*Spoiler1* Gotm24-Korea - Enter Middle Ages

Originally posted by Txurce
I recall reading that the Colossus triggers for commercial as wella s expansionist and religious civs. I think it's the only triple-trait wonder. Unfortunately, there is no single easily-visited place (like the Civilopedia) to answer these questions once and for all.
I have previously entered GA as Korea with only Colossus and Theory of Evolution, no other wonders at all. That should take some salt from cas's wounds.
Decided not to cram one turn in over lunch and just compile more report.;)

Question: for those of you who had the AI settle the barb island, did the barbs show any "special treatment" to one or the other?

I landed two spears on the island (first civ there) and both were slaughter by turn two. I could have settled here but decided I didn't want to lose all my gold, so I didn't. Han followed shortly with a city. Baekje founded a few turns later. Han lost their city defender relatively quickly. A few turns later, they lost all their gold. Baekje on the other hand never lost their gold. I could see many horses sitting right next to the Baekje city but none ever attacked it. The one turn that the Baekje lost all their gold, it turned out to be them buying Shamanism from the Han (gold in their treasury instead). That was great for me since I had the Great Library and Shamanism was the only thing between me and the next age.

After the uprising, all the horses fell into the barb pit that was Han's city. When they were all gone, the Goguryeo settled a town. I suspect they will all be mine after I plant a Culture Bomb (TM) in the SE quadrant.

As I said previously, I declared on the Goguryeo first. I captured two towns including the Great Library, raze/replaced a third and took two more for peace. Just after peace, Han invented Republic which I was 15 turns from completing at min. Once the Baekje bought Shamanism and the GL gave it to me, I got Engineering and traded it to Han for Republic. Immediately, I revolted and it wass 6 turns of Anarchy. I had investigated Ch'onan where the Baekje were building the Lighthouse and planned to take it the turn it was finished. Unfortunately, the other continent beat them to it by three turns. I took my frustration out by capturing The Baekje capital and their horse town the second turn of war. Two more captures and taking two towns for peace claimed the entire upper pennisula for Korea.

The two red dots were the captials which held the Great Library and the Great Wall. The yellow dots were the cities I got in the peace negotiations.
[ptw] 1.27f PREDATOR Class games

My game is going pretty average. I certainly won't win any awards for best QSC. I really did not even try for a 4 turn settler/warrior pump..I did eventually get the 4 turn settler pump.

Rough timeline
4000 BC - Settle on start. Seoul would build many warriors and about 4 settlers before it ever builds a granary. This is because I decide to gamble on pottery and go straight for Calligraphy....which probably was not the best move. The plan is for the 2nd city to start right away on colossus, and have Seoul build Great Library later on to trigger out golden age.

3450 BC - Contact with Baekje. They are down Bronze Culture but have Burial Rituals. No trade can be made.

3050 BC - Contact with Han Dynasty. We pick up Masonry and Burial Rituals by giving alphabet to Han Dynasty and Masonry to Baekje. Neither have bronze culture, but neither are willing to trade much for it. Both have Martial arts but will not sell it to me.

3150 BC - Martial Arts picked up by trading it to Han for Burial Rituals.

3050 BC - Contact with Goguryeo. They have nothing to offer.

2310 BC - Research on Calligraphy completes. We trade it around to pick up Terra Cotta, Iron Culture, The wheel and all of their gold. Iron is already in our borders, we will have to settle an aggresive city in the north to secure horses.

1750 BC - Several (2 warriors, 1 archer) Han Dynasty units march right into our territory. Ruh oh. Asking him to leave only results in his declaration of war. I have 1 archer and 5 warriors at this point. They all scramble. I really would have preferred to avoid this confrontation. I hate it when the AI decides to invade me early.

1600 BC - Research on Civil Service completes. None of the AI have anything to trade for it. Thus far, I have managed to avoid any unit losses to the Han Dynasty.

1475 BC - Trade Civil Service for both Mathematics and Taoist Mysticism. I also pay 20 gold for peace with the Han Dynasty...as he marcher another 6 units towards my territory.

1350 BC - Confucianism self researched. Once again, the poor AI around us have nothing to offer.

1300 BC - Han Dynasty has map making but will not trade it. I do trade world maps with him however. We pick up Bajutsu from Goguryeo in exchange for Civil Service

1150 BC - Map Making is bought from Baekje for Confucianism and Mathematics. We start building suicide junks.

950 BC - The first Great wonder goes to us! The Colossus completes.

900 BC - Morian builds Pyramids.
875 BC - Baekje builds Oracle.

730 BC - Finish research on Republic and we immediately revolt. Advisor informs us that we will have a mere 2 turns of anarchy! Yay! We start pre-building the Great Libary in Seoul.

690 BC - Odan builds Great Lighthouse

610 BC - forced to trade away Republic for Construction and Literature. I was hoping to hold out for more of the ancient age techs, but the AI are researcing so slow. I had 1 turn left on my Great Library pre-build in Seoul, so I had to get Literature now. We kindly declare war on Baekje.

410 BC - Capture the Oracle in Ch'ongju.
270 BC - Goguryeo builds Great Wall - why are the AI on my continent getting all the useless wonders?

210 BC - Seoul finished the Great Library. We enter our Golden Age. Hiroshima get the Hanging gardens from the cascade.

190 BC - Shamanism and Currency come in from the great libary and we enter the Middle Ages! At this point, we have nearly 20 bushu and 20 horsemen who have nearly eliminated Baekje. Goguryeo is next - we must unit Korea!

Snapshot of recently captured lands

Thoughts/observations at this stage of the game
1. Did not enounter a single barb on our continent - they all seem to be on that island to the west.
2. Not a single goody hut, though I had 5 warriors scouting for a long time.
3. Several suicide galleys made, but all of them sunk in waters or were flat out destoryed by all the barb galleys or squid. @!#$@%!
4. The AI around us seems to have been stunted in someway. They seemed to grab land awful slow. Goguryeo went so far as to establish a wine an iron colony by 1870BC instead of just creating cities there - which I found odd.
5. The new units kick ass.
6. Not having faces for Civ profiles becomes very, very confusing. I can't remember who is who...I just end up referring to their colors. This gets worse later when I meet the rest of the civs.
Edit: PTW 1.21 - Open

Wang Kon awoke from a restless night and remembered the dream of someday ruling an empire of a size beyond his imagination. “Well, today is as good a day as any to start one” he said as he looked around the countryside from the hill where his followers had set up camp the night before. “How about down there on that flat plain between the sheep and cows?” he asked himself. “As good as a place as he could imagine for a village to be planted” he said, and so it was that Seoul was founded the next day. Wang sent some of his people over to the sheep to improve the land to help his city grow. His number one son, Flun Kee asked, “Dad, the elders want something to do”. Wang said “They’re too old for farming or defending people, how about we have them think of ways to improve our people’s lives” and so with that the elders were set to thinking about how to better feed the people.

Flun rushed in to tell his father about how happy the people were to have wool being delivered regularly, to find his dad sleeping on his new blanket and left without disturbing the leader of his people.

Wang found the news of a nearby town not under his control somewhat disturbing, at least the Baejke were polite at this first encounter. They were his equals in most areas, while having these strange burial rituals, yet not knowing his secrets of the Alphabet, he felt at ease.

Soon the borders of the town had expanded and the population grew in Seoul and the elders announced the discovery of Terra Cotta. Wang ordered the construction of a granary to aid his fledgling community in growth.

Word soon arrived from one of the groups of young men he sent exploring the countryside of another town. The Goguryeo, were as polite as the Baejke and were willing to trade the secrets of Martial Arts and Burial Arts for his knowledge of the Alphabet. Knowing the Baejke would soon contact the Goguryeo, Wang sold the knowledge he had gained to them for their entire treasury, a measly 10 gold pieces. Both of his rivals were governing a single city the same size as his and were both inferior to his people scientifically.

The existence of warlike tribes, once thought to be only a myth, was confirmed to Wang during the ceremony dedicating the new Webe Fat memorial granary. After Webe’s unfortunate death during the construction of the granary, it seemed only fitting a tribute. Word that the Koreans were #1 on the list of Most Advanced Nation only added to the ceremony.

Flun’s words of a third country on this island took Wang by surprise. The resulting knowledge of Masonry gained from the Han Dynasty was nice gift for such passé items such as Ritual Burial and Alphabet. The gain of a slave from the Baejke for Terra Cotta and 30 gold was another highlight of this day. The Terra Cotta for 10g deal to the Goguryeo, somewhat offset the cost of that slave. The next day the first of a long line of settlers left Seoul to add another city to Wang’s empire. He was glad to get the message from his son about meeting the ancient guru with this incredible information that cities the same distance from the capital shared the same level of corruption. His orders to settle at precise distances carried the penalty of death to any who disobeyed.

Wang listened to the tales of his son’s adventures learning about corruption and forbidden palaces. Soon it became apparent, that a military would be necessary to defend (and maybe extend) the borders of my empire. “Seems like a perfect job for you, Banga Head “ as he appointed his first minister of defense. “A barracks in the new city of Pyongyang is just the thing to get this military started.” said Minister Head. Another slave from the Goguryeo bought for 120 gold began a road to this new city.

The news from Flun was good “Dyes are now arriving to Seoul”, great thought Wang, “Now we get colored sweaters”. His empire had grown to six cities and his first barracks was producing trained warriors. “Now’s the time to build something big” he said, “How about a big, pointing building?” Without questioning, Flun began the construction of this unusual structure.

Now his warriors had traversed the entire eastern coastline and with the elders news of Calligraphy and the exchange of that and 20 gold to the Baejke for The Wheel and Taoist Mysticism, Wang felt like he was in command of his destiny. The trained Otomo Spearmen being sent from the barracks gave Wang a feeling of security, while the number of trained warrior count was nearing 10. Someday soon, they might become very useful.

The elders news of Literature, rolled like a storm through the empire. Soon the pointy-topped building was switched to a large building for the collection of knowledge. Wang ordered the elders to rest for while. “No use spending on science, when this new building will get it for us for free”. Let’s save the money for a rainy day.

For the longest time, it was very calm in the empire. The 3000 year celebration, saw Wang with 12 cities, 10 warriors (8 trained), 7 trained Otomo Spearmen, 1 library, 2 granaries, 4 barracks, a treasury of 564 gold pieces. and 28 happy Korean faces.

Playing PTW open

Don't post much, but have a story here.

After meeting the pink, decided to finish them off quickly. They were so close and didn't defend their capitol with Spearmen.
Around 1550 BC I destroyed them, got 3 cities and 5 slaves.

970 BC Scouted the Olives and got a force (5 bushi, 5 archers) ready to go for Keasong (cap of Olive). With help of slave got a supply line to bring in reinforcements.

By the way I'm only building military. Got one Korean worker and only build one city. Only 10% research.

330 BC Reduced Olive to one city. Yongbyon, close to Seoul. Captured 8 cities and 2 slaves. Peace with the Gogureo Slime in exchange for his last non cap cities, only to finish them off in 20 turns.

I wanted to keep the cities so instead of wiping 1 cities out, I went from capitol to capitol, thus capturing instead of ruining.

250 BC Focus is on Han. Much tougher resistance, "people should know when they are conquered".
460 AD Finally, peace, got all of his remaining non cap cities. Only one Han city left. See you in 20 turns.

Finished the Olive around 500 AD

720 AD Han are floating around in a Junk, no cities left.

One the whole: enjoyed the map so far. Resistance not too hard. Didn't care much about exploration, since I was planning on capturing maps from Han. By 500 AD had complete control over my Island, but no culture, far behind on research. Met the others, planning on trading with them.
Originally posted by Naboo

So different than most games where many civs are "annoyed" the minute they set eyes on you. I feel bad about attacking these guys. I may go back later and replay the game as a total peacenik.

cracker deserves credit for the creative idea of limiting the "world" to only a small area (Japan and Korea). This makes the game rather more realistic and instructive. Thanks also to everyone who enlightened us about the identity of the civs.

I regret that I was unable to foresee the presence of Goguryeo, Oda, Baekje et al in the speculation thread. ;)
CONQUEST Class games
(non PTW)

Well, this is my first civ3 game for many month, my first gotm at all, and -hopefully- my first emperor game to win without extensive reload-cheating.

To make this short, my ancient age didn't differ much from most of the others already discussed here.

I conquered the Baekje quickly, and kept being the most advanced nation on our island until the last "column" (literature, monarchy etc.). No leaders up to then, lost the Pyramids with about 360 shields, but managed to get GL - although quite late...too late at first thought because the Gogoru were already way behind after I had taken a few cities from them.

However, in 2?0 AD finally one junk survived the trip west (most were lost to the barbs), and two turns later we were back from the dead and warped right into the MA, with full world map of course.

Great game up to now! The three neighbours were surprisingly both passive and slow in tech progress despite Emperor diff...
However exactly this behaviour lured me into the biggest mistake: After taking the first city (Baekjen Capital) with 6 or 7 Bushis (losing 1 or 2), destroying one other, and trading peace for two further cities, I felt STRONG - so strong indeed that I broke the peace treaty, and lost most of my army in the first senseless siege on their second capital, while both Gogu and Han declared war on me and destroyed two cities. Must have been lucky nonetheless, since no serious assault on my homelands took place - up to now.
Ouch. My first GOTM. I settled on the spot. Went Pottery first and built a granary. In 2510 get The Wheel...well, here's an excerpt from my QSC log: "You are _so_ not funny. There are no horsies nearby!!! All these plains, hills and grasslands, and all I have are some luxuries I can't trade and some extra food to feed the wool-producing sheep :) . There are 3 black squares near my next planned city site; maybe there's a horse there, or maybe on one black square up north." Founded P'yongyang in 2150 BC a few tiles NE (later turned out to be just N of iron!) . As it turns out the one black square far north had a horse, but Ch'onan was poised to poach it at its border expansion, so I went to war with Baekje in the 1870-1830 BC IT. I took Ch'onan quickly but later lost it back as he got Bushi shortly before I did, and I just barely missed out on cutting off his Taejon iron and ivory before he took out my pillager. His Bushi hurt me, so I had to go peaceful for a while but by now was stuck with too small a territory and 3 or 4 cities!

In 975 BC I finally hooked up the horses, but my iron ran out :mad:. I haven't read of that happening to anyone else, so I guess it was bad luck and not a GOTM "gotcha". I had 5 Bushi and 3 in production, and Baekje and Goguryeo were pressing in with culture, so I figured I had to build up and make a desperate lunge at Baekje to knock them down. I took their capital, but it flipped two turns later and I was screwed. I made peace when my troops were decimated and started frantically settling my borders and building temples, marketplaces and libraries, and occasionally trading for techs.

I made it to the middle ages, but it looks really bad to me. I should have been either more aggressive earlier or less aggressive later with Baekje; I think more. I also should have expanded faster. The iron drying up was really really bad luck, and that killed my war effort. At the time I was still outbuilding Baekje and am pretty sure I could have cut off his iron and wiped him out. I was counting on wiping him out for my expansion.

I'm surprised anyone settled the barb island. My AI keep trying but get wiped out over and over again.

Here is my game log up to the middle ages; turn-by-turn to 1000BC and then occasionally after that (18k zip, 46k text).

This is 1000BC, a few turns after ending my long, mutually crippling war with Baekje and one turn before my horse is hooked up and my iron disappears :cry:

This is 230AD. One turn later Samchock flips to Baekje, and the turn after that I deal my way into the Middle ages. (Han D was really aggressive in my game; I caved every demand, but he wiped Goguryeo down to 1 town in 1 war!) By the way, Baekje workers built that north/south road by P'yongyang; they were very brazen in improving my territory; I think they believe they'll own it soon:
Been playing Civ3 for a few months now and I've played a couple of the GOTM scenarios for my own enjoyment, but this is my first try actually submitting.

First off - WOW!! Keeping a timeline for the QSC really slowed my openning game down. It really made me stop and think a bit and the timeline itself became a great reference as the game developed.

I settled NW of the starting position, hehe, no real reason - I'm not anumber cruncher - that's just where I felt like plopping down. I've been toying with the RCP system and went with 4 and 9 rings. It seems that tighter spacing can lead to much quicker development but I just prefer a little more room.

Started with a WA then prebuild on a granary which was completed in 3350BC and began alternating Settlers and Spearmen after that. Was lucky in third city placement - right between the two dyes as thats where the iron turned up & I just barely beat the Baekje to that area.

Contact with Goguryeo and Baekje both came on 3700 and contact with Han on 3000. I was surprised they were all polite and I never got any demands for tribute out of them. Was able to keep up in techs for the most part through trading - it seems I was the first contact any of the other civs had. Was first to Calligraphy and Literature which helped also. Lit trades netted world maps aslo from Han and Goguryeo.

The Goguran moved a couple of wars and an archer up to one of my SEstern cities in 1830 and declared war when I demended they vacate the area. I ended up losing 1 warrior to the 4-5 wars and archer they brought up. They asked for peace in 1700 & we ended our dispute.

Ended up in 1000BC with
9 Cities
5 workers
9 Warriors
1 Archer
12 Spearmen

Not spectacular but I'm happy with how the game is going so far.

I seemed to fall behind in techs a bit from there, but completing the Great Library helped me catch back up. As of entering the MA, I don't have visibility of anything beyond the starting landmass and the former 'Barb Island' (my island now!) to the west. VERY anxious to get out and explore the rest!!

My hat's off to Cracker whoever assisted him in creating this scenario - an outstanding job and I'm having a great time with it!
Conquest Civ 1.29

Long time since I bothered posting, and felt I should start getting into the habit.

My games have been improving over the last few GOTM, but I still didn't feel confident to attempt Open.

My strategy was to build up many cities, and trade techs, keeping everyone happy. This all seemed to be going well till around 400 BC. I was only slightly behind in tech (since I was going for Monarchy), but ahead of Baekje. In 570 BC Baekje decided to attack Han, and I was happy to let them hit each other. Maybe more space would open for my settlers? By this point, most of the expansion space had gone, and I looked at the Barbarian Island.

I landed 3 Footmen, 1 Horseman, but these troops were destroyed by the Barbarians - far too many had built up in the first few years. I tried getting another Horseman & Bushi there, but the junk was sunk. At this point (390 BC), my military must have dropped below some level, because the Baekje declared war. All of my mobile defense forces had been destroyed trying to get a foothold on the island. Each city had one Footman. This was not enough.

I was trying to get the Baekje to stop attacking, but before this happened, the Goguryeo attacked first the Han (290 BC) & then myself (230 BC). Life was not good.

In 230 BC, Baekje made peace with us. They then immediately traded Construction for Monarchy, and we are now in the Middle Ages.

Unfortunately, we have no Iron, only Wool luxuries left, and I've lost 8 cities in the war so far. Hopefully I won't lose too many more to the Goguryeo before making peace. I'm currently on 8, but quite a few are likely to go, before peace is arranged.

Having been cut right back, I've decided to go for ICS & culture. I'll possibly attempt to get the UN, but I suspect 100k culture may be easier (lots of cities with major culture production from as early as possible).

What's really galling is that having landed and provided a force to break most of the barbarians on the island, the other nations have all established cities there, whilst I end up getting trounced by two of the nations, and no city there. :cry:

I may still manage to salvage a win, but I feel my initial city choices were wrong (too far from the capital - getting the Ivory, Horses, Dyes), sacrificing good building location for strategic value.
This is my second GOTM. Didn’t keep track of the QSC stuff as I just read about it, but will in the future. I was an avid Civ II guy, but thought it got boring as one could win EVERY time, even starting in a pole. Played Civ III when it came out, which I think is much better, but hadn’t played in almost two years. I was in the Middle East during 9/11 and just got back in July; work hours were a little long for anything but work and sleep. On to this game, which I’ve finished, but will leave out later game stuff.

Awesome map!!!!! Makes Civ III a whole new experience.

I’ve read most of the Posts. I think I’m the only one who moved two NW to the coast to found. Reasoning: wanted to found my second city on the river and I didn’t know how far it went. One NW added non-upgradable coastal squares, which seemed wasteful. Did I waste two critical turns?!

Expansion Plan & City Management
General city plan: Main: Settler Factory; Others: Temple, Barracks, Military; set one to Wonders and got Colossus as my only Ancient wonder. In regular Emperor games I would skip all AA. Also, didn’t get a Golden Age as I expected. Baekjen built The Oracle & Goguryean built the Great Library. Others built by Civ’s off of my continent. Intent was Ring of cities, but didn’t pan out (2@4.5; 1@5; 2@7.5; etc)

Tech Plan
Since it was a large map, I didn’t expect any close civs. I went 100% terra cotta to get an early settler factory and built warriors to explore and protect from barbs (which I never saw early on except on the island). After terra cotta, I didn’t spend more than 10% in science during the AA, using gold or luxuries to trade. I got iron, but not the horses. Got hemmed in quickly. After getting map making I found out we all shared an island. With 10 civs total, I decided to dust these three for security.

Military Plan
Generally placed 2 “spearmen” in each city before developing offense; 3 in attacked areas. Is this wasting time? Since no horses, had to initially rely on Bushi, which I generally used for the entire campaign until they were upgradable. Han declared war early, but I got the Gog to join, so I just built a wall in my closest city and never went offensive. Han eventually gave peace without doing me any damage. I hate a two front war, so I went circular in my assaults. Bae’s, then Gog’s, then Han. I always declared war, no sneak attacks, due to Diplo win goal. Also of note, never got a single culture flip, in either direction, or a single great leader – I attacked as often as possible with Elite troops. Wondered if they were somehow turned off, but other posts indicate no. Was I unlucky or is there some technique to increase the likelihood? How do you figure out the likelihood of a culture flip or great leader creation? Took a very long time for the entire campaign. By 1000BC, Iron not in ZOC yet. No wars. Missing 7 techs in AA. By 10AD, Missing 4 techs in AA; Baekjen almost gone (2 remote cities); 41 spearmen, 13 Bushi. Seems kinda defensive for an offensive strategy. Feel like I’m missing out, as others appear to use limited war for key gains while I’ve been using a total war strategy.

Things I’d like to see in the game, that I don’t think would change the intent, but would help those of us on a limited time schedule. All these can be kept track of manually or spending lots’o’time.

Button to review where all the Wonders are located. (helps war plans)
Button to show how many squares I control of land&coast vs total I know about. (to help in Domination Victory)
Button to show enemy total population & controlled area (at least after Industrial age) – (help in Diplo victory)
If any of these exist please let me know!!!
Originally posted by Smegma
Button to review where all the Wonders are located. (helps war plans)
Button to show how many squares I control of land&coast vs total I know about. (to help in Domination Victory)
Button to show enemy total population & controlled area (at least after Industrial age) – (help in Diplo victory)
If any of these exist please let me know!!!
F7-lists all built wonders.
Mapstat utility will tell you how much land you control and how much all others control. Goto the Utilities forum and download it.
After reading about your delays in colonizing that land, it seems to me that Barb isle host some kind of protection against koreans.
I tried to settle in since I got Mapmaking, but I was restless bounced back. Then Baeklje succeded to found a couple of cities downthere, not entirely covering the land mass of the barb isle, and also if I'm actually winning a global war over them [so I think I'll retrieve at least one of those cities], I never tried again. I'm just wondering how cracker did it - if Cracker did it.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
I don't think there is anything specifically targeting Korea. I knew that I was sending my spears on a suicide mission. If they succeeded in killing the barb camps there then I would have sent a settlers. Since they didn't, I waited for the AI to do it. The AI are too stupid to realize that they will be overwhelmed by barbs and lose all their treasury. (Actually, since the AI usually doesn't have much gold left after trading with me, they probably don't mind. Once an empty AI city is on the island the barbs will all fall into the fake city (no people to kill, no improvements to destroy and no gold to steal, reminds me of the cardboard town of RockRidge in "Blazing Saddles":lol: ) After that, it will be easy for me to drop a settler there myself. I plan to put a bunch of culture in that city and try to flip the AI towns to me. If not, it's a short ferry ride from my capital to send enough troops to capture them.
Controlfreak, indeed placing a city on barb island and gifting it to the richest AI would have been a good prank. ...

{I realized I had to move this into the next spoiler}
The problem with bankrupting the AI that way is that the barbs frivolously spend their money on beer and cheap women. Once the gold is out of the economy, there's no way to get it back. I would prefer to bankrupt a civ by selling one of my obsolete techs.;)

I started late this month but here I am at spoiler1 at last :)

I started very much the same as Qitai. I settled at the start location, built warrior, granary, worker, barracks, settler, and then entered the settler pump cycle of warrior+settler every four turns, starting from size 4 with bin half full. My first settler was produced in 2710BC, a turn later than Qitai's, he did something a bit better than I did :)

BTW, thanks Qitai for inventing and describing this kind of settler factory! I've been using it when possible since you first described it.

I think this starting sequence was almost inevitable on this map if one sets out to absolutely maximize food. The early worker is necessary to improve enough tiles in time for the settler factory to run. The barracks could be replaced by two warriors but that seems a bad trade in terms of shields wasted. (Production overruns would be high at that stage if producing warriors.)

I researched at the maximum rate I could afford: Terra Cotta (3400), Calligraphy (2070), Confucianism (1700), Civil Service (1375), Republic (775). Traded for other techs along the way of course. Korea's research rate was surprisingly quick, and the other Civs surprisingly slow. I gifted a fair bit of tech to my rivals to keep them moving.

My exploration was slow since I had just one warrior for a while at the start. He went north and circled east, later warriors went south. I met Baekje in 3200, Goguryeo in 2630, and Han Dynasty much later in 1910.

It took me a while to realize how weak the local rivals were. When that sank in I decided to go to war early. I used Bushi since the geography wouldn't give Horsemen much speed advantage. In 1175 I attacked Baekje. It was a slow war since I started with just 8 Bushi but progress was steady. My only significant loss was a settler I left exposed by mistake. In 850 I gave Baekje peace, leaving them with three towns. In 775 I declared war on Goguryeo. I went slowly with this war, building infrastructure at the same time. There wasn't much resistance though - Han Dynasty and Goguryeo had been fighting since I first met them and Goguryeo had gotten the worst of it. In 610BC I got a leader and used him to rush the Great Lighthouse.

And in 550BC, with help from some events outside the scope of this thread, I entered the Middle Ages.

One thing of special note in my game so far: When I traded for Iron Culture in 1910BC, I was dismayed to realize that I'd already settled a town on the nearby iron hills. Now it looked like my four turn warrior/settler pump in Seoul would be wasting shields, building just settlers. (Of course I would have been much more dismayed to not see any iron nearby at all! :) ) But then I realized (as often happens in Civ) that there were other options! Two interesting ones I could see. Seoul could run as either:
1) An eight turn Bushi + Worker + Worker + Settler factory. This could easily work starting from size 4.5 (i.e. size 4 with the food bin half full.)
2) A twelve turn Bushi + Settler + Settler + Settler factory, producing each unit in three turns. (Or substitute a Horseman for the Bushi.) This would require mining the BG tile to the southeast, and starting the cycle at size 4.0. The first 3 turns of each 12 turn cycle would use the mined BG - in the other 9 turns of the cycle that tile could be used by another town.

Since I didn't have that BG tile mined yet I ran the first cycle once, sent the workers to mine the BG, produced an extra 3-turn settler to get Seoul down to size 4.0, and from then on used Seoul as a settler factory which gave me a bonus Bushi at the start of each 12 turn cycle.

My QSC (1000BC) status:
13 towns
1 settler
2 granaries
5 barracks
12 native workers
3 captured workers
7 warriors
10 bushi
2 junks
2g in treasury
i started by sending out 3 warriors to scout, then built a granary.
this didn't help me out that much, cause i only built 6 towns. one of my towns immediately started to build the collosus, but ended up missing it and the great lighthouse. since the ai started so close, the other 5 towns built warriors and eventually bushi. i went for the baekje first and they were quite easy. ended up with the great lighthouse and a leader which built the pyramids.
just kept on building bushi (couldn't build warriors for upgrade cause of captured baekje town on iron hill) and went south into the gorguryeo. the gorgs were also fairly easy and produced a second leader for me, which moved my palace later in the game.
the gorguryeo had horses hooked up but i did not see a single horseman! during this time i was making peace for tech and then immediately redeclaring war.

Moderator Action: Takeo-san, I am certain that your ancestors are tossing in the graves at the shame you have brought upon them by failing to read and follow th introductory instructions for this spoiler thread:
"DO NOT mention Suicide Galleys/Suicide Junks unless you have already composed your own death poem and are prepared to commit Sepuku for dishonoring your family name." - cracker

Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889

i bought techs and traded my WM to get into the MA. i even got republic for my WM!! i had known that at least 2 ai had made the age change, cause there was an explosian of barbs on the barb island. once i made the age change i got feudal warlords, checked around and i had the only MA tech. after that it went downhill...
[ptw] 1.21f

I had to laugh when I started GOTM24 by going to the F10 screen to see who my opponents were. I thought the Han might be China, and there were a couple of obvious Japanese names, but the majority were not recognizable. And the civilopedia had just blank entries for everyone, including the Koreans! WOW, what a start! I knew then that this wouldn't be an ordinary game.

Not knowing how many expansionistic civs there were, I started off on 'Terra Cotta' at maximum research. I founded Seoul 1 Space West of the starting position: this would allow me to develop the 4 turn Warrior/Settler factory, was adjacent to the river, and the coast. My initial builds were Warrior, Warrior, Warrior, Granary ... then a mixture of Workers, Warriors, Settlers until I finally got the 4 turn Warrior/Settler factory fully working in about 2150 BC. (Thanks, Qitai! not sure if I'd thought of it if you hadn't mentioned it in the pre-discussion thread.)

This image shows the approximate scouting paths of my 3 main scouting warriors, 1-yellow, 2-orange, 3-red. And the years and places I met each of the 3 civs on this continent. Here are the trades I made when I met them:

3300 BC, I'd just learned TerraCotta; Traded TC and 3 Gold for Burial Rites (we matched with Alpha and BronzeCult)
2950 BC, trade Alphabet for Martial Arts and 18 Gold (We, and Baekje, match with BurRite, BronzeCult and TerraCotta; Baekje also had Martial Arts)
2310 BC, met the Han while moving out a Warrior/Settler pair to found my 3rd city; trade Alpha, BurRites and 58 Gold for Masonry; Trade the Goguryeo Masonry and 21 Gold for The Wheel (Koreans, Han and Goguryeo have all 1st level techs now; Baekje are missing Wheel and Masonry)

Based on some assumptions I've made, I believe the Baekje are Commercial/Religious, the Goguryeo are Militaristic/Religious (I keep seeing Montezuma) and the Han are Militaristic/Industrial (like China, normally).

After TerraCotta, I researched Calligraphy at minimum. Here are major points from the rest of my Ancient Age :
1830 BC: bought TaoMyst for 78 Gold from Baekje; trade TaoMyst and 54 Gold to Han for Iron Culture
1650 BC: Learn Calligraphy; nothing but Bajutsu to trade for (should have sold it; everyone had it within a few turns)
Start minimum research on Shamanism
1375 BC: Goguryeo start war with me with sneak attack while within my culture
1250 BC: Everyone else has MapMaking; I trade WM for TM's, and know most of the continent
1200 BC: get WM from Han, I now know the entire continent.
1100 BC: raze Goguryeo city of Haeju
1000 BC: I end QSC period with 10 cities
925 BC: take and raze Goguryeo capital Kaesong
800'sBC: take Goguryeo city of Monsan
730 BC: peace with Goguryeo, getting 2 cities, MapMaking and Mathmatics; Goguryeo down to 2 widely separated cities
670 BC: learn Shamanism; trade for Literature, CivilService, Bajutsu and a lot of Gold
Start fast research of Currency
590 BC: perform Palace Jump to Snagagon, near former Goguryeo capital location
490 BC: learn Currency, trade Currency, 10 gpt and a chunk of gold for Construction
Start fast research of Confucianism
410 BC: learn Confucianism, enter Middle Ages

Here is a screen shot of my 1000 BC F3 display; I had 10 cities and 26 citizens at this time:

My only war was with the Goguryeo, started when a lone archer of their's attacked one of my cities killing a warrior. I had 2 in the city, and another 3 within a turn's movement radius, so that archer died pretty quickly. I established embassies with the Han and the Baekje, and got ROP agreements with both; I couldn't afford to ally with them, but I wanted to reduce the chance they'd ally with the Goguryeo. I had founded Andong in the center of the continent; I wanted to put my claim to the central river valley fairly early. The Goguryeo tried a couple assaults against Andong, first with 2 Warriors and a Archer against 3 Warriors (I took out his archer as it approached), and then with 2 Archers and 2 Warriors against my 3 Warriors with 2 Bushi reinforcements (no problems, mate!). By this time I had a significant assault force of Bushi's that struck the West end of the Goguryeo core, and worked it's way East.

After claiming most of the Goguryeo land, I started Settling it with the stacks of Settlers I had been saving. In some cases I was just barely beating the Baekje to the punch; they had a handful of settlers using the ROP agreement to try to take some of the open territory. A few well placed Korean units impeded them just enough.

I finished my Forbidden Palace just SE of Seoul in 825 BC. Conditions were finally right for a Palace Jump in 590 BC, and the palace was reestablished just N, NW of where Kaesong used to stand. This is still on the river, but brings the Cattle and Iron spaces within the capital's useable radius. The Forbidden Palace and new Palace are rather close; if I accumulate the Baekje into my empire, the Northern part of their territory will not be as productive as it could have been if I'd placed my FP further North. Still, I already have enough useful territory to dictate the remainder of the game.

Image of 410 BC F3 map with Forbidden Palace (green) and new Capital (red) indicated:

I've accomplished nearly everything I wished to do in the Ancient Age. Perhaps I should have waited until I learned Calligraphy to use it to trade for TaoMyst and IronCult; I saw on opportunity to get both and took it, and as it turns out, the Han actually did learn Calligraphy just before me, so if I had waited they might have messed the trades up for me. Enjoying the game, and looking forward to the Middle Ages ( can't wait to see what other surprises Cracker has set up!)

(BTW, I did try Qitai's 2 attempts at revolution after learning Republic; I got 6 turns both times so no obvious effect for me.)

(EDIT: Hmm, my image uploads are not uploading - actually the last 30 uploads or so have 0K length, so I'm not the only one!; I'll try to update later)

(OK, 7th time's a charm :) , images loaded)
I went after the Baekje early on, and though it took a while, I was able to take them out while still running an 6 turn settler & bushi factory in the capital. From this was, I generated Yi, whom I used to build the G Lib in P'yongyang, North of Seoul, on the coast. In the mean time, I had been gifting the Goguryeo 10 gold on a few occasions. Though this did delay their declaring war on me, it didn't prevent it, and they and the Han ganged on me shortly after getting G Lib. In the mean time, the G had gotten the Pyramids & the G Wall, and someone built the Oracle, but I don't remember whom. I think the Collosus is owned by the Han.

I was a bit annoyed that even with the G Lib, I was hit by the barb explosion while I was still short of the MA by Construction, Currency, CoL, Philosophy, Republic and Monarchy. Maybe I have to have contact with these other civs in order to pull in their tech advances??? In any case, I took the offered peace with the Han, and bought CoL and Currency, having developed Contruction on my own. I pulled in Philosophy, and went to the ME, even though I'm still working on Republic, while still a despot.

I have temporary peace with the Han for 5 gpt, am still fighting the Goguryeo, and am about to start sending out Suicide junks. I do see that Squid are still plentiful on the E coast. I've been fighting galleys on the W coast, and tried to invade the Han city on volcano island. It's really annoying that the barbs have 50-80 units on that island, but instead of taking out the Han city, they just attack & lose with 1 unit per turn, building the experience level of the defenders. You just have to wish that they had SOME intelligence...
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