Rushed Transport in Birka for the Ottoman islands.
Rushed Transport in New Antium for the Egyptian island.
Move the empty Army to the 'Airport town'.
Press enter.
Egypt takes out 1 of our Infs and 2 Tanks (one elite) and lose 1 Tank in the process.
1812AD - turn 1:
Try El-Almarna but it has to wait for our arties.
Capture Abydos, 2 Tanks upgrade to Elite.
Capture Heliopolis, 1 of the Armies redlines. We own the lighthouse now....
Razed Bolu, the island city. It took 3 Tanks. Leave the captured worker to plant a nice forest on the ruins. The others go south to assist the new Tanks loaded in the Nicopolis Transport.
Take out the Barb camp just for the heck of it.
Bust some seafog...
Leave confident that the 2nd continent will be free of other civs next turn. The island cities will take a bit longer, but our boats are on their way.
Egypt puts up a good fight. Thebes(Pyramids) flips back and Sparta(Leo's) is taken with 1 Cav (against elite Inf). And they have put down three! new cities.
The ottoman sink one of our ships.
1814AD - turn 2:
Re-take and raze Thebes.
Bomb El-Almara to size 4.
Raze Hieranconpolis.
Raze El-Almara.
Sink an Egyptian Transport.
Raze Argos...
Raze the 3 new Egyptian cities.
Land 8 Tanks on the middle Ottoman island, sink an Ottoman Transport.
Even aggresive settling doesn't get me to that last city, next turn it doesn't stand a chance.
Egypt still manages a Cav, capturing workers.
Ottoman Ironclads sink a destroyer.
A barbarian warrior attacks our elite Inf.
1816AD - turn 3:
Raze Giza, the continent is liberated. [dance]
The Tanks don't make a dent in Ankara's defense, will collect a worker.
Land Tanks on the soutern island near Denizil.
Land Tanks and Army near Asyut.
1818AD - turn 4:
Raze Denizil, the Tanks re-board.
Check the diplo screen for hidden cities... there are none, phew.
1820AD - turn 5:
Asyut razed...
to be continued...