Spoonwood's Hall of Fame Attempts

I didn't realize before, but it seems that all luxuries + Bach's cathedral gets it so that all cities with a marketplace have the "we love the leader" effect. Though, I might be incorrect since I think I have a declaration of war from Japan for what I'm seeing.

I managed to run 90% science for that turn above and still have Refining projected in 3 turns.
Chokepoints look great at first, but end up kind of unhappy with military alliances:

Persia Block.png

Oh well, that sort of thing can get solved in a turn usually.
Steel only took 4 turns, thankfully, researching Refining saved a turn.

Combustion projects to 5 turns.
Steel only took 4 turns, thankfully, researching Refining saved a turn.

Combustion projects to 5 turns.
Well, you are going to smoke my date. I didn't do JS Bach as I didn't research any unnecessary techs other than Literature and the Republic. I don't think you can beat 1000 AD but the #2 spot (Takeo 1320 AD) is definitely in reach. #3 is a done deal for you at this point.

I think if I did it over, I would just expand way, way more, including by buying settlers earlier and more often in the outlying areas. They are cheap if you are building up a 15000 gold horde.
800 AD with 4 turn research on Motorized Transportation. Flight will take 5 or turns.

We've conquered England, France, Japan, and the Iroquois. War with India won't work since we signed an RoP with them earlier (to move units around more quickly). We might get The Hittites to declare on us or just declare on them, but...:

Hittite Gold.png

We finally found a French boat a few turns ago and finished France off. Lizzie still has a settler somewhere, and we have two frigates and a destroyer out searching for it.

The Netherlands is not on our continent. The other 8 AIs are scientific, so no war with them until maybe the modern era.

The AIs have yet to learn Sanitation. Someone did learn Communism a few turns ago, and we traded for it, with some police stations now going up.
800 AD with 4 turn research on Motorized Transportation. Flight will take 5 or turns.

We've conquered England, France, Japan, and the Iroquois. War with India won't work since we signed an RoP with them earlier (to move units around more quickly). We might get The Hittites to declare on us or just declare on them, but...:

View attachment 692126

We finally found a French boat a few turns ago and finished France off. Lizzie still has a settler somewhere, and we have two frigates and a destroyer out searching for it.

The Netherlands is not on our continent. The other 8 AIs are scientific, so no war with them until maybe the modern era.

The AIs have yet to learn Sanitation. Someone did learn Communism a few turns ago, and we traded for it, with some police stations now going up.
Turn 245 / 1270 AD very much in play for you, if not sooner if you let the AI get Synthetic Fibers and perhaps the Superconductor. Turn 235 is the #1 spot. It's possible but maybe not probably. Go Spoonwood go!
830 AD - A few AIs learn Fascism :(.

860 AD - The Babylonians finally destroy the English!

870 AD - The Hittites learn Espionage.

880 AD - The first 4 turns we did a max run on Flight. Now the science slider goes down to 10% and it will complete next turn. Like this:

End of Flight.png

The AIs only got use Fission, Ecology, and Rocketry at the age change. We got Recycling as our free tech. We only needed a little more than 11000 of that gold. It will get used to purchase buildings, once we learn Computers.

Computers projects at 6 turns.
Not having Computers feels frustrating. I check the victory screen and see Germany is the closest in population and landmass. In the above screenshot, one might infer that we have a small border with them. So, we'll go for diplomatic and try to finish this game sooner rather than a bit later.

If I do this again, I think I'll go with ICS specialist farms instead of trying to go with the normally spaced ones. I still don't have Sanitation by hitting the modern era, and it takes too much infrastructure to get the maximum size specialist farms with hospitals, aqueducts, and a market (if not police stations, courthouses, and science based buildings). I know there exists some HoF save somewhere on a Huge map with ICS specialist farms, but I don't recall which it is. The maximum city limit might get reached that way, but oh well.

I've also learned or remembered that there's not enough time, nor benefit, for mass planting of forests and chopping in a spaceship or diplomatic game like this, excpet maybe in a few core cities if knights aren't yet avialable. I may as well not track which tiles have gotten chopped, I think.

900 AD - Free Aristry finally gets learned by AIs.

910 AD - The same tile polluted two turns in a row.

940 AD - We gift Germany two cities just so that they end up more likely to become our opponent. This also reduces the border to one city which has a mountain tile above it. 2 turns left on the United Nations.

960 AD - Complete the U. N. and win elections in a landslide over Bismarck.
Playing Large Emperor. Going for spaceship. Things have gone better than the last game, although I got Invention (again) and Ironclads as my free techs (I always trade for Nationalism). However:

All 4 techs.png

We purchased Fission from The Ottomans with that gold with Communism, Ironclads, and that lump sum of 8941 gold.

Then using "what's the big picture" research labs got cash rushed in all core cities. We conquered The Pyramids and Smith's from Persia, which is still alive, conquered The Byzantines, who are still alive, and France well before that who we completely conquered. After maximizing science specialists we have:

4 turn modern age research.png

Nuclear Power projects at 4 turns to finish there. The question comes as, can we maintain that 4 turn modern age research with what the territory we have now? Or do we need more war to get Space Flight in 4 turns? Or would someone research it for us? If someone got Sanitation soon, could we maintain 4 turn research?

SETI is also going up in our capital which has Cope's with the SGL we got in the industrial era. We swapped our Palace prebuild to The United Nations. And we're working on The Internet and Manhattan Project. The city building the U. N. does not have a research lab, and makes 68 beakers per turn. So, it should get 17 more beakers from a research lab, correct?

The problem with more war against anyone other than the Byznatines and Persia comes as that we need to keep getting gpt, I think, to fund our research. We also have RoPs with The Byzantines, and Persia, so we won't finish them off yet.

Every single industrial age technology took 4 turns, except for Replacable Parts, which we managed to trade for from Persia shortly before we fought The Byzantines (we were waiting on it). Flight needed science farms actively made into using their scientists to get down to 4 turns.
Why not use the prebuild for the Internet and hand-build UN? Is that in case the AI gets UN?

edit: or use SGL for Internet & hand-build SETI. Or some permutation.
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Hm. The internet would be my top priority. A research lab in every city is surely worth beakers more than SETI, even in a super-science city? Or is that not the case, I haven't calulated anything. (Also Internet labs don't cause pollution.)
It's not worth much in my game, since I bought research labs in core cities. It won't do anything elsewhere I think.

I decided to build Mass Transit Systems and hope for anyone to learn Sanitation.

790 AD - Germany and Russia learn Free Artistry.

800 AD - With more scientists now, we can finally get Space Flight down to 4 turns, though one turn left on Nuclear Power.
No worries Bartleby.

820/830 AD - U. N. completes and we decline elections.

840/850 AD learn Spaceflight shortly after and swap the Manhattan Project to the Apollo Program, due to finish in 2 turns. Shakespeare's Theater completes.

850 AD - Apollo Program completes as so does the Docking Bay 1.

880/890 AD - The Laser completes.

890 AD - Robotics is down to 4 turns now! No more war needed for 4 turn research!

900/910 AD - Planetary Party Lounge completes 2.

910 AD - 2 AIs learn Sanitation, which we trade for. Swap from Manhattan Project to a hospital, so we can get another prebuild up, just in case we can manage to trade for Synthetic Fibers.

910/920 AD - Cockpit completes 3.

920/930 AD - Engine completes 4.

930 AD - The Internet completes. I don't bother having the research laboratories sold, since that seems pointless.

Now I learn/relearn that Manufacturing plants works as good prebuild on SS parts.

970 AD / 980 AD Life Support System completes 5.

980 AD / 990 AD Stasis Chamber completes 6. Fuel Cells completes 7.

1010 AD / 1020 AD Thrusters completes 8.

1040 AD / 1050 AD Storage Supply 9. Exterior Casing 10. No luck on the AIs researching Synthetic Fibers. Sanitation took too long to pop up to have any sort of relevance, and we had 4 turn research from the late medieval onward. Sanitation helps more on upper levels, I do remember that.
I didn't play with huts. At this level I worry that they might mess up the slingshot, since the AI can pop Philosophy from a hut or then research Philosophy. They might have helped though. I also didn't found my capital until 3900 BC.

4000 BC:

4000 BC Mountain.png

1000 BC:

1000 BC.png

The capital is a horseman, settler, and worker combo city at the moment:

Combo City.png

It gets a library soon, and the tile directly below 013 is a bonus grassland, which gets used on a turn or two during the growth cycle to maintain a 10 shield per turn average.

15 cities, 4 settlers, 23 workers, 1 horseman, and 5 enkidu warriors.

10 AD:

10 AD.png

59 cities, 68 culture per turn ... all from libraries, or universities, and there's only one university, 7 settlers, 87 workers (most cities built a worker or two first, especially if corrupt or maybe an enkidu warrior if it had 2 uncorrupted shields per turn) 4 knights, 1 galley (for contacts), 5 enkidu warriors, and 5 trebuchets.

I didn't really have any need to keep track of forestry for any cities, except maybe the tundra area. The workers only planted forests there, or around core cities before rails. We didn't try to get every tile chopped. Again, the game doesn't last long enough for that to have that much of an effect for this thing. If it had been Always War going for space, that might have been a different story.
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In comparison, the Large Demigod Spaceship game, which I remember as one of my favorite games, where I got an SGL for The Pyramids at 1000 BC has

24 cities [sic!], 1 settler, 23 workers, 1 catapult, and 10 enkidu warriors.

10 AD has 31 cities, 151 culture per turn with Cope's built as well as The Pyramids, 62 workers, 1 pikeman, 4 musketmen, 11 knights, 3 enkidu warriors, and 1 trebuchet. The Large Emperor map mentioned above had a large amount of territory avaliable for settling, since the AIs don't get a free settler until Demigod. The 10 AD save also has 1 turn left of research on Physics with a Golden Age going on. The Emperor game's golden age comes later in the war against France with an Enkidu victory, though I did build Universal Suffrage a bit later also.
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