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So, the Worst UU was decided to be...

Worst UU?

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May 5, 2010
Orlando, Florida
The fact you left the Jag on here... really shows inexperience.
The fact you left the Jag on here... really shows inexperience.


As I mentioned, some suggested it wasn't a great unit.

I read the Montezuma's Cookbook thread, and there were players using an axe rush, instead of a Jaguar rush.

Anyway, let the voters decide! :)

Personally, I went with the Ballista Elephant.
It requires a rare resourse, where others don't.
If there was a camel resourse found in a desert tile, then, I would consider the Camel Archer as well, but, Civ4 gave them a pass.

I am not thrilled that the gunship can usually be built before a tank. I think that was poor placement in the tech tree, but, the ballista elephant gets my vote.
I am not thrilled that the gunship can usually be built before a tank. I think that was poor placement in the tech tree, but, the ballista elephant gets my vote.

I really don't see why Gunships would usually be built before Tanks. I rather see it the other way around. Gunships need Rocketry and Satellites which are what you usually tech for space race BUT Industrialism is more important to get early for space race because of Aluminum. Plus, Fighers work fairly well.
I voted for the SEAL since it comes way to late to be much useful. Though the Panzer is in the same situation it has some minor uses whereas the SEAL is rarely if ever needed in my games.
100% the Ballista Elephant. It requires Ivory which is not a very common resource. Also, it's special ability is only useful on the field and not when attacking cities, so if your enemy decides to hole up and turtle then the Ballista Elephant is useless.
I don't use ships much so for me the Indiamen followed by the Seal.

So, which did you vote for?
I don't see any votes yet on the East Indiaman?

Seal has 1 though.
I voted for the east indiaman. It is a joke of a UU on an otherwise perfect civ.

Something as menial as a transport ship should never be a UU.
I voted for the Jaguar. It's only good when you have no access to strategic resources, and in most of my games, there's copper or iron close by.

I think that the East Indiaman is good - it allows you to send a settler, a defender and a missionary or executive.
Why is the Hwacha on there?

Edit: Gallic Warrior all the way. I've yet to encounter any instance in which it's useful. Not one.
The SEAL. By that time in my games, Most Civs are at odds, and war is useless.
Why is the Hwacha on there?

Edit: Gallic Warrior all the way. I've yet to encounter any instance in which it's useful. Not one.

I added Hwacha, because, I remembered reading others commenting about it being of situational usage.
If one attacks a city containing mostly just Longbows, it's advantage over the normal catapult is greatly reduced (to none, if no melee are present).

@bei1052, try Boudica, marathon game speed, maps of medium or smaller.
Her Gallics can be built with copper, so, earlier than others.
They start with Combat1 and Geurilla1 ans the 3xp from the barracks.
Kill a few Barbs or animals and get to 10xp. For their CHA leaders that will 2 promotions and part way to the next. Choose woods2 for some, shock and G2 for some, City2 for some. Use it to grab enemy workers and easily remain in the field, due to almost nothing can hurt you, because, of great defenses.
Keep fighting and gaining GGs, The Great Wall can help to some extent, as you know you will be fighting alot. Switch to Vass+Theo as soon as you can.
It won't take long before you have woods3/G3/Com1+/shock units moving from city to city conquering.

Remember, Gallic Warriors are the only unit before Gunpowder, that can get both Woods and Guerilla promotions, so, they can become the early, gods of outdoor combat.

I included a .jpg of some cool Gallics eventually upgraded to macemen, but, most of the fighting occured before that. The best has 65xp. The 2nd .jpg shows the best as a Gallic, and just before conquering England, who built the Great Wall, so, his xp was earned the tough way. I checked, in this game, my friend got the swordsman quest, and the cover promo quest. So, he did have a boost. But, you get the idea of what one can have and do with Gallics, that you can't do with the others. Gallics and archers on hilled cities, don't lose their cities either.


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  • Civ4BTS Gallic57xp.jpg
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Can we have a definition of "worst"? If it's the UU with the least advantage over its basic that's different to stronger units that rarely get used. The latter depends a lot on on play style, and game settings (inluding MP/SP).

Voted ballista elephant in any case as it seems to me the enemy horses can just stay out of range. If the ballista had 2 moves and 6 or 7 str that would make more sense (rollerskate elephant?)
I voted for the Jaguar. It's only good when you have no access to strategic resources,

You missed some fundamentals entirely there...
Can we have a definition of "worst"?

Yeah, here you go:

# S: (adj) worst ((superlative of 'bad') most wanting in quality or value or condition) "the worst player on the team"; "the worst weather of the year"
^^lol...i.e. either of the definitions people are using to pick the worst UU.

I went with the ballista elephant based on the definition of least useful upgrade from base unit as that seems to be the least biased criteria due to playstyle differences.
Yeah, here you go:

# S: (adj) worst ((superlative of 'bad') most wanting in quality or value or condition) "the worst player on the team"; "the worst weather of the year"

Hehe, actually the second of those dictionary usage examples is just as vague as the poll. What is "good quality" weather? Personally my and my garden's favourite is rain but many would disagree.

On the other hand "the worst player on the team", is more specific. She's the one who contributes least to the team's success. A fairly clear idea if tricky to quantify (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/fink_tank/article1851667.ece - analysis of soccer players).

So if it's the one that statistically least often makes a contribution that would seem to put SEALs and panzers strongly in the frame. Doesn't change my vote though, and I'm not good enough at stats to be any more scientific about it :) The one time I used panzers they were awesome, but I don't remember ever targeting a mounted unit first with a ballista elephant.
Im not too fond of the camel archer but the elephant got my vote simply because of it's resource requirement.
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