So, what is wrong with America?

you question was "Which civilization looks most interesting to you?"
America is powerful and flexible but it does not have distinct playstyle.

Do they not have a distinct playstyle? We don't know how to optimize the government legacy bonus. We don't know how the National Parks work. Perhaps they care about appeal, and we spend the whole game trying to figure out how to optimize appeal because everything affects appeal? Maybe we have to explore and steal National Wonders from everyone.

The issue is that America is nobody's MOST interesting, because everyone can only have 1 most. And half of their things haven't actually been revealed yet, so they look bland right now. I don't think they're many people's LEAST interesting, since some civ's distinct playstyle is probably the opposite of their favorite.
Sadly, I've always found America to be one of the most boring civs in each iteration I've played. I'm more interested in them this time around, though. Since it's about modern cultural victory with some military force to back it up, if needed.

But favorite or most compelling? Nooooo...
America do have alot in favor for them:

*Home continental bonus: This will definitely help against the barbarians which mean you can expand with less problems then most of the civilizations and it can in some cases also help in wars against other civilizations. Few civilizations will have an easier early game then America.

* Legacy bonus: This encourage you to make use of all governments in the game and it will grow stronger and stronger as the game passes, it is basically Poland's Civ V unique in a new form.

* National Park bonus: This will likely make America among the top civs for a cultural victory.

* Film Studio: I don't know what advantage that will give but it will encourage America to build cultural districts which fit well with their legacy bonus as culture unlock governments.

* 2 Unique units: While both are rather late we don't know if that is necessarily a bad thing in civ VI but it may give America an very strong late game.
America do have alot in favor for them:

*Home continental bonus: This will definitely help against the barbarians which mean you can expand with less problems then most of the civilizations and it can in some cases also help in wars against other civilizations. Few civilizations will have an easier early game then America.

* Legacy bonus: This encourage you to make use of all governments in the game and it will grow stronger and stronger as the game passes, it is basically Poland's Civ V unique in a new form.

* National Park bonus: This will likely make America among the top civs for a cultural victory.

* Film Studio: I don't know what advantage that will give but it will encourage America to build cultural districts which fit well with their legacy bonus as culture unlock governments.

* 2 Unique units: While both are rather late we don't know if that is necessarily a bad thing in civ VI but it may give America an very strong late game.

The Film Studio gives a +50% modifier to Tourism per city. That should be helpful for a CV at the very least. And causing internal problems for your rivals if it works like it does in Civ V.
Honestly it it looks like a pretty strong civ, but the choices for their unique traits don't appeal to me much.

While not a very strong civ in Civ 5, I liked the choices of the UUs in the B-17 and Minutemen a lot. Very iconic, and I liked America being primarily war-focused.

I'm not much for culture victories, so the Film Studio doesn't really do much for me, despite the bonus sounding pretty huge. Meanwhile the Rough Riders and the home continent bonus just feel a bit awkward. I know the Riders are due to Teddy, but they still just don't make me think America like many of the other unique units do for their Civs, such as the Japanese/Aztec/English.

The Mustang I actually do quite like, though makes me a bit sad since they dropped the B-17 which I feel is more deserving. Obviously they're trying to mix things up though across the board for this game, and B-17 was already in 5, so it's fine.

I really would have liked to see production bonuses like how Russia in Civ 5 has, or America itself in Civ Rev. I think calling towards WWII era America with powerful industry and domination-leaning bonuses would have been a lot of fun to play as. Hopefully the culture/government focus they're going for will still be more fun than I'm expecting.
I saw someone claim the opposite; that you don't get the bonus until it's a government of the past :)

From what I've seen in screenshots, it looks like you get some bonus when you are actively using the government, and some partial weaker version of it after you move on to another one. I'm hoping that the bonus grows the longer you use a government, personally. It would be an incentive to not switch governments at the drop of a hat. Although I also read somewhere that once you leave a government you can't come back to it.
I saw someone claim the opposite; that you don't get the bonus until it's a government of the past :)

From what I've seen in screenshots, it looks like you get some bonus when you are actively using the government, and some partial weaker version of it after you move on to another one. I'm hoping that the bonus grows the longer you use a government, personally. It would be an incentive to not switch governments at the drop of a hat. Although I also read somewhere that once you leave a government you can't come back to it.

I believe it was said that you can come back to a previous government, but there will be some kind of unrest for a period of time. No unrest if you move to one you haven't had before.
I don't think that you can keep a legacy bonus from a previous government.

The Legacy bonus is literally coming from a previous government.

I assume you can have multiple legacy bonuses, but we don't know either way yet.

Your Legacy bonus seems to increase the longer you stayed in that government, but I'm not sure.
Government legacy bonuses sounds great! Already i saw in the lets play people getting for examples 10% bonus to wonder construction from the Ancient era warmonger governments legacy bonus, by the time they switched to a Medieval era government type. That bonus last the whole game and America would get 20% instead :) not too bad!

Yeah that bonus is a wildcard for me. If it provokes thought and has a steady impact throughout the game it could be very interesting and change how I feel about America.

To be fair, in the past when predicting how much I'll like certain aspects of a future game, whether it be a fighting game roster or Dragon Age skill tree, I'm almost always pleasantly surprised with something after release. Something I was indifferent about or thought would be mediocre turned out to be great, or at least fun. This topic of who's fun/not fun will no doubt be revisited months after release. :D
In the Devs play as brazil video they switch from classical republic to autocracy. They had a +15% bonus to great people point and then they switched and got a 10% bonus on wonder construction instead. (32:06-32:08)
I am more than stoked to play as Theodore Roosevelt. It will be a thrill to speak softly and carry one hell of a big stick. It is refreshing from the standard Washington or Lincoln. Roosevelt is a bridge from the rural to the industrial. From national power to world colonial power. The Rough Rider unit looks quite life-like. The P-51 should an exciting unit as well. America will do just fine. One More Turn.
America will be a first civilization to play for majority of players. A lot of players learn game as they play and choose their first civ to be home country. So with the USA being the biggest market, that's quite obvious. So, in both Civ5 and Civ6 America seem to be designed for first-time players, although it looks like it's much better in Civ6, being quite distinctive.

For more experienced players, America provides interesting strategic choices with their legacy bonuses as you have to plan your government switches to maximize output.
In the Devs play as brazil video they switch from classical republic to autocracy. They had a +15% bonus to great people point and then they switched and got a 10% bonus on wonder construction instead. (32:06-32:08)

They probably retained the %GPP bonus, or at least part of it. You can see at 04:04, the "My Government" tab has a "Legacy Bonuses" section, with the Classical Republic %GPP bonus on it.

Sadly the cam is on the way, maybe there's another stream that shows the "My Government" tab better and multiple times?
They probably retained the %GPP bonus, or at least part of it. You can see at 04:04, the "My Government" tab has a "Legacy Bonuses" section, with the Classical Republic %GPP bonus on it.

Sadly the cam is on the way, maybe there's another stream that shows the "My Government" tab better and multiple times?

So the maximum strategy would be to switch to every form of government once to get all bonuses possible? I hope not.
It might be fun to see how high you can get each legacy bonus to go (is there a cap, like 15 or 25%?), and whether you still value them in the late game. Or how much you regret missing out on the later governments. :lol:
Their P51 UU is late game, as the Film Studio appears to be. I'm still unclear about the government legacy bonus and how good it will be. The home continent bonus and Rough Rider seem solid enough, but are less interesting than what everyone else brings to the table.
I agree, I think America are powerful enough, but most of the bonuses they get are very passive and hence sound boring in terms of the way they'll influence your gameplay.
So the maximum strategy would be to switch to every form of government once to get all bonuses possible? I hope not.

Not necessarily. You'll probably need x turns (x/2 if you're America) to get the Legacy Bonus - or to get it integrally, or even to enhance it, it's not very clear to me. And after those x turns, you may want to move to the next tier of governments, with more policy slots.

Edit: Not exactly related, but you can't go back to a government type you've abandoned without launching your civ into anarchy. And the legacy bonuses isn't the only bonus that a government offer.

So it isn't that easy to play around multiple governments to reap their legacy bonuses while staying updated with the most convenient bonuses and slot number and setup, and avoiding anarchy periods.
To maximize you need to stay with one government until you get full bonuses and when switch to another, never coming back (as there are penalties for that). That sounds easy. The tricky part is what you have the rest of the game to be played while you're gathering those bonuses. You wouldn't want your Wonders to be built during the period of Autocracy or having war during Republic. It requires quite significant planning.
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