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Space 4 - Mystery game

I'm glad this thread has come back to life, sort of :lol:. I certainly haven't given up on the game.
Northern Pike said:
I'm glad this thread has come back to life, sort of :lol:
I love your optimism. Should we perhaps consider skipping ... whoever was up?
lurker's comment: Is it always the lurker who bumps? :bump: I believe Space is up? He should be back from holidays in France.:D
No problem at all Ansar, don't worry.

Indeed I'm back but I suffer from a Civ block, I hoped that I could pressure myself to play by posting a "got it" but it doesn't have the required effect. I guess you guys aren't scary enough... :lol:

Anyway, I have to face the truth, I think I have de facto retired from civ, or am at the very least away on a sabbatical from playing.

So hereby I sadly "ungot it" and :salute: you.
Sorry to hear that, Space, but I think I understand. I haven't played Civ seriously myself since taking on SGOTM admin, and I must say I don't really have much in the way of withdrawal symptoms. This game's current pace seems to be all I need, plus the vicarious pleasure of seeing others having fun in the competitions. For me, it's probably a sign of a fading (second ... third ... ?) childhood. Can't think what could have brought your (temporary) retirement on, though.

Anyway, good luck with whatever has replaced Civ in your life, and I hope you can keep in touch with your friends here.
Thanks for understanding Alan. :)

Part of it is trying to bring the fun that I have here to my work. I work in speech recognition and I am really trying hard to make it accepted as a valid way of making things easier for people who have to interact with computers out of necessity rather than choice.

Another part of it is my current infatuation with Spore, a new PC game in the making, which has intruiging basic assumptions: user creativity, integrated science (space!) and procedural animations.

It even has a civ stage. :banana:

I find its' developing process fascinating too, as they use prototypes to validate certain ideas. I'm sure that I can use this in my own work too.

A third part might be my non-connection with cIV, I find it too complex to be fascinated with it the way Civ III had me. But it's arrival waned me of III in the process.
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