SGOTM3 Rome - Team oblivion

Come on kmark are you out there? We are running out of time on this one- it's only 6 turns or so- no micromanagement, no wars,
Just 2 spaceship parts and were away into outer space.
don't worry matternich, kmark is a lurker and doesn't add messages often. he's probably also playing but if you aren't kmark come on were only 6 turns away like matternich said.......
:( I don't think he's seen it yet. His last log on time, according to his profile, was yesterday at 7AM before matternich posted. Do we want to give him more time, or since we're so close to the deadline, do you want to skip him as it's been over 24 hours since matternich posted?
Phew load off mind. :twitch: I think.

Actually pretty interested in final score of this one not so much cos I think were gonna do amazingly but just to see how much extra the Jason score will give us on top of Firaxis's.
Just had to spend the rest of the turns with cleaning pollution, etc..

The spaceship of Rome has launched in 1882 AD.

Scoring details in the submission list.

We could have finished a lot higher if not this mess with the communists ;)

btw does anyone know what our jason score was? it wasn't on the page when I looked
4900? thats low did they take marks off us?
Suddenly noticed there was a cut off date for completeing the game. WHy did I only see that after the whole thing was finished and not like i the first week of play I dont know.
MB only decided to cut off the play during the last week we were playing because we and 2 or 3 other teams were slooooow and everyone else wanted results.
Well I'm just pleased I didnt get the wooden spoon.Not so sure that I wont in this 5CC challenge.

Noticed the cut off wasnt actually the cut off like I thought (I should read things more closely) but the ideal Jason finish date. We went a few turns over. Dont know why it was so early because it impossible to achieve space race victory before that date.

In honesty I learnt tons playing SGOTM3. More than any diety struggle on my own, or even long lonely poring over military academy articles. The team game helps you focus more I think.
Well done Team Oblivion

As rrau says, mad-bax simply set a RL date for publishing the results so that we could move on.

@Matternich: No, we didn't take marks off. our score is the result of the Jason score calculation, and would apply to anyone playing a space race victory to launch on that date.

@Matternich: There's a new in-game cut-off date that limits visibility of scores, graphs and game status to avoid spoilers in SGOTM 4. That was only introduced last week, and shouldn't affect SGOTM3 now, although it did for a day or so around the time you posted your last save.

Check out the notes at the top of the results page. The cutoff date is nothing to do with Jason best dates, it's related to the least advanced team's game date. And it has no effect on your game play except that you can't see so much of the other teams' progress.

The system will still acccept saves and post updates to SGOTM3 for now, but Bugsy and Ankka look like they've thrown in the towel, so it'll probably close down soon.
Thnx MB

@AlanH- so when the table says we went 157 turns over the date, it means over the ideal Jason finishing date for Spaceship on that map. Makes sense.

Also explains the puzzling 1st and 2nd results in the Gold Variant which I couldn't work out. Why would X-Team win, unless conquest victory has a different ideal Jason finish date than domination?
You got it!

From the text at the top of the results page:

"The Golden Laurels are awarded to the team with the fastest Sponsored Variant finish relative to the Jason best date for the chosen victory condition". Yes, the Jason best date for Conquest is usually later than the best date for Domination, and the Spaceship best date is usually later again.
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