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SMAN's Duchy of Brittany for VP


May 31, 2015

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Original source: The Duchy of Brittany
Original creators: S-Man, Gedemo

Ancient Land of My Fathers (Bro Gozh ma Zadoù)

Founded cities gain +1 :c5culture:/:c5production:/:c5faith: and provide the same yields to the :c5capital: Capital when on another landmass, scaling with Era. Producing Maritime Units, Buildings or Wonders generates :c5culture: Culture and :c5greatperson: Great Admiral points. After the first Great Admiral is born, land units gain the Stone Troughs promotion.
  • The Era scaling is the following : 1/1/2/2/3/3/4/4
Spoiler Stone Troughs Promotion :
Land units can cross Ocean tiles, but at Half speed until Astronomy is researched. Disappear afterwards.


Brezel Kourserezh (litt. : War Courser, Corsair ; replaces Corvette)
240 :c5production: Production cost instead of 300 (20 % cheaper)

Promotion Lizher Kours (Letter of Marque): Unit gains :c5gold: Gold when attack, the quantity depends on the damage inflicted, scaling with the number of declarations of friendship and defensive pacts you have. Plundering :trade: Trade Routes to capture Cargo Ships.

Promotion Emdregadenn brim (Quick maneuver): +1 Movement, Ignore ZOC and +10%:c5strength: Flanking Bonus.
PorzhIliz_nouvelle version test 1_2.png

Porzh-iliz (replaces Temple)

+2 :c5faith: Faith and +2 :c5culture: Culture
+1 :c5culture: Culture and :c5gold: Gold from Incense, Wine and Ember
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5gold: Gold for each :trade: TR to or from the City
Generates +30 % Religious Pressure and increases the city's resistance to conversion by 10 % (instead of +25 % Religious Pressure)
1 :greatwork: GWMusic slot

Starting Renaissance era, gives a free Kalvar (Calvary) if the city is inland or a free Kroaz Pell (Monumental Cross) if the city is coastal.

Kalvar (Calvary)

+2 :c5gold: Gold to Great People Improvements and +1 :c5gold: Gold to GWorks in City
10% of :c5gold: Gold created by the City counts as :c5faith: Faith Per Turn
When you spend :c5gold: Gold to purchase Units or invest in Buildings in this City, 5% of the cost is converted into :c5culture: Culture.
Generates +25% Religious Pressure and increases the city's resistance to conversion by 10 %
-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from Poverty.
1 GWArtist or Artifact slot

Kroaz Pell (Monumental Cross)

+1 :c5gold: Gold from Coast Tiles and +1 :c5culture: Culture from Sea Resources worked by this City
Gain :c5faith: Faith whenever a unit you own dies, scaling with era
-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from Distress
1 GWWriting slot

Spoiler 3UC and 4UC Compatibility :


Machtiern (replaces the Knight)
Available at Currency instead of Chivalry

21 :c5strength: CS instead of 24
Must be brought with :c5gold: Gold or :c5faith: Faith.
May move after purchase and starts with full XPs.

Promotion Difennour ar barrez (Protector of the parish): +25% :c5strength: Combat Strength when is standing nearby a village or a city inside Owned Territory
Promotion Tredeof (Arbiter): Reduces :c5unhappy: Unhappiness Need Modifiers from Religious Unrest, Poverty and Distress by 1% for each Machtiern inside Owned Territory. Lost with upgrade.
Fountain of Barenton_11.png

Barandon (replaces National Monument)
Available at Writing instead of Drama and Poetry

+2 :c5culture: Culture and +5 :c5food: Food (instead of +1 :c5culture: Culture)
Source of Fresh water
2 :greatwork: GW of Writing Slots (+4 :tourism: Tourism and +10 :c5goldenage: Golden Age points when themed) (instead of 1 GWArt or Artifact slot)
All your cities gain +1 :c5faith: Faith for every 3 Forests and for every 3 Hills worked
+3 :c5food: Food and +5 GWriter points in Cities with a Specialist
+20 % :c5greatperson: Great People generation in this city, increased by 5 % for each Declaration of Friendship and Defensive Pacts for Great People (10% for Great Cultural People)
Receive 50 :c5goldenage: Golden Age points whenever you unlock a Policy, scaling with Era.

  • SMAN
  • Gedemo
  • Blackrainbow831
  • bernie14
  • Nutty
  • Danrell
  • zwei833
  • wolfdog
  • Deliverator
  • Jaythekiller
  • Nomad_or_What
  • ispanets
  • Murphy613
  • Civitar
  • XarsusKwadjh
  • flying toaster
  • Asterix Rage: at the origin of this VP compatibility project, advisor, promotion, leader, flag, sv and civ icons
  • Hinin: Great advisor, Machtiern 3D model
  • SolutionIt: advices
  • InkAxis: Code advisor for UA bonus
  • Gizmoman: tests and advices
  • Hougech: Breton translation
  • Adan_eslavo, Infixo, Blue Ghost: Lua sources
  • Pinappledan: for this project MUCfVP which gives much more depth to civilizations
  • Gwennog: Code for VP compatibility, building and Machtiern art
  • Peace Theme: Bombarde et Orgue - André Le Meut - Hervé Rivière
  • War Theme: Denez Prigent - E Garnison
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@gwennog - feel free to reuse any/all the things you find in the mod. Its contents are a combination of the original Brittany mod by Gedemo, which I recycled with his blessing. Other contributors made requests/suggestions in the collaboration thread:


I'm not familiar with what it takes to make a custom civ VP-compatible and swamped with other projects, so perhaps you can find another collaborator to convert the mod?

Thank you very much @sman1975 and thank you to @Gedemo to leave this beautiful work available.
Thank you @Asterix Rage and @Hinin for all these suggestions to get started

There are already many (a lot actually) unique units/buildings to design a dozen of Duchy of Brittany. Really need to look for two others?

I really have nothing to say against the buildings chosen by Sman, I spent all my youth in Brittany and visited Carnac, chased the korrigans around the dolmens and menhirs, breathed the spray on the walls of Saint Malo, looked for the fairies in the forest of Brocéliande, made many wishes at the fountain of Barenton, carried out the tro breizh and crossed the mounts of Arrée from Quimper to Morlaix while contemplating the Yeun Elez (Brennelis lake).
But, in my idea, to sweep the history of brittany on a cultural, religious and economic basis, it is necessary to have the parish close (which represent the wealth of Brittany at the time of the great navigations) and the Race Tidal Power Station which represents economic wealth based on maritime energy but also argobusiness.

On the other hand I intended to keep the buildings of the original mod but without particular capacities.
:king: Because you're doing the job, you have the privilege to ultimately choose what you want to do.
Yes but too many choices, I love the idea of Barenton Fountain (replaces National Monument) from @Hinin.

I'm going to digest all your comments a bit and work on that, anyway it will be a joint production.

Breizh Digabestr !
(In fact I don't think that, I'm a Jacobin at heart)
Finally @Hinin, all your ideas are excellent, I feel very small :blush:, It is you who should make this adaptation !

You have nothing to feel "small" for. I've been an armchair "councellor" for VP mods for years now, but I'm only beginning to truly try being a modder. You, on the other hand, have met the problems head-on, even if the results weren't always as good as you wished for. In the end, your growth is already far quicker than mine, and I have no problem with that. :)

For the War theme, I prefer E Garnison form Denez Prigent, I love this guy and and the evocative power of its gwerz and its kan ha diskan.

I understand what you mean : except for the few first seconds which seems very different from what we except for a war theme, the rest of the song is much more fitting when you know about Breton culture. Despite being a more classical proposition with its own qualities, the version of the song I proposed was unfortunately sung by people who don't seem to all be very familiar with Breton language and with a noticable French accent (flat accentuation). All that said, I'm not 100% convinced, but you are the chief, chief.

What do you have in mind for the peace theme ?

But, in my idea, to sweep the history of brittany on a cultural, religious and economic basis, it is necessary to have the parish close (which represent the wealth of Brittany at the time of the great navigations) and the Race Tidal Power Station which represents economic wealth based on maritime energy but also argobusiness.

Yes but too many choices, I love the idea of Barenton Fountain (replaces National Monument) from @Hinin.

Well, once again I understand your will to better represent the current Breton culture, since it is experiencing a return nowadays. That said, I still think that the Race Tidal Power UNW would require to be at least Atomic era to not be totally anachronistic when compared with the real thing... and the UC that currently comes the latest in all custom civs for VP is the Hockey Ring from pineappledan's Canada, which comes during the end of the modern era and has a massive effect when built geared specifically toward victory conditions (tourism and global City-State influence).

From what you said about the Race Tidal Power, it mostly seems like it would be geared toward yields and sea synergy... but that's almost irrelevant that late into the game : for a UC that late, you want a massive science boost, technologies, big tourism, influence, important military promotions, not gold, production, food, not even culture (which can still be added to obtain lvl 3 ideology tenets if needed). A science focused UNW, which seems the most logical path to follow for this, doesn't make real sense in the context of the civ's kit, which has no other scientific element in either its UA or its other UCs (so there is no incentive to take the policies that help a scientific victory earlier in the game, which makes the UNW's impact far less interesting, since it'll be very rare that the civ tries to win a Scientific Victory).

If the game was about Fame like in Humankind, I would totally be on board with your idea, but civ is about specific victory conditions, for better or worse.
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Well, once again I understand your will to better represent the current Breton culture, since it is experiencing a return nowadays. That said, I still think that the Race Tidal Power UNW would require to be at least Atomic era to not be totally anachronistic when compared with the real thing... and the UC that currently comes the latest in all custom civs for VP is the Hockey Ring from pineappledan's Canada, which comes during the end of the modern era and has a massive effect when built geared specifically toward victory conditions (tourism and global City-State influence).

From what you said about the Race Tidal Power, it mostly seems like it would be geared toward yields and sea synergy... but that's almost irrelevant that late into the game : for a UC that late, you want a massive science boost, technologies, big tourism, influence, important military promotions, not gold, production, food, not even culture (which can still be added to obtain lvl 3 ideology tenets if needed). A science focused UNW, which seems the most logical path to follow for this, doesn't make real sense in the context of the civ's kit, which has no other scientific element in either its UA or its other UCs (so there is no incentive to take the policies that help a scientific victory earlier in the game, which makes the UNW's impact far less interesting, since it'll be very rare that the civ tries to win a Scientific Victory).

If the game was about Fame like in Humankind, I would totally be on board with your idea, but civ is about specific victory conditions, for better or worse.

No problem, I was already convinced :)
Barenton Fountain is a very good choice which also has the advantage of linking reality to myth, an important part, I think, of Breton culture.

For the Druid too, it was an acceptable idea and I also thought of @Asterix Rage , a kind of tribute because it was he who launched the idea, in a form of a wink to Panoramix :lol:.
Like you, I had the idea of the Machtiern but what bothers me is that it is more of a civilian character with multiple roles than a simple knight and suddenly the idea stops there :undecide:.

Just, I don't have access to all the text for Porzh-iliz (replaces Temple), could you correct the quote?
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I understand what you mean : except for the few first seconds which seems very different from what we except for a war theme, the rest of the song is much more fitting when you know about Breton culture. Despite being a more classical proposition with its own qualities, the version of the song I proposed was unfortunately sung by people who don't seem to all be very familiar with Breton language and with a noticable French accent (flat accentuation). All that said, I'm not 100% convinced, but you are the chief, chief.

What do you have in mind for the peace theme ?

So I'm listening to all my classics from fest-noz, nothing stuck on both themes but anyway, shame on me :nono:, I didn't even listen to what Sman chose in the original mod , I'll start with that.
Like you, I had the idea of the Machtiern but what bothers me is that it is more of a civilian character with multiple roles than a simple knight and suddenly the idea stops there :undecide:.

Being less than knights, but more than simple civilians, the Machtiern used here as UM are just a game representation of how they could be direct participants in the defense of their communities (like the Samurai, who had a variety of weapons and civilian and military roles in Japanese society, yet in Civ V is simply represented as a Longswordsman replacement).

Here are what I had in mind when trying to adapt the unit for VP :
  • The "gold/faith purchase" bonus, in addition to being directly inspired by the JFD Brittany mod, represents the idea that the Machtiern had to benefit from some kind of support to be able to become true "equipped warriors" and so become more than simple great territorial owners. One thing we could do to reinforce this idea is to make the unit unable to be produced (so it must always be paid with gold or faith).
  • Being tightly linked to the community they are a part of, they become far less threatening when outside of it (22 CS while being a mounted unit is very bad during the Medieval era, since it means Pikeman are even more threatening to you), but are far more capable when surrounded by other citizens (+25 % base CS, so 26-27 base combat strength before applying all other bonus). Because of this, they are mounted units that plays around cities, and so surrender a large part of the mobility that usually makes the Knight so powerful in exchange of their early availability and the capacity to be deployed quickly if the need arise.
  • All that combined, we have a unit that can be quickly deployed if you have the resources and allows a good settlement defense from land, a way for the civ to not be totally outclassed there, but not become too threatening either (for it is at see that the civ really shines).
Ideas for the units :
  • As I said earlier, make it only obtainable through gold/faith purchase. In that case, make so that they don't lose half the xp they normally should have when bought with gold.
  • Have the "Community protector" promotion be "+25 % base CS when beginning the turn in a City" so that the unit can be useful further than the first ring around the cities. It would still have to be placed on the city the turn before acquiring power, but at least it would allow the unit to still feel like a mounted unit.
  • Also, when I proposed that the unit should be "always available for gold purchase", I meant that it wouldn't require a Barrack or Armory to be purchasable with gold (since they aren't actual soldiers, they shouldn't be limited by the same things as others here).
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TE="Hinin, post: 16019071, member: 260694"]Also, a problem you might encounter is how similar the civ's colors are to the German ones.
Actually, the problem is already addressed by reversing the colors.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I tried just to see to put the colors of the Gwenn ha Du, it does not really contrast with the German colors.

Spoiler Color test :

Another solution is to change the German colors when Brittany is in play, but I don't know if it is in the canons of VP.

Finally, I think the color inversion chosen by the original designers is fine, no?
@Hinin, What are you idea about that?
A flat permanent bonus or a boost ?
Because with the second choice, I think it's too close to part of the UA of Tomatekh's Sumer for Vox Populi by Pinappledan.

I was thinking about a flat permanent bonus, for both types of cities : wanted to keep it simple.
That said, these were simply temporary ideas on that front. I'm sure there is something more interesting to be done here (in term of yields I mean).
Do you have an opinion on this, @pineappledan ? I wouldn't like to have tunnel vision on that civ design ?
That said, these were simply temporary ideas on that front. I'm sure there is something more interesting to be done here (in term of yields I mean).

Yes, I wrote down the ideas as a basis for work (the start is better than mine and it takes into account the migrations of Bretons), there is still to be done.

I miss a part related to the economic power of Brittany in the 16th and 17th century. The advent of the parish closes corresponds to this period.

Spoiler Parish Close :
The golden age of parish closes coincided with the very important development of Breton international maritime trade. Ports all over the world were frequented by Breton merchant ships so much so that in the 16th and early 17th centuries Breton was the international trade language almost as much as English now (the last part is non confirmed).

Sailing used a lot of flax and hemp (veil, canvas, clothing, ropes), the regions that cultivated, wove and marketed flax therefore experienced an extraordinary period of wealth, which allowed the construction of many parish enclosures. in the flax growing and trading area.

This should appear either through buildings or in the UA.
I would like to orient Brittany as a defensive civilization on land and sea but which from the end of the Middle Age, beginning of the Renaissance produces enough gold to buy its defenses, units (and your idea of Machtiern is excellent) and buildings.
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Sumer doesn't do that any more, but I would have no issue with another custom civ using similar bonuses.
I miss a part related to the economic power of Brittany in the 16th and 17th century. The advent of the parish closes corresponds to this period.

Maybe the Parish could give an economic bonus instead of negating unhappiness from famine and isolation (which are both rare sources of unhappiness at this point of the game anyway). Something either related to city connection or TR.

Spoiler Example :
Porzh-iliz (replaces Temple)

+2 :c5faith: Faith and +2 :c5culture: Culture
+1 :c5culture: Culture and :c5gold: Gold from Incense, Wine and Ember
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5gold: Gold for each :trade: TR to or from the City
Generates +30 % Religious Pressure and increases the city's resistance to conversion by 10 % (instead of +25 % Religious Pressure)
1 :greatwork: GWMusic slot

Starting Renaissance era, gives a free Kalvar (calvary) if the city is inland or a free Kroaz Pell (widows' cross) if the city is coastal.
Spoiler Kalvar and Kroaz Pell :

Kalvar (calvary)

+2 :c5gold: Gold to Great People Improvements and +1 :c5gold: Gold to GWorks in City
+10 % :c5faith: Faith and :c5culture: Culture in City
Generates +25% Religious Pressure and increases the city's resistance to conversion by 10 %.
-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from Poverty.
1 GWArtist or Artifact slot

Kroaz Pell (Widow's Cross)

+1 :c5culture: Culture and +1 :c5gold: Gold to Land tiles adjacent to Coast tiles
Gain :c5faith: Faith whenever a unit you own dies, scaling with era
-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from Distress
1 GWWriting slot

The idea here would to make inland cities a little more competitive for the civ (which will make most of its cities on the coast, and so needs incentive to settle away from it) while helping the outward expansion of the coastal cities (militarily or through border growth along the coast). The parish itself doesn't bring a ton of elements at first (at least if you don't have enough TR coming to and from your empire), but its utility grows throughout the game.

This should appear either through buildings or in the UA.
I would like to orient Brittany as a defensive civilization on land and sea but which from the end of the Middle Age, beginning of the Renaissance produces enough gold to buy its defenses, units (and your idea of Machtiern is excellent) and buildings.

I just built up on JDF's idea. Nothing extraordinary on my part here.

Sumer doesn't do that any more, but I would have no issue with another custom civ using similar bonuses.

Nice. Do you have other opinions on the civ's kit ?
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