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Sidor's Ethiopia Deity OCC


Nov 1, 2010
I highly recommend the new video LP series by sidor1982. He's playing Ethiopia as an OCC on a tiny Europe map and is going for a cultural VC. Should be very interesting to see how he pulls this off. The link is here:

Sidor's Ethiopia Deity OCC LP

His previous Mayan video LP was also very entertaining, in which he really leveraged the Patronage tree very well.
with sidor, it should be totally possible :p
I also recommend watching sidor's videos
If you're thinking that the AI is better post-G&K, well, all you need do is watch this video series for evidence to the contrary.
YouTube needs to fix their home page. I had no idea he's been doing G&K LPs even though I'm a subscriber to his channel. Thanks for the link RR. I agree with him 100% btw... I'll probably go back to disabling that VC.
like you're lets plays

Will you ever do a lets play on larger maps standard and small? I like playing on these sizes
Sidor's Let's Plays are very entertaining. Here is the conclusion of the Ethiopia game:
Spoiler :
He got Ozy-ed by Alex! Sidor never seems to get Ozy-ed in his Let's Plays of CiV, since he wins in most of them.
Sidor's Let's Plays are very entertaining. Here is the conclusion of the Ethiopia game:
Spoiler :
He got Ozy-ed by Alex! Sidor never seems to get Ozy-ed in his Let's Plays of CiV, since he wins in most of them.


I posted the Ethiopia game on purpose to show the logical bugs in AI programing. In my other games I also try to point out bugs, bad game mechanics and other stuff, that You wouldn't expect in a game 2 years old, which had like 20 patches and 5 or so expansions.
Plus I try to record games, that are entertaining, fun to watch and if possible close ones, so You never know if I actually win.
Since that time I've posted 2 further games. You can watch them if You'd like.
I was pretty surprised to see Diety civs needing to go to turn 414 before they found a way to win. =x
Close game
I was pretty surprised to see Diety civs needing to go to turn 414 before they found a way to win. =x
Close game

That definitely was quite unusual. Typically the AI can manage a diplo or science win before T300 on Deity if you are not careful. Sometimes even as early as T250 (diplo in particular). Those are really the only VC's that the AI can pull off, unless you count an early (sub T100) wipe out of an unprepared player as a pseudo-domination VC.
That definitely was quite unusual. Typically the AI can manage a diplo or science win before T300 on Deity if you are not careful. Sometimes even as early as T250 (diplo in particular). Those are really the only VC's that the AI can pull off, unless you count an early (sub T100) wipe out of an unprepared player as a pseudo-domination VC.

That is why You harass the AI constantly, don't sign research agreements (unless You are able to sign them with almoust every AI - but this disables the harassing, so I rarely do it), steal or conquer their allies (to avoid them getting bonusses from Scholaristicism), steal their technologies, beeline for crucial technologies (Artillery, Biology, Electronics etc.).

That way You slow down the AI so far, that towards the end game, You are able to compete with them in Science or Military. If I haven't done that, then a situation You've described would occure.

Also the deity AI always goes for Diplomatic Victory first (even when already having the Apollo Program built), so the most important thing to do in the late game is to secure the CS (either by conquering them earlier or becoming allied - but then when You lock them down by declaring war after the UN is build they usually get conquered disabling the Diplomatic Victory for You)

I've never seen AI get a Cultural Victory in G&K (happened to me 2 or 3 times on the vanilla, but it was only on the patch where Constitution was giving 100% culture bonus from cities with wonders).
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