SGOTM3 Rome - Team Bugsy

Ok, that puts Bugs up with me on deck.

I guess we should probably discuss whether it's worth playing this out to the inevitable conclusion. With just 7 days before the door closes on this one, there probably isn't time to reach any true game end unless we go suicidal.
Denyd - Up
G-man - On vacation
Alerum - On deck
R&L - Just played

Let's keep fighting for as long as possible. We'll run out of time in 8 days, but at least we will give it our best effort.

Edit - R&L and I swapped.
OK - I got it - I can't start until tomorrow night, so if anyone has any ideas on how to save this one, you've got about 36 hours to post them.

(I suspect these could be the most painful 5 turns I've played on CIV since Rome ran over my German cities back in my first Civ 2 game in the mid-nighties)
They won't be fun. Just assume we've lost and fight like a mad dog :spear:
denyd said:
OK - I got it - I can't start until tomorrow night, so if anyone has any ideas on how to save this one, you've got about 36 hours to post them.

If I read it correctly, M-B has posted in the SGoTM4 maintenance thread that today is guillotine day. If that is indeed the case, and although he would like for us to play it out, I don't see much point. It may be that he meant NEXT Friday, since he posted it yeaterday, but I suspect that he meant today.
Mad-Bax: Guys... I need to publish the results for this game. I intend to post the results on Friday. The server will continue to accept saves until the 7th October and will automatically update until then. You may of course continue to play until the end.

We've got a week to pull this out :rotfl:

In the immortal words of one of the great thinkers of our time Bullwinkle the Moose

"Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat..."

Turn 0 - Our Modern Armor Armies decimate the incoming attackers and roll to victory crushing France, England, America, Bablyon, Russia and Germany...

Suddenly Denyd wakes up in a cold sweat and realizes that he's going to be playing this one tonight and shudders in fear...
All right, I came up with a couple of ideas to prolong this agony and am looking of pitfalls in these thoughts.

1. Pick a weak/corrupt city in the south (maybe SE near only Greece) and pull the troops out of the city. The AI seems to prioritize those types of targets. That would give us a couple of shots to damage them and send them home to heal before they get there. With luck we can lure the AI's troops all over the place and buy some more time.

2. Switch the citizens in those border towns all to bankers to push up the available cash.

3. Move research to 100% to get cavalry ASAP. At most we'd lose 1 unit & 1 building per turn running a deficit economy. With cavalry, we'd have a better chance to hit those units crossing our lands toward the bait and still be able to retreat to the cover of nearby cities.

I'll be starting in about 6 hours, I hope to be warned away from any no-no's before then.
Turn Log 6

Turn 1 – 1645 AD – Cannons and catapults do very poorly and a couple of attacking rifles are killed with no losses

IBT: Sirmuium is lost to Bab cavalry – A catapult is disbanded due to short treasury

Turn 2 – 1650 AD – Artillery works a little better and we wound quite a few units – Kill a pair of English Cavalry who landed near Ravenna – Scrambling to keep defenders in the reachable cities but it’s tough

IBT: No cities lost – 1 Pike dies defending Continium – An English MOW sinks a Greek Galley & an American Rifle kills an English LB so at least the others are fighting over our decaying empire - a catapult is disbanded due to insufficient treasury and the barracks in Veii is lost

Turn 3 – 1655 AD – The artillery seem out of practice this turn though it did manage to red-line a bunch of Bab cavalry near the Gap and a couple infantry near The Gate– hoping everything can hold on

IBT: Only lose 1 Legion to attacks + Barracks in Cumae & 1 Catapult to no support

Turn 4 - 1660 AD – Catapults work against cavalry, but only cannons seem to be able to damage infantry – Hoping to hold on in The Gap & Lugdunum

IBT: Lose a defender in Conitumum and Army in Veii is damage by attacks but all cities hold – Lose Granary Veii & a Catapult to lack of support

Turn 5 – 1665 AD – Manage to damage a couple of rifles by the Gap and red-line a pair of English Infantry by Lutitea and a knight kills one of them

I’m not sure what to tell who’s next, we really are just holding on by our fingernails – Next turn we’ll get Military Tradition, so for want of anything else that’s the good news, I’m was moving our workers to the coast by Ravenna to build fortresses on all of the coastline terrain, just to block the terrain from new landings, that might allow our defenders in that area to move north

Best of luck to who’s next

BTW: For the heck of it after I saved the game, I made peace with everyone and got Theology, Printing Press, Education, Music Theory, The Republic, Banking, Astronomy, Military Tradition, & Economics.
Well team, it looks like the chop came a few days early. It was great playing with everyone. I learned a lot of new things in this game. Thanks.
Hi. As far as I know you can still submit your game saves to the upload page and they'll appear in the graph and on the list. If you want to call it a day I can mark your last save as a conquest defeat and close the books.
I think it is going to be hard to motivate the team to continue playing at this point. Over half the team was so distraught over this game they went on holiday (denyd, g-man, R&L) or threw themselves into their school work (Alerum)

The only members of the team frequenting the boards at the moment are Bede and myself.
I've set your last save to Conquest Defeat to close it out. Let me know if you do decide to play on, and I can re-open the submission system for you with no problem. Well tried, and better luck in SGOTM 4 :D
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