin adopts Vassalage!
Turn 149, 780 AD: Stalin adopts Caste System!
Turn 149, 780 AD: Stalin adopts Organized Religion!

Turn 150, 800 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Thracian!
Turn 150, 800 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Thracian!
Turn 150, 800 AD: TA Town has grown to size 11.
Turn 150, 800 AD: Thracian has been pacified.
Turn 150, 800 AD: Darius I has 60 gold available for trade.
Turn 150, 800 AD: The borders of Moscow are about to expand.
Turn 150, 800 AD: Sitting Bull's Horse Archer 16 (Whales) (6.60) vs Barbarian's Archer (3.00)
Turn 150, 800 AD: Combat Odds: 99.4%
Turn 150, 800 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 150, 800 AD: Sitting Bull's Horse Archer 16 (Whales) is hit for 13 (87/100HP)
Turn 150, 800 AD: Sitting Bull's Horse Archer 16 (Whales) is hit for 13 (74/100HP)
Turn 150, 800 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 29 (71/100HP)
Turn 150, 800 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 29 (42/100HP)
Turn 150, 800 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 29 (13/100HP)
Turn 150, 800 AD: Sitting Bull's Horse Archer 16 (Whales) is hit for 13 (61/100HP)
Turn 150, 800 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 29 (0/100HP)
Turn 150, 800 AD: Sitting Bull's Horse Archer 16 (Whales) has defeated Barbarian's Archer!
Turn 150, 800 AD: Your Horse Archer 16 (Whales) has destroyed a Archer!
Turn 150, 800 AD: The borders of Moscow have expanded!
Turn 150, 800 AD: Socrates (Great Scientist) has been born in Nara (Tokugawa)!

Turn 151, 820 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Thracian!
Turn 151, 820 AD: Gandhi will trade Civil Service
Turn 151, 820 AD: Asoka will trade Civil Service
Turn 151, 820 AD: Sitting Bull's Horse Archer 19 (2Corn) (7.20) vs Barbarian's Archer (3.00)
Turn 151, 820 AD: Combat Odds: 99.6%
Turn 151, 820 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 151, 820 AD: Sitting Bull's Horse Archer 19 (2Corn) is hit for 13 (87/100HP)
Turn 151, 820 AD: Sitting Bull's Horse Archer 19 (2Corn) is hit for 13 (74/100HP)
Turn 151, 820 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 30 (70/100HP)
Turn 151, 820 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 30 (40/100HP)
Turn 151, 820 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 30 (10/100HP)
Turn 151, 820 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 30 (0/100HP)
Turn 151, 820 AD: Sitting Bull's Horse Archer 19 (2Corn) has defeated Barbarian's Archer!
Turn 151, 820 AD: Your Horse Archer 19 (2Corn) has destroyed a Archer!
Spoiler log 2 :
Here is your Session Turn Log from 820 AD to 920 AD:

Turn 151, 820 AD: Sitting Bull's Horse Archer 19 (2Corn) (7.20) vs Barbarian's Archer (3.00)
Turn 151, 820 AD: Combat Odds: 99.6%
Turn 151, 820 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 151, 820 AD: Sitting Bull's Horse Archer 19 (2Corn) is hit for 13 (87/100HP)
Turn 151, 820 AD: Sitting Bull's Horse Archer 19 (2Corn) is hit for 13 (74/100HP)
Turn 151, 820 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 30 (70/100HP)
Turn 151, 820 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 30 (40/100HP)
Turn 151, 820 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 30 (10/100HP)
Turn 151, 820 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 30 (0/100HP)
Turn 151, 820 AD: Sitting Bull's Horse Archer 19 (2Corn) has defeated Barbarian's Archer!
Turn 151, 820 AD: Bismarck adopts Serfdom!
Turn 151, 820 AD: Bismarck adopts Organized Religion!
Turn 151, 820 AD: You have discovered Civil Service!
Turn 151, 820 AD: Stalin converts to Taoism!

Turn 152, 840 AD: Confucianism has spread in Dusseldorf.
Turn 152, 840 AD: Confucianism has spread in Varanasi.
Turn 152, 840 AD: Duke Ellington (Great Artist) has been born in Persepolis (Darius I)!

Turn 153, 860 AD: You have discovered Music!
Turn 153, 860 AD: Togift has been founded.
Turn 153, 860 AD: Confucianism has spread in Togift.
Turn 153, 860 AD: You have discovered Biology!

Turn 154, 880 AD: Gandhi won't trade Wine
Turn 154, 880 AD: Sitting Bull is the first to discover Liberalism!
Turn 154, 880 AD: You have discovered Liberalism!
Turn 154, 880 AD: Gandhi has founded Prayaga in a distant land.

Turn 155, 900 AD: The borders of Togift are about to expand.
Turn 155, 900 AD: Darius I will trade Fur
Turn 155, 900 AD: Gandhi will trade Wine
Turn 155, 900 AD: You have discovered Medicine!
Turn 155, 900 AD: The borders of Togift have expanded!
Turn 155, 900 AD: Narak (Great Prophet) has been born in Hamburg (Bismarck)!
Turn 155, 900 AD: Darius I has completed Notre Dame!
Turn 155, 900 AD: A Forest has grown near TA Town!

Turn 156, 920 AD: The borders of Quahog are about to expand.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Gandhi will trade Drama
Turn 156, 920 AD: Dysland will grow to size 5 on the next turn.
Spoiler log 3 :
Here is your Session Turn Log from 920 AD to 940 AD:

Turn 156, 920 AD: The borders of Quahog are about to expand.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Gandhi will trade Drama
Turn 156, 920 AD: Dysland will grow to size 5 on the next turn.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Dysland will grow to size 5 on the next turn.
Turn 156, 920 AD: In a gracious act of generosity, Sitting Bull has liberated Moscow, which passed under Russian control.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Tokugawa has 7 gold per turn available for trade.
Turn 156, 920 AD: You are the worst enemy of Stalin.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Stalin is the worst enemy of Darius I.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Gandhi is the worst enemy of Tokugawa.
Turn 156, 920 AD: The borders of Quahog are about to expand.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Gandhi will trade Drama
Turn 156, 920 AD: Darius I will trade Fur
Turn 156, 920 AD: Gandhi will trade Wine
Turn 156, 920 AD: Will Trade Map: Asoka, Bismarck, Darius I, Gandhi
Turn 156, 920 AD: Tokugawa has 7 gold per turn available for trade.
Turn 156, 920 AD: You are the worst enemy of Stalin.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Stalin is the worst enemy of Darius I.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Gandhi is the worst enemy of Tokugawa.
Turn 156, 920 AD: The borders of Quahog are about to expand.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Gandhi will trade Drama
Turn 156, 920 AD: Darius I will trade Fur
Turn 156, 920 AD: Gandhi will trade Wine
Turn 156, 920 AD: Will Trade Map: Asoka, Bismarck, Darius I, Gandhi
Turn 156, 920 AD: Dysland will grow to size 5 on the next turn.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Deal Canceled: Rice to Gandhi
Turn 156, 920 AD: The borders of Quahog have expanded!

Turn 157, 940 AD: Whales has become unhappy.
Turn 157, 940 AD: Clam Island has become unhappy.
Turn 157, 940 AD: IvoryCity will become unhealthy on the next turn.
Turn 157, 940 AD: IvoryCity has become unhappy.
Turn 157, 940 AD: Dysland has grown to size 5.
Turn 157, 940 AD: Gandhi won't trade Drama
Turn 157, 940 AD: Stone will grow to size 6 on the next turn.
Turn 157, 940 AD: Quahog will grow to size 9 on the next turn.
Turn 157, 940 AD: IvoryCity will grow to size 10 on the next turn.

Spoiler log 4 :
Here is your Session Turn Log from 920 AD to 940 AD:

Turn 156, 920 AD: The borders of Quahog are about to expand.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Gandhi will trade Drama
Turn 156, 920 AD: Dysland will grow to size 5 on the next turn.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Dysland will grow to size 5 on the next turn.
Turn 156, 920 AD: In a gracious act of generosity, Sitting Bull has liberated Moscow, which passed under Russian control.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Tokugawa has 7 gold per turn available for trade.
Turn 156, 920 AD: You are the worst enemy of Stalin.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Stalin is the worst enemy of Darius I.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Gandhi is the worst enemy of Tokugawa.
Turn 156, 920 AD: The borders of Quahog are about to expand.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Gandhi will trade Drama
Turn 156, 920 AD: Darius I will trade Fur
Turn 156, 920 AD: Gandhi will trade Wine
Turn 156, 920 AD: Will Trade Map: Asoka, Bismarck, Darius I, Gandhi
Turn 156, 920 AD: Tokugawa has 7 gold per turn available for trade.
Turn 156, 920 AD: You are the worst enemy of Stalin.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Stalin is the worst enemy of Darius I.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Gandhi is the worst enemy of Tokugawa.
Turn 156, 920 AD: The borders of Quahog are about to expand.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Gandhi will trade Drama
Turn 156, 920 AD: Darius I will trade Fur
Turn 156, 920 AD: Gandhi will trade Wine
Turn 156, 920 AD: Will Trade Map: Asoka, Bismarck, Darius I, Gandhi
Turn 156, 920 AD: Dysland will grow to size 5 on the next turn.
Turn 156, 920 AD: Deal Canceled: Rice to Gandhi
Turn 156, 920 AD: The borders of Quahog have expanded!

Turn 157, 940 AD: Whales has become unhappy.
Turn 157, 940 AD: Clam Island has become unhappy.
Turn 157, 940 AD: IvoryCity will become unhealthy on the next turn.
Turn 157, 940 AD: IvoryCity has become unhappy.
Turn 157, 940 AD: Dysland has grown to size 5.
Turn 157, 940 AD: Gandhi won't trade Drama
Turn 157, 940 AD: Stone will grow to size 6 on the next turn.
Turn 157, 940 AD: Quahog will grow to size 9 on the next turn.
Turn 157, 940 AD: IvoryCity will grow to size 10 on the next turn.
Turn 157, 940 AD: The revolution has begun!!!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Sitting Bull adopts Caste System!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Sitting Bull adopts Environmentalism!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Sitting Bull adopts Pacifism!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Bismarck adopts Environmentalism!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Darius I adopts Environmentalism!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Gandhi adopts Environmentalism!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Asoka adopts Environmentalism!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Tokugawa adopts Environmentalism!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Espionage Mission undertaken successfully!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Upon completing the mission the Spy 1 (Stone) has returned safely to TA Town.
Turn 157, 940 AD: A Native American Spy 3 (TA Town) has been stumbled upon while operating near the Russian city of Stone!
Turn 157, 940 AD: A Native American Spy 4 (Stone) has been stumbled upon while operating near the Russian city of Stone!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Stalin adopts Environmentalism!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Espionage Mission undertaken successfully!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Upon completing the mission the Spy 5 (Novgorod) has returned safely to TA Town.
Spoiler log 5 :
Here is your Session Turn Log from 940 AD to 960 AD:

Turn 157, 940 AD: Whales has become unhappy.
Turn 157, 940 AD: Clam Island has become unhappy.
Turn 157, 940 AD: IvoryCity will become unhealthy on the next turn.
Turn 157, 940 AD: IvoryCity has become unhappy.
Turn 157, 940 AD: Dysland has grown to size 5.
Turn 157, 940 AD: Gandhi won't trade Drama
Turn 157, 940 AD: Stone will grow to size 6 on the next turn.
Turn 157, 940 AD: Quahog will grow to size 9 on the next turn.
Turn 157, 940 AD: IvoryCity will grow to size 10 on the next turn.
Turn 157, 940 AD: The revolution has begun!!!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Sitting Bull adopts Caste System!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Sitting Bull adopts Environmentalism!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Sitting Bull adopts Pacifism!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Bismarck adopts Environmentalism!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Darius I adopts Environmentalism!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Gandhi adopts Environmentalism!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Asoka adopts Environmentalism!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Tokugawa adopts Environmentalism!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Espionage Mission undertaken successfully!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Upon completing the mission the Spy 1 (Stone) has returned safely to TA Town.
Turn 157, 940 AD: A Native American Spy 3 (TA Town) has been stumbled upon while operating near the Russian city of Stone!
Turn 157, 940 AD: A Native American Spy 4 (Stone) has been stumbled upon while operating near the Russian city of Stone!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Stalin adopts Environmentalism!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Espionage Mission undertaken successfully!
Turn 157, 940 AD: Upon completing the mission the Spy 5 (Novgorod) has returned safely to TA Town.
Turn 157, 940 AD: Deal Canceled: Deer to Bismarck for Incense
Turn 157, 940 AD: Deal Canceled: Fur to Gandhi for Gold Per Turn (1)
Turn 157, 940 AD: Deal Canceled: Stone to Gandhi
Turn 157, 940 AD: Deal Canceled: Deer to Gandhi
Turn 157, 940 AD: Deal Canceled: Fur to Asoka for Gold Per Turn (1)
Turn 157, 940 AD: The Apostolic Palace voting members have announced their decision: Religious Leader (Diplomatic Victory) (Requires 234 of 313 Total Votes)

Turn 158, 960 AD: Darius I is the worst enemy of Tokugawa.
Turn 158, 960 AD: Bismarck will trade Incense
Turn 158, 960 AD: Gandhi won't trade Wine
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Hm...a possible glitch in our matrix. On t156 we gift Moscow to Stalin, forcing us out of Rep. Will we be able to revolt to Env on t157?!?!? Bad vibes here...why didn't I think of this? Or did you already and I forgot? I'll test it.

Spoiler What :
Spoiler a :
Spoiler crock :
Spoiler of :
Spoiler ????? :
RELIEF!!! We flip to Despotism IT but can still revolt that next turn...-
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T157 forest preserve screenshots
Screenshots taken before revolting to Environmentalism on t157.
Spoiler screenshots :
SG24 t157 50 forest preserves on info screen.gif

SG24 t157 50 forest tiles chosen for preserves.gif

T157 All Players Running Environmentalism screenshot

Spoiler :
SG24 t157 all players in Env.gif
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For info, here's the final worker plan t139-t157:
Spoiler worker plan :
SG24 139-157 worker plan.gif

I added the numbers 1-50 while I was planning the forest preserves. It was getting really messy until then. At first I was reluctant to put all those notes in there, but it turned out to help immeasurably, in planning and then especially in checking that I hadn't left anything out (I had) and the execution of the plan.
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