Space-1: War While Waiting

Originally posted by Belisar

At an even more unvaforable ratio than Cav agaisnt Cav-army the AI (at least in PTW) attacked Knight armies (3 elite) with vet-Knights (for example in GM-2) when they have no softer targets in range.

I've never seen that.

It sounds like the "bait city" idea earlier in the game can be extended to units. The AI will bypass stronger units to attack weaker ones. So defend your armies you just need to provide cheaper units for it to attack.

I am guessing it doesn't take into account counter-strikes either, so if it takes more than 1 turn to get to a weaker unit it will still go for that weaker unit allowing the player to attack the units.

I wonder if the AI has a limit. Would warriors attack an infantry army if it was the only target?
Originally posted by Greebley
It sounds like the "bait city" idea earlier in the game can be extended to units. The AI will bypass stronger units to attack weaker ones. So defend your armies you just need to provide cheaper units for it to attack.

I am guessing it doesn't take into account counter-strikes either, so if it takes more than 1 turn to get to a weaker unit it will still go for that weaker unit allowing the player to attack the units.

I wonder if the AI has a limit. Would warriors attack an infantry army if it was the only target?
If we wanted to test this hypothesis then we could send an Inf army to pillage Thebes :)

It does raise an interesting point. I'd previously assumed it was down to the A/D differential but that seems to have been disproved and in the absence of any other evidence I'd have to go with the AI will always attack the weakest unit it can see. The question remains: how far can the AI really see? :)

Preturn: Do a few minor adjustments. Accidentally hit enter before I finish so some 1 hp enemy units live.

IBT: Hmmm... I hope this isn't a usual between turns. We lose around 8 infantry from attacking cavalry and Sapahi. Egypt especially shows up with several cavalry (and gets pretty lucky as well). There are also 13 Greek and 11 Egyptian infantry to deal with. The Ottomans also get lucky and nearly take out our worker stacks.

1792 AD: Bombardment gets infantry to almost all 2 hp and we have sufficient units to kill them losing 2 tanks (with many injured).

Attack and keep Pharsalos (for the incense mostly).

Build some more towns to lower unit costs

MM HandyAugusta to building a tank a day (a tank a day keep the Sapahi away)

Raise Science to 80% due in 4. Initially we are at -152 gold, but I reduce it to -88 with my town building and MM'ing and joining workers into towns. I want to get Airports sooner rather than later. It is so convenient compared to boating them.

IBT: Some attacks kill a single Infantry. Nothing like the previous turn.
Build some settlers on the home continent

1784 AD:
HandyAugusta is going to be my "Tank Storage" town.

Istanbul is fully disconnected.

Decide we don't really need any workers on the home continent other than free foreign ones. Join a whole bunch into towns so gold is now -39 gpt at 80% science

Change all towns away from workers - we definitely don't need them. Notice a bunch ot totally corrupt towns on market places. I switch these away as well. I change most of these towns to wealth to generate 1 more gpt each. The game will end before the build anything.

Now at -24 gpt...ah, what the heck - change pretty much all the hopelessly corrupt towns to wealth (unless it wastes a lot of shields). We are now at +2 gpt for a total gain of 217 gpt over 2 turns ago. Unit costs have gone from 148 to 91 gpt including the fact I have been making tanks.

Ok, now that I am done fiddling with the towns I end the turn.

IBT: Only a few attacks and some bombardment. The artillery has greatly reduced the amount of bombardment. No units lost.

1796 AD:
Bombard and raze Izmit (no losses)
Bombard and attack Istanbul. Miscalculate and a healthy Cav army loses to an injured infantry (3hp), but also get a leader to make up for it - build a TANK ARMY :)... err make that 2 leaders and 2 tank armies.

Take Istanbul. I forget to check what wonders it has other than the great wall so I take it and then immediately abandon it. I lose 2 more tanks taking it.

Raze Adana without loss of units

Note we only care about Thebes (Pyramids) and Sparta (Leo's)

An elite infantry loses vs a 1hp cavalry :eek:

Take and keep Sparta losing 3 tanks.

Merge in a few more workers, do a few more switches to wealth. Gold up to 71 gpt!

Some workers seem automated which is really confusing. I basically start aborting all worker tasks on the home continent to try to fix this.

IBT: Some minor attacks. Coastal bombardment is becoming minimal
Quell many resisters in Sparta which causes it to riot.

1798 AD:
Raze another Ottoman town (I forgot to note the name before destruction - its SE of Uskadar.

My artillary has arrived next to Uskadar.
Start sending troops toward Mycenae

Dial down science to 70% 172 gpt. Unit costs are down to 41.

Oops some workers clearing pollution were too close to the border and get borked.

We enter the modern Era! We have flight!

1800 AD:
Bombard and and raze Uskadar losing no units.
Attack and raze Mycenae losing a tank.


Switched a bunch of cities to airports. On the other continent, I used a worker to build an airport. I hope it works the same as city airports in that it can receive troops. All our tanks (26) are stored in Handyaugusta. It will take more than 1 turn to cross.

I tried to leave units awake (just hit space). There may still be automated workers. They are buggers to track down. The main worker stack is near Rome. I hit space on one so the next player will notice the worker stack.

We have 81 tanks, 85 artillery, 10 armies, 11 destroyers, 102 Infantry, and 27 cavalry. Also 14 workers remain unmerged. Army support cost for our 369 units is 21 gpt. I built a number of towns (and got others above size 6),

Don't forget we will want the transports to take out the islands. I started sending them around.

My guess is that this was my last turn in the game.

I MM's fusion to be built in 8 turns. If the number jumps up, just turn taxmen into scientists.

Handyaugusta is building a palace as a prebuild! Don't forget to switch it to UN!!

The far side:


The Save
I'm UP in MB4, which I need to play tonight, so I will play this one tomorrow.

Obviously, a very good turn Greebley. Joining in Native workers was a good move particularly. I'll be looking to continue this and to start disbanding obsolete units if it hasn't already been done. It looks as if we may not even need the UN.
Things look good Greebley, well done. Losing 8 Infs in the interturn is certainly not something I've seen. Must be a freak turn. Seems you've recovered well, though. :D

Mad-bax: you're UP (thanks Handy :) )

edit: cross post, nice avatar.
It should be a fun set of turns for you Madbax. According to the power graph we have 4x the power of all the other civs combined. I wouldn't worry about losing a few tanks in your attacks. Just go for the kill :hammer:

We don't need quite so many towns on wealth, but I couldn't think of anything we could build that would be useful by the end of the game. Feel free to change any towns off wealth you want - we can get something with rushing.

I am unsure how close to the domination limit we are.
Looks like we're on the home stretch. Good work Greebley :thumbsup:

Firstly, here is the >>save<<

Secondly, sorry I'm late. I didn't manage to finish in one go and I had a long standing appointment yesterday.

1800AD: Pre-turn.
Hmmm... Checking Diplomacy I see all ou rivals need 3 techs to get to the modern age, then they need to get fission and build the UN. It's not going to happen. So Why are we researching? Well, it may be an unpopular choice, but I switch off research, and change all specialists to tax-men.
I change a lot of non-military builds to airport.

1802: Raze Konya.
No settlers have been built to attack our opponents. This means the arty is a bit redundant, and our losses will be a little heavy.

Raze Konya for the loss of 2 vet tanks.
Bombard Athens, but arty numbers are inadequate to make a dent.
Short rushed some airports.
Not much else on this turn.

No News

Take Athens without loss. Put settler one tile beyond it, found Firenze.
Raze Knossos without loss, generating a leader.
Lose a cavalry army attacking Sinop, which I fail to take. It was a bit optimistic to say the least.

The southern campaing changes a little. Using settlers allows the arty stack to be split in two. We should be able to attack more cities per turn from now on.

The most stupid thing I've done since yesterday. I forgot to put a garrison in Firenze. :smoke: At least I can own up to it. The Egyptians burn it to the ground.

Bombard Delphi down to size 11 and take out the rax.
Found New Rome.
Found New Ceasarea to re-establish cultural corridor.
Raze Sinop Without loss
Capture Delphi without loss. Need to sort this out in a while. I'm not going to keep it.
We abandon 3 useless towns just for breathing space for our attack settlers.

Raze Thermopylae without loss.
Capture Alexandria for the loss of wone tank. Again I will raze it in a sec I just need to get some sttlers in the right place.
I leave a redlined Sipahi in Antalya.
I run out of units, so eventually I have to press the spacebar.

Abandon Alexandria and build New Cumae a tile futher south.
Ditto for Delphi.
Put a cavalry outside Thebes so when I bombard it I can see whats happening.

Raze Thessalonica
Raze Antalya
Capture Thebes (with pyramids). I would raze it. But I'll keep it and the next up can raze it after some discusson.
Same deal with Elephantine. It has Copernicus. Useless to us. I'll raze it next turn.
Take out 12 Egyptian ships, clads mostly.

The Egyptians found a new city in the void which I promptly raze.

Took on Pi-Rameses without first bombarding it. Lost 8 tanks taking it. At this stage this is a perfectly acceptable rate of attrition IMO.

Nothing Happened


Captured Memphis.
Razed Byblos.
Abandoned a couple of cities to compensate.

I've sent some tanks to the islands. Not enough though I'm afraid.

Sorry if this is a bit terse but it is midnight and I have a flight at 6.00am. I need to get to bed.

Would someone do me a favour and post the screenshot please. Thanks.

I wonder if the next player can finish the game?

We are 52 tiles from the limit.
I was Sooo close to accidentally deleting my turnlog. Phew.
Looks as if the end is in sight.

I was a bit disappointed when I read that Firenze was lost a bit too carelessly... :ack:
But it was so good to see someone so nicely thinking of my home city that I can only express gratitude and :love:
Thanks, Mad... :D
Originally posted by mad-bax

I was Sooo close to accidentally deleting my turnlog. Phew.

I'm glad you didn't Mad. It was as entertaining as ever. Thank you. :) And you laid down the challenge... can it be done within 5 turns? Depends on how you left it... :p

edit: Btw, that's a good number of cities you conquered. :goodjob:

edit2: I looked at the save and I'd say MB has left it in good shape. :) See whether you can do it in 5 turns Handy... ;)
Tremendous! :goodjob: Even when one's seen it a lot, it's striking how quickly the game ends once the military tipping point is reached.
Space - you should end the game! I did not realize we were so close.

I'll pass to you (or Northern Pike) so you can end it whether it takes 5 or 10 turns.

You should have the honors. :)

Knock their blocks off!

It's all yours - just post back & let us revel in the victory.

Awesome SG. Well played out of a "no iron" hole!
I am proud to be part of a team of gentlemen as well as skilled players :)

P.S. No, I don't know what happened to me tonight to be so openly flattering to you all... :D
Ya it was a fun game. You know I used to be a peaceful builder type player with at least two games I didn't even get a leader the entire game and now I am addicted to AW games and it is all your fault :p :p :p

The early game especially was pretty intense when we discovered our lack of Iron. I think we did well as a team to track it down and grab it. I do see what people mean when they say an AW game is decided by the time you become industrial though. You are unlikely to remain balanced on the edge that long; either being overwhelmed or overwhelming.

I just hope Space doesn't have to go clearing out all the darkness looking for some tiny island with a single city that he has to then get marines to take out :D
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