Playing Large Emperor. Going for spaceship. Things have gone better than the last game, although I got Invention (again) and Ironclads as my free techs (I always trade for Nationalism). However:
We purchased Fission from The Ottomans with that gold with Communism, Ironclads, and that lump sum of 8941 gold.
Then using "what's the big picture" research labs got cash rushed in all core cities. We conquered The Pyramids and Smith's from Persia, which is still alive, conquered The Byzantines, who are still alive, and France well before that who we completely conquered. After maximizing science specialists we have:
Nuclear Power projects at 4 turns to finish there. The question comes as, can we maintain that 4 turn modern age research with what the territory we have now? Or do we need more war to get Space Flight in 4 turns? Or would someone research it for us? If someone got Sanitation soon, could we maintain 4 turn research?
SETI is also going up in our capital which has Cope's with the SGL we got in the industrial era. We swapped our Palace prebuild to The United Nations. And we're working on The Internet and Manhattan Project. The city building the U. N. does not have a research lab, and makes 68 beakers per turn. So, it should get 17 more beakers from a research lab, correct?
The problem with more war against anyone other than the Byznatines and Persia comes as that we need to keep getting gpt, I think, to fund our research. We also have RoPs with The Byzantines, and Persia, so we won't finish them off yet.
Every single industrial age technology took 4 turns, except for Replacable Parts, which we managed to trade for from Persia shortly before we fought The Byzantines (we were waiting on it). Flight needed science farms actively made into using their scientists to get down to 4 turns.