[BTS] SGOTM 26 - Home Slices

Probably religious as much as I hate that 10 turn timer. The AP hammers woulda been nice, but we couldn't resist Civil Service from Oracle.
CS sling was nice but we assumed that we'd be working those damn gems resources so we didn't get as much out of CS as we could have.

Academies++, Not obsoleting Monasteries and crippling Sankore++.
I'm not sure that 7 academies would have been the answer but we surely could have used a few more.

The real key to this game was cooperation. Free tech from the AI. We were so close to going with 'kill em all' which woulda been a huge mistake, huger than the medicine mistake.
Yes, we got a ton of free techs from the AI.

Did our drafted army pay for itself? We could have foregone that and played a totally peaceful game other than getting enough GG points, right? Maybe a fake war against SB and pound on his scout? I guess you'd need a navy at least to protect our seafood in Canal.

Was Science the best spot for a capital seeing as how we ignored the gems for 1000s of years?
Maybe a fake war against SB and pound on his scout?
Yes, we remembered the scout trick too late :old: I woulda passed on the drafting. We were fully on board with conquest at the time. Seems silly now.
Was Science the best spot for a capital
yeah, that was a fine spot. Late gems didn't hurt too bad cus we got free IW. Which we coulda got 10-20t sooner if we had closed borders with SB.
Thanks for finishing it Mitchum :)

I had a lot of fun on this one.
Learned a bunch of new strategies that I'll try to sum up later.

We fell short on the grand strategy level, but I feel we executed very, very well.

Was a lot of fun Homies :D

Hopefully Mirrorguard had fun too.
Always great to see a new player contribute big. :hatsoff:
Thanks for the fun game, team. I actually played more than one turnset this time! :goodjob:

Special thanks to Kait and WT who did a ton of heavy lifting with PPP reviews and hand-holding during turnsets.

MG, it was great to have you on our team. You fit in very well.

LC, thanks for all of the out-of-box thinking that you're so good at! I've always enjoyed playing with you and following you during the MW days. :pat:
Great job and great team, Homies! :) One of THE very best teams to ever grace the halls of SGOTMdom! You should know, and maybe take some solace in the fact that it was very rewarding for us to finally punch the ticket against a team like yours. We've all learned a lot from the likes of Kait, WT, and Mitch over the years.

Hopefully, in the not so distant future we will be able to go at it again in friendly SGOTM grudge match :D
Well done, guys! Glad to see the postcount is still sky-high. :goodjob:
Thanks for finishing, Mitch. Thanks to all of you for heavy lifting while life kept me busy. I enjoyed spending time with you again. Now comes the emptiness of gameover. :sad:
How did PR get tge 20 XP?

It's talked about somewhere in the writeups like My wrote in the Lurker thread. We slow built three Muskets + 1 warrior and sent it over to Chuckieland, who we were in an eternal war with - for this purpose and diplo reasons. Between Musket snipes and picking off some triremes/galleys with our 2 Galleons we earned a GG. It was a very casual approach to it all and very low cost and painless. We did consider at one point early detouring to Fascism, but building a few Muskets against a very backwards HRE was far less costly. (In part we did it for a little fun too)
Thank you! You definitely had the best thread, which was easy to read and very informative to lurkers. Your PPPs were amazingly detailed and I learned a couple cool tricks from you, although still do not understand some of your more complex machinations ;)
Thank you for finishing, Mitchum.:goodjob:

This is my first SG. I didn't know my sign-up post two years ago would bring me all the way here. I had lots of fun. Thanks for all the babysitting.:grouphug:
Always great to see a new player contribute big.
Despite the mistakes I made here and there, I think my net contribution is still positive? :cool:
Thank you! You definitely had the best thread, which was easy to read and very informative to lurkers.
What's better than waking up and reading a brand new novel every morning? :coffee: haha
I'm not sure how we post so much more than the other teams. I'm baffled how they can do it so much more efficiently than we do...
I think my net contribution is still positive? :cool:
We definitely finished a few turns faster with your suggestions :)

I'm not sure how we post so much more than the other teams. I'm baffled how they can do it so much more efficiently than we do...
I have over 10,000 posts, but that's almost last place on this team.
Well done, all ok. Great effort but unfortunately for you, as you surmised, Phoenix Rising finished 10 turns in front of you with the AP.
That means on T210 Phoenix Rising stopped teching while ahead of us by 16777:science:

In a game that was all about the tech race, that means we got spanked! :spank:

No way that could be just academies or a Sushi mistake.
I need to take advantage of their uploading every turn to investigate...
Postgame Analysis Part 1
Link to Team Saves

Link to SGOTM 26 Game Rules (Requirements for Victory)

(Hold down Control on keyboard and left click links to open a new tab for easier viewing)


Turnset Report up to T13
Screenshots on T13

Phoenix Rising on Turn 13
Spoiler :
Unlike us, PR settled a 3rd city near the capital at the clam's site around T5 and built a workboat with the 3:hammers: plains hill.

Both teams picked the central city to be the capital and built 2 Workers while teching Animal Husbandry.


Homeslice Turnset Report up to T22
Screenshots on T22

Phoenix Rising on Turn 22
Spoiler :

Homeslices settled 3rd city at the eastern canal site on T13.

Both teams teched Mysticism for border pops and fail gold.

PR built a Barracks in capital.
HS built 1 Warrior to garrison 3rd city and half a Barracks in capital.
Both teams built a Workboat in the Cow City, but PR sent theirs Northwest while HS sent theirs south.

PR improved Rice before Horse and Plainsriverfarm before fur.

At this point PR is a bit ahead due to superior city choices, focus on :food:, and possibly sending a workboat in Peter's (and 2 Setter's) general direction.
Both empires are generating +13:gold: per turn at 0% slider.


Turnset Report up to T25 and up to T32
Screenshots on T32

Phoenix Rising on Turn 32
Spoiler :

Both teams teched Sailing for trade routes and resource sharing.

PR put 56:hammers: into Stonehenge and then started a 3rd Worker in capital.
HS put 73:hammers: into Stonehenge in the capital.

PR had 10 population compared to HS 7 pop. and generated +21:gold: per turn compared to +13:gold: per turn.

PR had 3 workboats with one cruising towards Peter, one exploring the south island (produced by 3rd city :)), and a 3rd starting to sail NW from Cow City.
HS had 1 workboat finishing the south island, 1 starting to sail NW from the Cow City, and a 3rd in the Canal City almost complete to finally get some seafood.


Turnset Report up to T45
Screenshots on T45

Phoenix Rising on Turn 44 (1 turn earlier sorry :sad:)
Spoiler :

Both teams teched Mining -> Bronze Working.

PR completed +2 Workers in capital to bring their total to 4 and put 96:hammers: into Stonehenge.
HS completed +1 Worker, put 116:hammers: into Stonehenge and then built most of a Monument to grow to Size 5.

PR met Peter on T40! :eek:

PR founded their 4th city in the northwest by the silver on T34.
HS founded their 4th city at the exact same spot on T37. :lol:

PR mined a fur at the Cow City and completed a Lighthouse!
HS built a Galley at the Cow City and founded their 5th city on the southern island on T44.

PR had 13 pop and +21:gold: per turn.
HS had 14 pop and +23:gold: per turn.

PR's 3rd city was ready to pop borders on T45, net the 2nd seafood, and surge ahead.


Homeslice Turnset Report up to T55
Screenshots on T55

Phoenix Rising on Turn 55
Spoiler :

PR teched Masonry.

HS teched Wheel + Pottery, the 1st divergence in tech!

PR founded their 5th city in the far northwest on T49.
PR founded their 6th city on the southern island on T53.
HS founded their 6th city in the far northwest on T54.

PR built 99% of Great Lighthouse in the Cow City!!! :eek:
All 5 big fat cross forests were chopped for +100:hammers:, a max overflow whip of a Galley occurred, and the mine on fur hill all make sense now.
It will cause a massive +14:gold: commerce gain per turn, but rule out UN and force PR to go AP if they want a peaceful win. :think:
HS max overflow whipped a 2nd Galley into a Workboat to finally go meet Peter in the Cow City.

PR completed a Warrior, Scout, put 41:hammers: into Great Wall, and almost finished Stonehenge in capital.
HS completed +1 Worker to match PR with 4 Workers and also almost finished Stonehenge in capital.

PR had 18 population
HS had 15 population

Oh! On turn 48 Sitting Bull demanded a resource from PR and they gave it to him for +1 "you gave us tribute" diplo.
I'm jealous :mad:


Turnset Report up to T56, up to T57, and up to T65
Screenshots on Turn 65

Phoenix Rising on Turn 65
Spoiler :

Phoenix Rising teched Writing -> Wheel -> Pottery
The Great Lighthouse was completed in the western cow city by the start of T56! [party]
Open Borders was signed with Peter + Sitting Bull on Turn 58 allowing access for Workboat to go west of Russia and a Galley+Scout combo to explore south of Sitting Bull. :)
Library was slow built in capital with 1 3rd ring chop and completed by Turn 65.
PR saw Great Wall completed in a Russia at the start of Turn 60! :eek: Now they must build Pentagon or Kremlin!!!
Northern island and beyond was ignored for the moment.
PR founded their 7th city (final) at the canal site to the east on T57 and named it Trips.
It was able to whip a monument 6 turns later.
Every city that needs one has a Monument, and a few cities have partially built workboats waiting in the wings.
They also added +1 Worker to bring their total to 5.

Home Slices teched Masonry -> Meditation -> Priesthood
Northern island was explored and nothing good was found!
Still no 7th city
, and now the hopes for a miracle spot have faded. :sad:
Most of Great Wall was built in capital with stone thanks to earlier island city. :)
Stonehenge is also being built in the western cow city with stone for more fail :gold:
Capital and eastern canal city both have Granaries by T65, but the other 4 of 6 cities have just the Monument.
Homies started Oracle in the island city on T65.
They too added +1 Worker to bring their total to 5.

PR had 22 population on T65
HS had 18 population on T65

PR got to Pleased with Sitting Bull and wisely did not trade him horses to enable war rolls (Dog Soldier + Chariot in capital), so the threat of a DOW from the east is over. :D (BUFFY scoreboard fist can't be seen until SB meets another AI)

Also, the PR +1 diplo from "you gave us tribute" has vanished and is now +1 "Our trade relations have been fair and forthright"
I'm really confused about what happened there with Sitting Bull. :confused:


Link to Postgame Analysis 2
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Settling Clams city on T5 was a game changer for PR. We were hopeful for way better sites. Maybe we were too optimistic.

Getting their exploring wb to meet Peter early was good.

I wonder if they wasted early boat and unit turns exploring the worthless north island. That hurt us and delayed our other exploration.
The only thing I noticed is that they used a great artist to bulb massmedia and whipped speaker tower 1 turn before victory. Their AP victory coexists with the Great Lighthouse
I wonder if they wasted early boat and unit turns exploring the worthless north island.
I thought even with the lack of food the two scarce happy resources (one of which could have been used for military purposes) would make this island interesting enough to have been worth scouting, which you could do with a workboat, but clearly teams did not feel it was worth it. Probably my biggest regret about this map :sad:
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