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Space 4 - Mystery game

Space4 - 1750BC


Everything looks fine. Press enter.

A kish Before Dying: Enkidu -> Rax (may be changed to Colossus if someone feels lucky)

1725BC - turn 1
I send the Enkidu to Langout via Urrrp.
Both the workers start a road, one of the roaming Enkidus is sent home.
The settler pair mover up the hill on Teds' B to enjoy the view.


1700BC - turn 2
Babylons' Block founded, it starts a Rax.
Black smoke from the Vulcano near aply named Urrrp increases the thirst of it's inhabitants.


1675BC - turn 3
The Vulcano erupts, with even more consumption as a logical consequence. The Laglouters are so jealous that the luxery need to go up a notch.
All this drinking will cause Urrrp to loose many shields and food.

Dyes are connected
Urrrp: Rx -> Enkidu
Mongols build The Oracle

1650BC - turn 4


1625BC - turn 5

Urrrp: vet Enkidu -> settler

1600BC - turn 6
I move the regular Eniku to the Laglouts, this'll allow us to drop lux a bit next turn


1575BC - turn 7
Lux down to 0%, Alphabet due in 2 @ +2gpt


1550BC - turn 8
MM Laglouts to get it settler next turn.


Laglouts: Settler -> Granary

1525BC - turn 9
After an initial rebellion, the settler sets off the C spot in the desert. An Enkidu is send with her to make sure she doesn't change her mind.

Super: Worker -> Curragh
The Babs start ToA.

1500BC - turn 10
Worker near Kish has little use where in it and is sent NE to connect the new cities.

Writing is is due in 12 @ -3gpt. We have 39 in the kitty and a new city on the way, so we should be able to get it 12. The Curragh can scout the seas to look for likely crossings.
That sounds good. :goodjob: I'm glad we've started a curragh.

The above link to the save doesn't work, due to a typo (1500BC versus 1500_BC), but this one should.
Well, mates.
You are playing way too fast :nono: :p

Therefore, I'll take the save to rectify the situation.
Before I disappear with the file, any recommendation? I'd be inclined to expand somewhat towards that red border... :D

Got it
Fixed that link, thanks NP

Karasu said:
Before I disappear with the file, any recommendation?
The settler pair is heading for C to close off the border. The Babs will have Galleys in a short while so I'd say settle the good spots in our home terf soonish and get our production up. Without Iron or Horses we are forced to go for quantity. *sound of distant marching*
Karasu said:
Well, mates.
You are playing way too fast :nono: :p

Quite right, and the guilt is mostly mine :D; but now I'm going to atone for it, since I won't be available to play again until March 7 or so. :wavey: I may be able to check in every so often, but no more.

Our basic goal now, I think, is to research as quickly as possible to Invention/longbows.

It's very good news that the Babylonians have started ToA. If we can capture and hold it, all our problems (well, quite a few of them) regarding the cultural expansions needed for quick domination will be solved. So, of course, we should avoid the tech which kills off the ToA--which I believe is Education, but please check this.
Indeed... :D

You didn't expect me to return from weekend with my turns played, did ya? :cooool:

I have actually managed to look at the save, anyway.
So, yes, the new-born settler will go towards "C", even though I am still tempted by that nice little spot close to the Bab border where the rivers join and a wheat lies...

Also true that we will want to put together a reasonably good core in a short time.

I do like the idea of going for Longbows. It is probably early at this stage to start following that path, so I'll probably build one or two curraghs, settlers and workers.

BTW, Space, how long am I allowed to hold this? :mischief:
Ehm... :blush: :begformercy:

...I did think I would have some time to play -albeit at a "leisurely" pace (so to speak).
But I've been swamped. I couldn't even get one turn done! :eek:

I'm also out to yet another meeting in Noordwijk, today and tomorrow, which may give me some breathing space to play -but chances that I can post anything before Monday are very slim.

So if anyone feels like throwing another ten in, please do.

And sorry for the sabotage...
well, at least I did slow it down a bit, didn't I
Ok, then. MB hasn't come around to claim it, but I managed to play a few turns ...at last.... So here we go.

You won't believe this -I still have my last turnlog from Space 03... :crazyeye:
So, yes, it's been quite some time.

Well. Game loaded, grid on.
CivAssist loaded -DEBUG? Commercial and Agricultural? ops, the COTM21 test saves...
Autosaves deleted.

Ok, everything seems nice and clean (apart from all those volcanoes. I hate volcanoes).
Let's go.
BTW, how long have I held this game? Two weeks? :eek:

As soon as I press Enter, a barb horseman appears east of Babylon's Block.
We Urrrp a settler.

Turn 1 - 1475 BC
Ok, where should the settler go? Founding a city close to Urrrp would probably be the wiser move, but this settler really wants to go closer to the Babylonian border.
And who am I to say no? :D

The other settler moves towards the C spot, wherever that was (ehm, I haven't had many chances to check our forum again since last Wed...).

Turn 2 - 1450 BC
Our brave Enkidu warrior burns the hut and grabs 25 gold. Good, this will help funding our research (currently running at -3 gpt).
I assume the worker next to Super wants to road that hill and move onto the BG. I send another worker there.

Turn 3 - 1425 BC
CivAssist tells me that Hammurabi is up Masonry, CB, WC and Writing. The bastard.
I try to talk to him but he won't sell. Twice bastard.

Well, it seems that the barb horse and another barb warrior are heading towards his cities. I'll let them go.

Super completes the curragh -start a worker.
The Byzantines complete the Colossus.

Turn 4 - 1400 BC
The worker NE of Urrrp moves north, towards Bab's Block.
A Kish completes its Rax, starts a worker -I was tempted to start another Curragh, but that could be its next build.

The Babylonians have started the ToA.

Turn 5 - 1375 BC
Bad Bad Bad is founded in a questionable place (but I liked it). It will improve with cultural expansion. I start a rax there.

The northern settler. I remember it had to go towards the coast to complete our blockade of babylonian expansion.
Was it a desert tile, next to the oasis? I'd rather go to the hill, it would have some grassland at least.
Hmm, let's move on anyway. There are still one or two tiles to go...

Turn 6 - 1350 BC
Urrrp: Settler - settler
Super: worker - Barracks (can be changed)

The curragh crawls along our coast, and from the cape south of Kish it sees a distant shore to the west, with a brownish border. Our brave sailors challenge the treacherous seas...

Turn 7 - 1325 BC
A Babylonian settler+spear appears next to the northern oasis . Too late, neighbour... :D
...I found In Your Face right in their face.

I also found Eech at the feet of that ugly volcano -start Granary, but could be anything.
I hope I haven't blown up our building plans too badly... :D
But I wanted to stay on the river and to leave room for another city upstream and one or two to the south.

Turn 8 - 1300 BC
Our curragh sinks in view of the foreign shores. Damn. Switch Kish to Curragh and Super to worker.

Check F4. Ok, Theodora has appeared.
She has 402 gold and at least as many techs as Hammurabi.
We are only 2 turns away from Writing but I cannot trade for it.

Turn 9 - 1275 BC
Super: Worker - barracks.
Babylon's Block: Barracks - worker

The babylonian settler moves eastwards.

Next turn we've got Writing coming up and the curragh in Kish. I'll leave it here.
One bonus turn for the next player.

Hmm... haven't played much lately -other than watching the AI do crazy things in the COTMs... but I am confident that I couldn't do too much damage in so short a time...
And you guys will surely make up for it :D

ainwood said:
I could play over the weekend.
That's a bit quick for this game, isn't it?

I'll try to look at it and comment today ... no promises ;)
lurker's comment: You guys like to spam a lot...:p , I also wonder how much advantage knowing the map gives...:mischief:
Ansar_the_King said:
lurker's comment: You guys like to spam a lot...:p , I also wonder how much advantage knowing the map gives...:mischief:
In my case, the knowledge of the map is quite important, because I know what the intent of the map layout was as well (if that makes sense) - the map was designed so that certain strategic decisions would have very good benefits.
Well, I went up to Birmingham to see my new grandson, completely reneging on my hope of commenting last week. But I'm back now, and after I catch up on the chaos that seems to be breaking out as TF restructures the servers I'll have a look at it. That could be in a day or so :eek:
Well, I can't look at the save at the moment and can only offer generalities, so all this should be taken with a grain of salt. ;) But I think our goals should be to:

1. Finish settling the eastern lands, where there are still some good sites.

2. Get the FP started.

3. Research and trade our way to Invention/longbows as quickly as possible, which means getting our cheap libraries built.

4. Start building units which will still be useful when we discover Invention and get going against the Babylonians--meaning catapults above all, but also spearmen and galleys.

I'd hope that we could avoid building the Great Library, but if we can't make enough tech progress by other means we might have to. :cool:
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