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SGOTM3 Rome - Team Bugsy

Well, Alerum & Bede, I for one sincerely enjoyed gaming with both of you, and look forward to the chance to do so again in the future.

Downloading now.
I'm still gaming with those two in other SGs, so they get to see enough of my mug.... or at least my avatar.
RowAndLive said:
Well, Alerum & Bede, I for one sincerely enjoyed gaming with both of you, and look forward to the chance to do so again in the future.

Likewise, R&L.

This has been a great team for a tough game.

Just so's you all understand I like to use the SOGTM to get acquainted with players I have not had the opportunity to play with before. (Besides m-b would probably break this team up anyway. ;) )

Bede03 should be starting soon and all are invited.

@Bugsy, you were my introduction to SG's and it is always a pleasure to play with you.
Bede & Alerum: It was quite fun slogging through this with you. Sorry to see you both moving on.

Bede: I'll keep my eyes open for Bede03 and hope my plate isn't too full to join.
Thanks guys. Was a supreme group of players, just had a difficult task in front of us. I'm sure I'll play games with all of you soon... And Bugsy... Could never get tired of that avatar.... that mug on the other hand.:p

Bede, let me know when you start your game... I want in.:)
OK, now that we said our good-byes, we have this little issue in front of us of finishing this game. We may be on the ropes, but no one has stuck a fork in us.
Looking back a history, I see we have a couple of different options:

Germany 1945 AD: Battle of the Bulge - Commit most of your resources to a single thrust in hopes of breaking out and wreaking havoc behind the front lines.

Russia 1943 AD: Operation Scorched Earth - Slow retreatiing leaving nothing of value so that the extended supply lines and elements weaken your enemy allowing a counterattack at a weak point in the lines when the time is right.

France 1940 AD: Dunkirk - We retreat to the beaches and hope some one sends boats to take us back home.

Rourke's Drift 1879 AD: Zulu - Create maximum defense available and keep killing until they go home.

Montana 1876 AD: Custer's Last Stand - We send our mounted units after all exposed ground units and hope they get back home.

Texas 1836 AD: Remember the Alamo - Pick a single point of defense and hole up in that location hoping for reinforcements.

Atlantis 9000 BC: The island is sinking - Build as many galleys as possible loading each of them up with a settler & legion and look for a single tile island to hold onto until Amphibious Warfare is discovered.

Maxia 2333 AD: Picard Manuever - We point to the right and say "Is that Elvis?" and when they all look we kick in the Warp Drive for a second and the attack them from the rear, appearing to be in two places at once.

I really like the last option, but do we have Space Flight yet, and who's "Elvis"?
I didn't get to start yet, but am hoping for tonight after picking up my "new" car. I'm currently favoring a combination Zulu/Bulge approach, which is not much more than business as usual. It may quickly devolve into Russia > Alamo > Custer.
Aggree. There is no point in dragging this out. With our current game play there is no hope of winning... this will either give us a chance, or end it quickly... what happened at the Battle of the Bulge?:p
The thrust of the German forces ended up morphing to a "Custer" due to the Zulu pulled off by the American troops...
RowAndLive said:
The thrust of the German forces ended up morphing to a "Custer" due to the Zulu pulled off by the American troops...
wait, let me try to figure this out...

"Zulu pulled off the the Americans" = americans holding that town with infantry and troops dying trying to take it back.

"german forces ended up morphing to a custer" means we tried to break out but were annihilated.

now, how do these 2 actions relate? did you try to break-out, then reverse course and get all the "break-out" forces killed trying to take the american town?
See post #629

I think he means he attacked and most of the attacking force is now gone and he's trying to hold on.

What I think we really need to do is build a quick bridge from SGOTM3 to DD01 and import about 40 of those Panzers. The Romans & Germans were allies afterall, so it seems fair to me.
Actually, I was only answering Alerum's question about what happened at the Battle of the Bulge in RL... No hints about the game, sorry. ;)
Just passed DD01 after 5. Will play now. Put me at end of roster for SGOTM4.
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