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So, the Worst UU was decided to be...

Worst UU?

  • Total voters
Against a mixed garrison, Axe vs. Archer is considerably better for the attacker than Sword vs. Axe.

As such, sticking with Axes as one's main offensive unit when you can't keep your opponent off metals is a legitimate choice anyway. Jaguars' soft benefits remain untouched.
As you can see from that poll, Praetorians are the best UU, by popular consensus.

They are so over powered.
I modded them down to 7 strength, and gave them march and drill (sort of like an early non-amphibious SEAL with extra strength).
As you can see from that poll, Praetorians are the best UU, by popular consensus.

They are so over powered.
I modded them down to 7 strength, and gave them march and drill (sort of like an early non-amphibious SEAL with extra strength).
That poll is just one of many, and I can't put much faith in a poll where only 1/10 as many voted for Quenchas as those that voted Praets....
Ghpstage, you hit it pretty close on the mark.

You can always guage the skill of players by how much they over-rate the pratt. That hasn't changed since vanilla, and I'm sure that will still hold tomorrow.
Ghpstage, you hit it pretty close on the mark.

You can always guage the skill of players by how much they over-rate the pratt. That hasn't changed since vanilla, and I'm sure that will still hold tomorrow.
Wow... hahah... I voted Praetorian, too - what does that say about me? :D
Ghpstage, you hit it pretty close on the mark.

You can always guage the skill of players by how much they over-rate the pratt. That hasn't changed since vanilla, and I'm sure that will still hold tomorrow.

Pratts are a solid, cheap stack unit until riflemen appear, as long as you have enough cannon. The quecha isn't so monstrous at the highest difficulties. I can see a case for Rome in many maps.
I just had a Monarch game (as Russia) where Panzers would have been useful (playing a somewhat modded game which makes the Space Race more difficult but Space Elevator is in the Space Race tech path). Cyrus was way ahead in population/cities/strength and my only chance was a Space Race victory. Since the Space Race is tech bound I concentrated on getting the techs first (building Wealth and Research) before building most of the parts. The Internet was _extremely_ useful here as well, one of the few wonders I could manage to build and it got me 6 or so free techs. Anyway, Cyrus declared war on me and sent tons of Modern Armor at me but Composites was something I had planned on researching towards the end so I only had Tanks. I was still able to fend him off with Mobile Artillery/Tanks though. Cyrus eventually won a Diplo.
Pratts are a solid, cheap stack unit until riflemen appear,

You use Pratts when everyone else is still using maces...

As long as you have enough cannon, you might as well back be backing them up with Quechuas. They don't win extremely reliably against cannon red-lined cavalry, but they do better than you might think for 15 hammers. Warriors would work as well as the Q's of course, but this is a thread about UU's!
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