Sound for my mod units loops non-stop


Apr 7, 2012
US, Florida
I made a hyperdrive sound for my mod's spaceships using the airdrop ability. The unit.ini section responsible for airdrop is the "BUILD" section for both graphics and sound. I followed a tutorial I found here and I made my wav to be 16 bit, 22050hz, and mono using FL studio. I dont understand why after the sound plays 1 time it loops endlessly even after quitting the game and going back to the main screen. I tried using audacity too but turning the sound down to 22050hz also changes it beyond recognition and stretches the wave.

I'd appreciate any help. I uploaded the sound for referrence.


  • Hyperdrive.rar
    39.8 KB · Views: 21
Oh I just fixed it. I exported it on FL studios at 22050hz for highest definition possible, uploaded to audacity and export as a 22050hz, 16 bit, this way my sound doesnt get it's pitch messed with. Audacity seems to do something under the hood FL studio isnt for some reason. As long as I keep audacity last in the chain exporting with the correct format then the sounds work nicely. No more Loop!
Interesting. Thanks for sharing this data point. I use Audacity exclusively for all my sound modding needs. Wish I had it back in the early days of C3C modding as Audacity would have saved a lot of headaches. :crazyeye:
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