SGOTM3 Rome - Team Peanut

Yes very well done indeed! Your finish was very fast compared with ours.

I wonder where we went wrong? :hmm:
Will done team! Sorry I kind of dropped out at the end. This game was lots of fun and I learned a lot. I note that the next is a 5 city challenge. Never did that. Sounds fun. Is Peanut still a team?
Team I would like to use the back end of this tread for a pregame discussion for the next game. We have three more days until the save is posted and because we can pick the level we play at I think it would be helpful if we have some discussion on what type of victory we want to go for. If we play at a low level it should not be too hard to go for a 20K victory. Conquest is seems doable at any level. Domination and cultural are both impossiblities. Diplomatic is also doable at any level. Space race would be very hard at deity but doable at all others.
Ummm! I don't want to spoil your fun, but I think MB is asking people to state what level they play at in order to assess relative strengths for building evenly matched teams. I don't believe this is an invitation to play the game at a different level from the one he has set.
Your right Alan. I don't know what I was thinking. Team Peanut still needs to decide what Victory Condition they are aiming for. Conquest will give us the earliest finish at Monarch level. But I am personally leaning for another Victory Condition. If we go for a 20K lot depends on how many bonus grass tiles are around the first or the second city.
I don't think any of us have done a 5cc before, so I'm thinking that a 5cc conquest would be really tough. On the other hand we know that we are good at diplo victory. Sure helps to be a scientific civ though, but of course not necessary. 20k would probably be good too for India being a religious civ.
My thought is if we do variant we go diplo or 20k, and if we don't go variant we go for conquest, as we have a lot of recent practice with it ;)
The recent India GOTM was notable for a lack of early resources close by - no horses on starting landmass, and the only initial iron source being very close to an adversary. (I say only initial, because in my game I got TWO sources close to my territory from other civs depleting their source, including my adversary! Extremely flukey!!) And we only had the one other civ on our starting landmass,and they know what to do with Iron!!

I think Conquest is out if the position repeats itself. I did well by setting up a massive Archer rush (lots of poprushing) to overrun the other civ and I benefitted from them losing Iron quickly. A 5CC would allow little if any pop-rushing, and I wouldn't bet that the nearby Iron would deplete so early again. Also, lack of Horses means no cheap WEs/Knights from upgrades unless you find a foreign source. Quite frankly, I've had enough of :hammer: for a while anyway. Domination is obviously out. I'd discard Histographic and 100K. So we're down to Space, 20K and Diplo.

Diplo should be relatively easy, and we've done that one well already. A good 20K would need some leader farming. Space would be somewhat difficult. I'd vote for Space, with an (usually available) option to go out with Diplo. Of course if we 'happened' to get a few leaders ... ;)

I agree that diplomatic or space is the way to go. I vote for space, with diplomatic as a backup.

As for city placement we might as well go for OCP, but we must have at least one city on the coast. We will need at least one port for trade.
One nice thing about a 5CC game is the turn sets will be pretty short!! It was taking me at least 2-3 Hours per turn set at the end of SGOTM3, with trying to be careful and keep good notes!

Going for Space, we will need plenty of good research and good production. 3 cities with good production is enough to dominate building SS parts. Coast spaces generate additional commerce, so I wouldn't be adverse to having 2 cities having a lot of Coast (and some Sea) within their radius. We might want the option to have our 5 city overseas near luxuries or a critical resource.

I haven't heard from bigchief or Peanut in a while. Will either of you be able to participate in the next SGOTM? Turns will go fast with a 5CC.

On another point, I will probably have to travel on the 21-23rd this month, AND I have vacation from the 30th thru Oct 7th, so my participation may be a bit light at the beginning. Just giving some advance notice.
... Peanut surfaces from his sea of books and papers for a moment ...

My fellow Generals :

What an awesome display of bloodthirsty AI-crushing ! I think we did extremely well to finish that fast.

I am keen to play again if possible, if you will still have a rather erratic team member that is. This workload of mine should ease in a few days and I should be back to being my old eccentric self.

Any variation is good and one that does not need a lot of unit-shuffling (like a 5CC) would be suitable. That forces us to focus more on strategy & AI manipulation tactics, coupled with needing a healthy dose of luck and a few good breaks. Lots of fun !

Ah well, back into the academic sea again ...
Looks like we are all on board except for Bigchief. I would vote that we play as a four person team for now and allow him time to take care of his pressing obligations. Hopefully he can join us mid-game or in the next game. If we don't hear from him by next time we can add a new player. What do the rest of you think?
BTW I have a well deserved day off tomorrow so I could get us started Monday morning AM and the next person could play tommorrow night after work. Of course for Peanut that would be Tuesday morning. I think?
Keith Larson said:
Looks like we are all on board except for Bigchief. I would vote that we play as a four person team for now and allow him time to take care of his pressing obligations. Hopefully he can join us mid-game or in the next game. If we don't hear from him by next time we can add a new player. What do the rest of you think?

That sounds fine to me, but I suppose it's ultimately up to madbax. He might need a spot to place someone. I think it might be nice to have a new person join us, and keep Bigchief on the roster of course.
So... any thoughts on opening moves? Looks like we have a BG directly south and another directly east. I think Civ_Steve is spoilered on this one, though it is possible the map has been altered to account for those players who have played it.

I'm thinking about moving the worker either to the mountain to have a look around, or moving the worker east. If I were to settle a spot quickly just given the starting picture I would probably go for the grassland one tile NE. I've never done a 5CC challenge before but it would seem to me that taking a little extra time to place the first city is probably a good thing.
I think we can count of the map being altered, so it would be dangerous to base our opening move on the old map. Because the river terminates at the mountain I don’t think a worker move up that mountain is not a good idea. The only tile we would want to move to in that direction is the one directly north. My gut feeling is much better possibilities lay to the east along the river. Settling one tile to the east looks like it would be a good possibility. We would only temporarily lose the shield of BG and long term we will gain bonus gold from having more tile next to a river. With only five cities we will be at size 7 very quickly.

I am assuming that a granary will be little use to us, but an ultra early temple is very tempting. Any thought on this from the rest of you?

Your right Peg, it might be fun to add another player to Team Peanut. Do you think anyone is NUTS enough for this?
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