• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Specific Bug Reports

I've received an assert that has been reported a few times already. Load the game and press end turn to get the assert. The assert appeared during a game with the 2-12 version of the betterAI mod. The assert repeats itself until you click 'ignore always'.

Here is the savegame:

And here is a zipped version of the combination of mods that I use. Unzip it in the warlords mods folder. The mod folder is named BetterAI, so you might need to rename your own BetterAI folder first before unzipping this one.

Received a series of asserts -- situation was that Carthage landed a stack of troops on top of three of my workers -- I received the following string of assert failed messages:

Assert Failed

File: .\CvUnit.cpp
Line: 8732
Expression: getCombatUnit() != NULL
Message: getCombatUnit() is not expected to be equal with NULL

Assert Failed

File: .\CvUnit.cpp
Line: 8733
Expression: plot()->isFighting()
Message: plot()->isFighting is expected to be true

Assert Failed

File: .\CvUnit.cpp
Line: 8732
Expression: getCombatUnit() != NULL
Message: getCombatUnit() is not expected to be equal with NULL

Assert Failed

File: .\CvUnit.cpp
Line: 8733
Expression: plot()->isFighting()
Message: plot()->isFighting is expected to be true

Assert Failed

File: .\CvUnit.cpp
Line: 8732
Expression: getCombatUnit() != NULL
Message: getCombatUnit() is not expected to be equal with NULL

Assert Failed

File: .\CvUnit.cpp
Line: 8733
Expression: plot()->isFighting()
Message: plot()->isFighting is expected to be true

Assert Failed

File: .\CvUnit.cpp
Line: 8732
Expression: getCombatUnit() != NULL
Message: getCombatUnit() is not expected to be equal with NULL

Assert Failed

File: .\CvUnit.cpp
Line: 8733
Expression: plot()->isFighting()
Message: plot()->isFighting is expected to be true

Assert Failed

File: .\CvUnit.cpp
Line: 8732
Expression: getCombatUnit() != NULL
Message: getCombatUnit() is not expected to be equal with NULL

Assert Failed

File: .\CvUnit.cpp
Line: 8733
Expression: plot()->isFighting()
Message: plot()->isFighting is expected to be true


I was receiving this assert constantly during AI movement. No idea why. It started in the 1927 turn, maybe 5-6 times. Then I received 17 in 1928, 30 in 1929, 30 in 1930, 34 in 1931. I then just hit "ignore always" so I could continue to play the game. Just force an end to the turn and you should get the asserts. The only thing of note that I had done was succeed at using a spy to 'steal military plans' for the Aztec on the turn before all this started.

1927: http://forums.civfanatics.com/uploads/50676/AutoSave_AD-1927.CivWarlordsSave



Assert Failed

File: .\CvPlot.cpp
Line: 6218
Expression: getVisibilityCount(eTeam) >= 0


As usual, my Better AI Mod file is: BetterAI 01.30.07
I found one (and maybe the last) of the causes of the OOS errors. Looks like Blake checked in some changes in Rev 336 for the file CvCityAI.cpp on Feb 1st that affected commerce. The comment checked in that was made was:

"Commerce value increased by 20% (from 5 to 6)"

Somehow this creates an OOS problem during a few occasions while playing Multiplayer. I have saved games where I can recreate the problem. When I change this value back to 5, no more OOS errors. :)

Maybe he can change it back to what it was in the next release.
Assert Failed

File: .\CvGlobals.cpp
Line: 2743
Expression: strcmp(szType, "NONE")==0
Message: info type EFFECT_WEAPON_IRONCLAD_CANNON_01, not found, Current XML file is: Misc/Civ4TutorialInfos.xml

In the save file, promote the Ironclad in Arretium with Combat I, and attack the Caravel to the east.
I've mentioned and reported the only building the Internet when having met 2 or less civs thing elsewhere. That's a < instead of a > in CvCityAI::AI_projectValue.

I've just noticed that CvArea::countHasReligion doesn't bother to check that pLoopcity is in the area in question. This can lead to building no missionaries.

For some reason air units trying to upgrade all try to go to the one city even if they could be upgraded where they are. But they try to path to there, which brings up an assert about eUnit not being expected to be DOMAIN_AIR. So they don't go there and aren't upgraded.

Waiting to grow more before building settlers and workers can backfire. If the terrain is too good, then settlers or workers might never get built. In particular, for a financial civ and a city with a lighthouse, coastal tiles have a magic value of over 100. I've seen island civs with 3 cities which had every square over this and so not building another settler until they had the happiness and health and stopped whipping buildings. It might be nice to have the population, unhappiness and unhealthiness checks that are currently only applied to a threshold of 80. There are very high floodplains starts that would benefit too.
Assert Failed

File: .\CvCityAI.cpp
Line: 7200
Expression: false
Message: infinite loop(!!!!!)

Assert Failed

File: .\CvPlayer.cpp
Line: 11481
Expression: isHuman() || isBarbarian() || ((getGold() + iGoldChange) >= 0)


I believe this is somehow related to an AI (Asoka) capturing a barbarian city, at least the trigger of the failure. At least, that was the only significant event that occurred on the prior turn.
Assert Failed

File: .\CvPlayer.cpp
Line: 7365
Expression: getNumOutsideUnits() >= 0

File: .\CvGameCoreUtils.cpp
Line: 1478
Expression: pLoopUnit->getDomainType() != DOMAIN_AIR
Message: pLoopUnit->getDomainType() is not expected to be equal with DOMAIN_AIR

Action: Selecting a newmade bomber

PS. First post!
Assert Failed

File: .\CvTeam.cpp
Line: 963
Expression: (isHuman() || isMinorCiv() || GET_TEAM(eTeam).isMinorCiv() || isBarbarian() || GET_TEAM(eTeam).isBarbarian() || AI_isSneakAttackReady(eTeam) || (GET_TEAM(eTeam).getAtWarCount(true) > 0) || !(GC.getGameINLINE().isFinalInitialized()) || gDLL->GetWorldBuilderMode() || getVassalCount() > 0 || isAVassal() || GET_TEAM(eTeam).getVassalCount() > 0 || GET_TEAM(eTeam).isAVassal() || getDefensivePactCount() > 0)
Message: Possibly accidental AI war!!!


Happened just after I refused a demand. He immediately declared war. I believe I've reported this one before, so I won't bother with another save file.
I nuked and razed an Egyptian city (had to keep them from completing cultural win.) As soon as I razed the city, the razing unit and a captured worker were instantly transported to the nearest friendly territory. This happened again when I razed a second Egyptian city. Will post save files later, but has anyone else encountered this?
Assert Failed

File: .\CvCityAI.cpp
Line: 5409
Expression: false
Message: infinite loop(!!!!!)

Assert Failed

File: .\CvGameCoreUtils.cpp
Line: 1478
Expression: pLoopUnit->getDomainType() != DOMAIN_AIR
Message: pLoopUnit->getDomainType() is not expected to be equal with DOMAIN_AIR

Save is attached, to get assert just end turn


  • Shurik AD-1941.CivWarlordsSave
    360.4 KB · Views: 75
Seems Ive repeated this bug in a completely different environment!

Build 2/12

Assert Failed

File: .\CvGlobals.cpp
Line: 1081
Expression: eLeaderHeadNum > -1
Same here + a dozen other assert failed when starting a game. I use RuffMod.
Little note on those that can do SDK themself..the ViSa SDK guy is fixing all the Asserts for betterAI that come up in the ViSa Expansion Pack..if you know what you are doing, can look up the ViSa SDK to find the fixes you need and include them in your betterAI code. They are too busy with ViSa to also support Iustus on the betterAI fixing all the bugs! But anyone of you who has knowledge of the SDK can look up the fixes..mostly uncommented though..sadly but true, guess everyone is too lazy to comment properly :)
I'm getting a Runtime Error when I try and load the mod:

System configuration:
Vista 64
Athlon 64 3200+
3 GB
I'm running dual (NOT in SLI mode) NVidia GeForce 7600 GS, with the latest driver build (158.24)

Every time I try and apply the mod, I get that error. I enabled logging, and, well they're pretty short:

init.txt contains the following:
[235908.765] DBG: CIV Init
[235908.781] VERSION: App: C:\Program Files (x86)\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Civ4Warlords.exe
[235908.781] VERSION: Build: Tue Jun 27 15:16:40 2006
[235908.781] VERSION:
[235909.078] VERSION: Mod Loaded: none
[235909.093] DBG: FILE Cat Init

and a monster file name with no extension (truncated here):
Alexander the Great;Chinese Unification;G... ....,Barbarian
contains the following line:
[235910.062] CreateFXML

The other two log files, initmgr.txt & resmgr.txt, are blank.

Any suggestions?

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