SGOTM3 Rome - Team Bugsy

I like that idea. How about these.

Goal #1 - Have at least a 2:1 kill ratio during your turns.

Goal #2 - Build or recapture at least one city during your set.

Goal #3 - Generate at least one leader during your turns (if possible. Obviously if you have a leader waiting for enough cities to build an army it isn't possible.)
I'll see what I can do. Got it.
Rather than just drop it, is anyone interested in dropping the variant and going for a Mission Impossible come from behind win?
Sorry again for the delay. I played SGOTM4 last night, and will do 3 tonight. Friday and Saturday got busy, and the new Sunday School thing has taken away my Sunday AM playing time.
Guys... I need to publish the results for this game. I intend to post the results on Friday. The server will continue to accept saves until the 7th October and will automatically update until then. You may of course continue to play until the end.

If you violiently disagree with this, then PM me and we can discuss.
Any assaults at this point would be suicidal :suicide: . At best we've got Knights (att 4) against Infantry (def 10). That's a tank vs spearman :spear: kind of battle and as often as people complain about the spearman winning, 90% of the time he doesn't.

With this new deadline, we don't have many options.

1. Let it die
2. All out attack (good luck R & L)
3. Hunker down in the bunker and wait for the world to end
4. Check out of the variant, capture the Great Library getting Fissiona, while getting a GL and build the UN, sign MA with everyone against the Aztecs and get elected :rotfl:
:hmm: :hmm: :hmm:
I'm not a big fan of leaving a variant once I've started it. I'd like to keep this going as long as possible, although it will be recorded in SGOTM as a loss.
I like option number four the best, but to save face we should just let it die... if R&L does that our score will be even lower then it is now... as it is, we're middle of the pack and no one will notice our shame.:p
alerum68 said:
if R&L does that our score will be even lower then it is now... as it is, we're middle of the pack and no one will notice our shame.:p

No one except all of those lurkers!

I'll fight the good fight, and see if I can gain a few points, keeping to the variant. I don't intend to crash and burn, at least in the next 5 turns. We can have it time out on us.
1635 – 0

IBT: Iro’s offer peace for 49g +1gpt. They have 14 cities & many techs, only 11g.
Jerusalem falls to a Cossack, Treveri falls to Bab cavs, Neocaledonium falls to Bab cavs & razed, Mediolanum falls to French cav. Much bombardment, but little damage. 5th Knight army holds on in Antium, but 8/18.
Ravenna galley > legion in 5, Palmyra legion > legion in 5
The folks add trees to the courtyard. We catch a Japanese spy while he is being inserted.

1640 – 1
The W coast has 1 Greek galley, 3 MoW & 1 English galleon, 2 Japanes frigates, 1 ironclad, 1 caravel & 1 galley, 1 Rus galleon, 1 American galleon & 1 ironclad all headed for Cumae.
The movement rates of these AI land units seems incredible.

workers move in to Pisae,
@Sirmium, move 1 legion Corfinium & change Sirmium to worker in 1. MM for 3 gpt.
@Pisae, cats take 2 off Rus galleon, galley -0 sinks Rus galleon! :hammer:
@Veii, 3 cannons take 1 off rifle, cats take 0.
@Trapezus, cats take 1 each off 2 ironclads.
Legion from Palmyra to Byzantium. We’ve got all of 1 musket & 1 legion defending Gap, Lugdunum, Viroconium, Byzantium & Palmyra, with cavs in Mediolanum & Treveri. :sad:
@Curia, vKnight from Lauriacum kills sword, Caesar’s savages -4 killing LB, cats follow to hill. Abandon Curia.
@Lauriacum, all field engines to the Gate, legion to the Gate, Army of North to the Gate, abandon Lauriacum.
@ the Gate, cats take 3 off German sword, vLegion -3 kills sword, Army of North to Antium, vKnight from Antium, vMusket from Antium.
@Gramstand, cats go 3/6 on Bab cav to red, cats go 1/3 on rifle SoD on mountain.

This is bad. We could lose the eastern part of the core. We have no internal reinforcements, except in the far South, Pisae may not survive.

IBT: Pisae falls to Cossack – we lose 2 workers, galley & cat.
German caravel sank by Greek frigate, all Japanese ships head straight West, Trapezus 2/4 legion kills 1 Bab cav but dies to second – lose 2 cats & city razed. 2/4 vKnight @ Curia kills Bab cav & damages 2 rifles before retreat & death.

Pompeii knight > legion in 4, Corfinium musket > legion in 5, Gap cannon > cash, Tyrus legion > legion in 10, Sirmium shuts down , but recovers for worker > cash.

- I’m prepared to sell improvements & abandon the Gap, Sirmium & possibly Gramstand,
- 1 army will raze Rheims & drive on Paris. 1 army will raze Sevastopol & drive on Paris. 1 army will drop back to the Gate. Army of North will head for Lugdunum.
The problem isn't the French, the problem is the Babylonians. I would try and hold onto the Gap as long as possible.
I'm afraid the tide has turned and it wasn't in our favor. It's going to be tough with French and English on the west coast, Russian Cossacks, American, Babylonian & German Cavalry on the eastern/center and Aztec & Japanese landing in the southwest to defend everywhere.

We'll probably be able to fight a delaying war (ala Russia 1942) in the mountains , but it's getting closer to choosing between shipping a settler on a galley and pulling all the defenders to a single city and hoping to last until October 7th.

Do we have any cash to rush additional defenders?
Not unless they only have 2 turns left to rush to 1 turn...
The problem with retreating to a single city is that we'll start losing units because our budget has gone to zero and we won't be able to pay for anything.
Good point - We should be able to use the terrain (mountains and hills) to slow down the advance a bit, but I fear for The Gate, Veii, Antium & Rome.

We should try to hold Antium & Rome for as long as possible. They are our most powerful cities.
I don't see where we realy can afford to lose any significant blocks of land, except in the SE, now that the E is gone. I'll try to pump out what I can before dropping the cities, but if I can't get something to Lugdunum fast, then it won't matter.
I'm sorry to have to put this out after only 1 turn, but I've spent all night getting things ready for vacation, and tomorrow night will be the same (after scouts). Here is the save to go with the turn posting.
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