Spoonwood's Hall of Fame Attempts

O. K. I did just reread the part of the FAQ saying that losses for other victory conditions than histographic won't get accepted.

But other than the FAQ page says that, what's the reason?

Your settler/city/cities still stood the test of time until victory got achieved, as holds for other non-histographic games.

Submitting saves wouldn't work for conquest losses, since we don't get the option to play more after a conquest loss.
Another attempt at a quick loss... and Rome won:

Rome Wins.png

Edit: Had my city conquered in 2 other attempts.
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The system can't put a game on a Fastest Finish table unless it's actually a Fastest Finish win. There's no real reason or decision behind it; it's just a product of the SQL coding.
Small Monarch against the Mongols, Japan, and Zululand. In 2030 AD, the Mongols had a marine land on my capital and raze it.

From the relevant game screen, it seems Zululand might trigger a 100k victory. However, MapStat tells me that they have 78,382 culture, while The Mongols have 69,260 culture. 19 turns to hang on.

2031 AD - Move warriors to cities and change all cities to pikeman. And the game crashes, so I'll have to redo that...

2032 AD - Lose Osaka.

2033 AD - At Yokohoma, one warrior valiantly fights a mechanized infantry and defeats it! Though the Monogls do take Yokohama with another mechanized infantry. They capture Tokyo also.

2034 AD - Lose Sapporo. The Zulu start on The Internet.

2035 AD - The Mongols finish The United Nations.

2036 AD - Lose Kagoshima, Shimonoseki, Matsuyama, and Nara to a Marine.

2037 AD - Lose Nagoya, Nagasaki. The Zulu complete The Internet. The Mongols complete The Manhattan Project.

2039 AD - Pay 1319 gold and our world map to Temujin for peace.

Alright, we'll buy your maps:

Bought Maps.png

Japan's final score was 723. Zululand's was 1587.

I don't recall seeing any Monarch AIs on an 80% archipelago map get to Marines before.
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Small Monarch Histo:

Small Monarch Histo2.png

We played as Carthage. I put Egypt as an opponent, forgetting about the possibility of an 80k loss. But, The Zulu got really big and ended up with the cultural lead over Egypt and The Mongols.

Shaka offered a territory map for some gold at some point, so we took it. I even had the island block wrong and lost a city to a crusader at one point. But 3 warriors managed to defeat it and we got the island block fortified after that and consequently didn't have any more issues.
Huge Monarch Spaceship had 9 spots, so I played a game for that table with Sumeria. Only free tech we got was Nuclear Power, and even though we could have traded for Feudalism, we declined for a greater probability of getting Theology, and instead got Feudalism as our free medieval technology. The spaceship got launched in 1180 AD. I thought about warring, but decided against it to finish in less real time. Russia declared on us at one point in the modern age. We didn't conquer them. Playtime records as about 10 and half hours.
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