Water II and Earth II are utterly useless. So, basically, water has one spell for the bulk of the army(Create stone wall). This can be counted as a City Support spell. But then, stone elementals are very strong. So, the only reason to take this sphere would be if you plan to have a Summoner Archmage, so, specialization ruined. Water is left with one spell for the bulk(create spring), which can be counted as a terraforming spell, thus uselless for support, however, usefull in a set of situations. I would call it a "misselaneous" type of spell. Again the only reason to get water is to get the water elementals((thus targetting to an Archmage-Summoner), which where nerfed and now split only one instead of two times...Death is the magic of Summoners, fine with me. At least it is a specialized sphere. Law is a mix of Summon/Support. Nature is a mix of Support/Terraforming(?), but can be taken as support only for the bulk of the Mages, so, its alright. Enchantment is fine for the bulk as a support line, but the third level spell is not worth to have an Archmage slot wasted... Entrophy line....(sigh)...a mix of support/summoning. The third level is a waste of an Archmage slot,IMO, and never bother to get it. Air/Fire, those contain the most usefull Battlemage spells at the second level, and have the most uselless first level spells...I would prefer a haste spell as an Air level I and a fire bolt spell as a fire level I. And level III? Please! I cannot have a BattleMage at an Archmage level?? Why should it be Summons??
Chaos: Well, a chaos...I could not say support. Say it experimental sphere. You keep only the quickblades, and thats all. Next. Shadow. One of the most usefull troop support spheres...But again. Level III had to be a SUMMON!! Life: A mix of spells. Can be great for Undead Slaying Battlemages for the Destroy Undead spell, but level I and III are kind of Support spells(sigh). Spirit: A great! This is a nice support Sphere. Specialized. Mind. Another support sphere. However, the Domination spell will be better not to vanish if failed once. I would say, add a 10 turn delay to recast if failed, for the next casting, of course. It is a pitty to waste an Archmage in such a way. Metamagic. Support Line except...well..Level III again...a summon. Ice, as Illians, hmph...Does not worth it. Needs remaking. Sun. A Mix of Terraform/Support/Summon.