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Soirana's Immortality: Unrestricted


Oct 13, 2008
I decided to give one more go. This time with unrestricted leaders.

Settings: Epic on Fractal Immortal difficulty. Unrestricted leaders.

I will be playing:
Montezuma - Aggressive [free combat one to melle+gunpowder/half cost of barracks and drydocks] of...

- UB- obelisk - monument with two priest slots
- UU -war chariot - chariot on steroids...

Well, I guess i will see that the hell leader Monty is without jaguars and his altars...

starting position:
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And where my food is??? As far as my fog reading tells 1w1NW and 1w1SW are not forested must be in here...

As far as settling goes i see to options - in place or 1NW. Later would give me both of suspected tiles, nice grassland hills, unforested tile1NW2W and a chance to loose something in 1SE1E location... Should this be normal speed i would plop in place, now i am intended to make a move...


  • Falcon BC-4000.CivBeyondSwordSave
    31.9 KB · Views: 42
Starting locations tend to have 2 or more resources though, here there's probably horses/iron either N, W or ENE, and source of food in the second ring. Lots of forests for early chopping. Move your settler W then N, next turn your warrior NW and you'll have a pretty good picture of what will be the best site.
Also agree with JammerUno, move the settler W then N but move the warrior SE rather than NW to see what options you've got for the capital.

What you can expect: I'm looking at the edges of the fog, and I see forests pretty much in every tile around the settler that hasn't been explored yet. The exceptions are 1S2W and 1N2W of the settler.
round one to 2825BC

i moved settler one west and we had some food indeed

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Not bad my any meassure. AH will be needed but to locate horses is anyway priority, we have UU afterall.

I thought of settling on turn one, but moved settler N, these grassland hills there very nice...

After warrior move i found:
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Sorta made me sad. I built great library in all previous games... How could i imagine not doing that again?

A bit later i found rusian guy with a mask... I mean Pericles and ... a horses in BFC. Skipping grassland and hills moving settler traded spices for marble...

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In south you may see main anoyance - bears. Scouting was really more like evading them as dead warriors do not scout at all...

I ordered Mining into BW and made second worker before first settler... to stay versatile i would say...

just after i ended mining
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Okay, i did not turned off huts and have not popped any myself...

I am aprroaching BW and the question is... To rex or to rush? It looks like all other [sans Pericles] guys are coming from west and not very close. If i try blocking Pericles i will have live with creative borders.
Although 2W1S of cows [grabbing silver, wineries, floddplain and a lot of riverside green tiles] and on western silk in that row do not seem bad locations. Ofcourse i have whole west unscouted [curses all these bears]... When i should start settler...

On other hand i have forests half priced racks and war chariots while Pericles is clearly in striking distance. In this case we need racks...

land overview:
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Pro rush: no more close creative neighbour. Second capital site. Pericles switched to slavery few turns ago but still speaks about archers only. If i hit before more cities/iron comes into real question...

Pro: rex - so far no religions so oracle for CoL and when long lived broteherhood and trade fest... Of course there is stone within reach but in slightly crappy place for early grab...

Met so far:
Pericles of Russia
Asoka of Holy Rome
De Gaulle of America...
WCs, horses in BFC :eek:, tons of wood to chop and a close, creative! neighbour.

*trumpeter* :hammer:
Love that starting location, I probably wouldve settled blind, but it looks like moving worked out nicely.
up to turn 90 -- 1750BC

Egypt or not i am Monty... So, i ordered racks, although i had some issues looking at my food surplus and give fact my hills were still under forests...

I also scouted westwards...
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double gold and food? i needed tos ecure that place at any costs...

meanwhile eastwards Pericles founded third city
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Definitely i will need to resettle it. i vvan't pick silver form any other esonable location...

Meanwhiles i found compromise between my food excess and that gold
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After i switched into slavery of course.
I whipped for three and let trees roll into chariots again. I mean my workers kept chopping while Memphis did blocked land and started slow building monument.
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Also barb city popped in reasonable loacation:
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Not superstar but deer+pig+fur is always worth keeping in my book.

I stopped growth in cap by switching off pigs:
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Well, i can't whip chariots effectively anyway...

Soon it was time to make play:
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That force of nine chariots went to Moscow on turn two of war. Despite it being on hill and having three archers i took it. I told you these chariots are on steroids:lol:
I promoted nearly all towards combat line as higher strength made that more profitable...

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Well, cows won't be easy to improve soonish... It also came in with granary and lighthouse....
It also got me introduced with Kubla of Byzanthium builder of the
great wall and founder of hinduism...

The very next turn i took St. petersburg
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I kept it with some doubts... Mainly for riverside grassland i could cottage and sharing food early on...

I took few turns to heal/reinforce and burnt last russian city
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This lead to the end of first war... I was a bit short of GG, but got two 10xp chariots out of this... So even more reasons to beeline Literature.

About that time i met Shaka of mayans [looks he got another spearman UU] and churchill of celts [duns+protective longbows makes me sad].
No idea where these two are as i've only saw workboats... Churchill founded budhism..
While origin of judaism is unknown...
Hinduism is already present at Moscow.

I also managed to screw myself by not teching fishing yet, so i can't work seafood in moscow... Although looking through tile yelds it looks like lighthouse is functional without sailing.
I'd guess Moscow will end being our GP farm... so i will build obelisk in there since it provides extra slots...

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Played with dotmap function a bit:
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Red spot is simple - i have enough place for cottages, but production is very problematic so far - that one would pick: grassland cows+grassland copper + five grassland hills. Perfect place for HE, but wastes some silk...

I will also need to investigate west and a ny chance on settling on easten landmass.

Researchwise: i teched mysticism/,masonry/pottery.
I'm very close to zero slider already... I have about 50 hammers in SHenge ion Memphis so i get some money as that one gets built [i am surprised not yet:confused:]. Also gold is still not online [well, war was priority]

This means funds limited i can cover fishing/writing and go into zero slider and scientists.

On other hand wonders eem go late [GW-1925, no shenge yet], so going for Oracle with marble is not out of question. I will probably need to take MC for trade...

Yet, another option is settle stone build Mids

Long term plan is simple - beeline Literature build GLib possibly parthenon... Overall looks good enough, double gold+silver+seafood should drag me out of early problems and i have room to make some cities...
Tech toward aesthetics, and get an SE economy online.

I would be tempted to go after the Mids, though its probaly too late.

Move the blue city 1 east, and settle on the river.
to turn 122 - 950BC

Well, i started by heading for fishing as i could use these 5F2C tiles in Moscow...

t92-I get my stonehenge money.
t95-fishing done, start teching towards oracle, as i decided to try it...
t102-Polytheism done. Since i am unsure in Oracle i'd rather take more usefull tech...

t104- 1400BC Industrious De Gaule drops Great Lighthouse - so much about slow wonders. I actually checked reference tables, despite being industrous De Gaulee does not favor building wonders too much...

t109-Priesthood, start oracle, start writing, churchill gets Alpha, switch gold to corn in Memphis, get down to +8gold per turn.

t114-Oracle. I had barb problems in Memphis [mainly them destroying roads]so i ended once again whuiping settler for three and outting overflow into Oracle...
Took MC, that settler founds silver/wine/cows/spice city
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I am not really concerned about being non riverside. I'd guess it won't come too levee bonus.

Meanwhile barbs in city get pissed enough by american archer camping in their small cross and get rid of it. I take a chance of killing barb archer
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t120-1000BC writing done.
I used money from capturing that barb city
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Well, i am pretty sure i saw barb worker... Oh, i found him...
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I start hunting, as i have no wish to take it in trade and i already lived long enough without ivory hapiness, now i have deer and fur...
Overall i like to trade agrresively in BC arrea cause i sort of believe AI's will foreget good deal of these trades untill times of liberalism [I'd probably would not do so on Normal speed], but hunting is too small even for me... Especially since i know all AI's...

I scratch my teeth but give MC for Alpha to Churchill open up trades. Once again i want trade early before AI's get worst enemies...

Tech situation after Alpha:
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I take chance to broker off Alpha:
Take IW from Asoka
There is iron next to Moscow and another in tundra, so no problems here....
Sailing from De Gaulle [quite good for him, as he was willing to give hunting on top]

After sailing:
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Well, i would not cry after these, but honestly i have no idea where celts are while i can see clear border of Byzantine... Never managed to understand this properly...
Anyway i ordered galley to improve Moscow's food.

Next turn Kubla finnaly finished writing and i traded him Alpha for mono+meditation, may be that was not worth it....

So after trades:
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Well, i am already in good situation add fact i am already first in land while barb city is still in revolt....

Tech wise i see two options beelline literature. Or beeline currency...

I also used that barb worker as a reason to explore some west...
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Well, i got worker, but these gems+seafood+riverside makes me greedy... On other hand even if i have half made settler i am not sure he will get in where in time... Also i have no way to send workboat from anywhere else...

i have a bad feeling game is in way to good position already...
In a situation with so many land to settle I would want Currency as soon as possible.

i have a bad feeling game is in way to good position already...

:lol: I wouldn't call this a problem
That barb worker was heading somewhere, so I suggest scouting the north a bit, you'll prolly find a barb city.
yeap, i saw a square of barb culture.

Honestly pr ocurrency is fact i have lots of intracontinental routes... having extra+3 for city never hurts...
to 10 AD

So i started by changing tech plan to Currency and decided to put prechopped forest into settler hoping it can make spurt to that gem place...

t122- Bulgar comes out of revolt draining my money further...

t125-De gaulle requires monotheism, Sure thing as he goes to pleased i ask for archery. Sort of traded. Not that i needed archery to kill my further trades, but... i get nervous after being treated like that...
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Settler starts run for gems [from Moscow to western coast]
Meanwhile i found American border
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t127-second gold mine in memphis comes online.
t129-shaka converts to confucianism, well De gaulle, Asoka and shaka is good enough block, i wish I could join that family
t130-finnaly able to trade maths as it is prerequisite for currency,
MC for Maths to Asoka and i put slider to 100percent

t135-confucianism spreads
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I did not converted immediately hoping De Gaulle will send more misionairies...
t137-found where the hell celts are, lost trireme to barb galley at 88 odds, well luckily i had galley to finish that one off
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barb galley's cost some problems in this segement but luckily few triremes hold them in control...

Also Kubla wants to steal my cows...
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t140-gems come online. Overall Forge is clealry happines building as i have gold, silver and gems...
here is what city upon foundation:
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t143 I noticed Asoka has full hands. Well, i have not border yet and he is cautious to de Gaulle, still send archer and axe to elephantine and switch to confu [prevent dogpile]

Incredible But Kubla and Shaka are pleased at -1
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t144 currency, sell meditation to De Gaulle for 60 gold, same to Asoka for 90 gold, start Aesthetics
Do some resource trading, apparently i can sustain 50% slider... with arround 70 beakers. Means ... need to expand...
Primary target is Minoan - barb city, blocking Asoka and de Gaulle for good.

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Soon i collect some troops
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T148-Kubla asks for pile of gold I send him in oblivion.

T151-capture Minoan, lost cows in Moscow:cry: despite building eveything that gives culture including monastery...
Meanwhile cap is cottaged up a bit:
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T152-MC++10gold to De Gaulle for Calendar. Someone still wants MC?
T153-Aesthetics done, start Literature

T154-bribe Shaka with alpha+MC+some gold into war with Asoka. I was really pissed with Indian hands at moment, red dot on silk is founded… my wanna be heroic epic city...

I thought Shaka killing holy rome was not so good, but as i've managed to clear out he is not on same landmass:
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T155-literature start chopping GL in Moscow,start CoL.

T156-Espionage tells me De Gaulle is teching Feudalism… terrific.
T157-Shaka offers to join war. Sorry but not a chance.

T159-got Churchill setller on my stone:mad:
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I was actually half turn to late. Well, maybe to late found where wanted but i plopped my settler on stone... Which luckily persuaded celts to pick they gear and go home...

Why i founded this?
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Double fish i guess... And producing one settler to much...

T162-Great Library in Moscow, start NE here.
T163-CoL done, start CS. Although i still have monoplu on Aesthetics so Music is an option at some point...
T165-I get my russian cows back , figure out no one wants Mids... Oh, well, it is to late for my taste to start them.

T169-col to shaka for monarchy- mainly for wine, had to pay a bit over
I got worried about my worker forces at that moment as i have trilion of wineries to make...
I gave CoL to Kubla also:
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T170-Choped Parthenon in Memphis.
T174-10ad – GS in Moscow, probably philo bulb tu use pacifism

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Land grab:
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22? and more land to settle? Is this really immortal?
there is still barb city but it is slightly to tough for low rewards at moment
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Pretty much tells everything first in land second in BNP, with bulb machine closing up [3turns to NE], add fact i can play spiritual sheanihans between organized slavery and pacifistic caste... [as soon as i spread religion that is].
11 cities with 13 workers digging improvements [slighly light but passable ratio].

I even got Shaka ocuppied. I am actually making aqueduct in cap since if hanging gardens will be available i will try for them... +1 pop in 10+ cities could really be impressive...
Incredible But Kubla and Shaka are pleased at -1
One's gotta love those hidden modifiers.

Game seems running nicely, agree with more workers for the jungle :)
This looks like a fun game. I am sort of interested in one of the opposites here, Hatty or Ramesses of the Aztecs. Either could really abuse the Sac Alter just like Monty does, with SPI bouncing.
This looks like a fun game. I am sort of interested in one of the opposites here, Hatty or Ramesses of the Aztecs. Either could really abuse the Sac Alter just like Monty does, with SPI bouncing.

like i said i was interested in seeing how monty goes without handicap. Well, i belive aggresive shows best in swords+cats war. Unluckily i learned few things about war charriots instead.
to 715 Ad - ewell calling that race is joke. I probably could have snatched communism or something like that.. Unluckily i was more traditional.
Will be lot opf screenshots since i played few days ago and have no idea where my notes are.

First i send Asoka to no
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Second i started chopping third ring for some gardens
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Should have timed these to get through beaureau...

Meanwhile i was poluting my GP pool
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Well, mids were still on and with spiritual that is just to hard to pass. Although i never got GE. Mids went to Shaka and he jumped to police state immediately.

Meanwhile De gaulle suicided enough troops to soften last barb city. I kept it although that meant even more jungle to chop...
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And finished HG
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12 pop swing.

I started selling techs, to generate some negative research.
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Got access to cats via trading. Honestly i hate going through construction by myself.
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Snatched some maps:
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Took machinery trade
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Wel on one hand i needed that tech for steel. On another i had calced by bulbs and was planning put one in lib. So i made academy in capitol. Well, again should have been done ages ago.

Meanwhile our creative friend tried to squezze food out of mine production city!
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Meanwhile i started literature sellout, well, with 100% i was generating well above 400 beakers, so it was worth...

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Meanwhile in eastern world celts and Kubla went to war. Which was not going good for Kublahan
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I dropped UoS next using stone
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Well, i suspect i won't build Oxford for long time, so this will have to compensate few things.

Snatched more trades
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At some point i managed to declare on Kubla [cause Asoka worked on his defense]
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In turn 1 i used few war charriots to raise that stupid city cripping my red spot, packed few muskets on galleys and... very next turn Kubla capped to Churchill...
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Good thing he seems being near limits to break away.

Meanwhile i checked to have 30% of world land. With rush only?
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To raise funds for Nationalism and cannon upgrades i started selling paper
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Was not long as i got second half of chenistry bulbed and finished lib
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715AD? last time i was happy at 1000AD.

meanwhile my red spot He city started contributing just in time
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look at american stack
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Well, i needed five missionairies to install confu in my GP farm and hit few slave revolts, but no way i can complain abouit the way game is going.
It is literally just matter of time to get the job done.
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