StGNES III Rise of Nessos

Hi Guyz

I am a virgin to this game format so be gentle :blush:

My name is Feraurius Neomannis the 3rd

Although I am the fifth generation to be born in Nessos, some still consider my family to be foreign, I guess it is because of the blue/green of my eyes ... Our family is very large ... I have many brothers, sisters, cousins, 2nd cousins, etc. and all are worldly ... most can speak at least another language and many know foreign letters as well ...

I am proud that my family is famous for scientific invention, world knowledge and also achievement in the arts ...

> Skilled in the design and construction of large mechanical devices - used to build and support the construction of forts, walls, aquaducts, dams, bridges and mines ... any large structure.
> Development of new techniques in building and metal work constructing new tools and materials ... Uncle Concretus oversees this area
> Finding innovative solutions to problems ... developing new techniques ... incorporating new principals to existing methodology ...
> Music and Theatre, many in our family have written and performed new works which celebrate the gods, our culture and our city ... often encouraging free thought ... An uncle named Mimus even developed a new artform where the performer comically imitates other people but doing so in utter silence ... :eek: ... he is currently working on a new concept a chorus that doesn't sing but whistles instead ... :p

Every child in the family is given a flute, a drum, colourful cloth, feathers and wool, and a set of blocks with rods and string to play with ...

When the boys have mastered letters and numbers and have received the manhood cuts :cringe: they are encouraged to learn foreign tongues and learn about the world ... then when they receive the voice of a man they learn the ways of courtship and the pleasuring of a woman ... they then travel for a year abroad ... making contacts and diligently keeping notes ... when they returned they must report to the head of the family all they have seen and experienced ..

I know that girls are tutored as the boys ... but know nothing of the passage to womanhood ... however I do know that they also are taught to question ...

The discussion of ideas is encouraged and strangers are welcomed ... Often was the day when my grandpapi, the first Feraurius, may he rest in peace, spoke and wrote 5 languages as a native and would invite many guests with strange looks, manners and tongues to our home ...

My GrandMami lost her hearing as a young girl ... so all the family know how to 'talk with hands' and also to 'read the sound of words' ...

A proportion of money eared is channeled into phylanthropic endeavours ... annually sponsoring a musician, bard or playwright to create a new work ... assisting and encouraging the development and experimentation of new ideas ... the fostering of contact and idea exchange with other cities and cultures ...
What I'm thinking is that the main family business is engineering (sort of) ... explorers and experimenters in the physical sciences.
Strongly involved in the arts and touring performance troupes.
Have made many 'strong and true' contacts with people in Nesso, other cities and other cultures in a wide range of social and economic strata.

Damn too many architects ... so I'll go with the equivalent to an industrial scientist ... now I'll rewrite above ... done :rolleyes:
EDIT2 - need a trade so architect/engineer ... but the best most innovative, award winning architect in the land :p

Hope this is what you want :goodjob:
Gelion said:
Blackheart I hate to dissapoint you, but Nessos only has a river port and all its sea trade goes through the now allied city of Pila.

The river ports, merchant associations, and warehouses shall be mine then!
The Nero Family

Led by Lucius Letius Nero

From a Journal of a Servant

I am going to leave. I can't stay here no more. I thought I was going to work for an honest, respectable family when I joined them, and I get this! Who would think that the priests of Nesos could be such...horrible people?

Just yesterday I walked in on my master, Lucius, and what do you think he was doing? He was sitting, dressed in some black cloak, on the ground, legs crossed, and in front of him where candles arranged in a pentagram pattern. He was changing something, and did not look like himself. He was staring right at me, but I dont think he saw me, and the room had this presence about it, like someone else was there, everywhere. I ran.

And that is not even the worst of it. Strange people dressed in black with all kinds of cases and bags come through. They are not the kinds of people the Priestly and Holy family should be dealing with. Many don't have eyes or noses, or other parts of their body, looking like they came from the slums or from another world all together. And Lucius greets them like they are his old friends!

And then Lucius' daughter - Maria. She is a witch, I am sure of it. With that white hair and the crazy look. Four young people that were interested in her died! Four! That is no coincidence my friends. She is even worse than her father, walking around the house and talking to herself in a language I don't know. I tell you this cannot end good.

And nobody in the whole world knows where this family gets its money. I mean, there are donations to the temples, and then there are the farms around the villa we live on, but they can't possible account for all the wealth. And this family just keeps spending and spending money like there is no end to it!

And that library of theirs! A whole huge hall is lined with shelves of books and manuscripts in all sorts of languages. All dusty and with strange names. Writings from some long-lost religious that used to be somewhere here. The master tried to explain to me once that there were here, before us, some ancient peoples who knew a lot more about religion than we do, and who could do all sorts of things that we can't. What I got from it is that my master is crazy. All these manuscripts written in strange looking-letters with pentagrams all over...and the drawings...the drawings of monsters and...I don't know. I need to get out of here.

Two days later the servant was found dead in a far corner of Nessos. Marius Nero who led his funeral said that "He was a good man, but must have done soemthing horrible for the Gods to punish him like that."
Panda you are God! :D Well close.... I do hope you join.
I am wokring on family stats atm. Once that is done we can start and then I will work on the map.

Stormbringer will be the priest for his former help with this NES. All other government positions are open to elections beginning from now! Honorable senators please assemble and begin elections.
Thats right.
The senate decides which of the current family heads (senators) is qualified for a position.

Panda I get the feeling that if you should be nominated (for consul) the people will vote for you....
Kalthzar, did you read the rules? there are 2 councils and 2 judges and I believe thats it.
Family Name: Fortii
Head of Family: Constantius Fortii

In the fires of war, the Fortii proved their worth, and gained recogniation in Nessos. Before the Great War against the nations to the north the Fortii were merely lowly officers in the Army. Through a series of mistakes by the commander, the commander was killed in battle by a flanking charge. The army fell into dissarry until one memeber of the Fortii family rallied, and counter charged. Fighting like an animal, he broke through the enemy's center line, and turned the battle around. Given command of the War after that deciding battle, the budding family of warriors gained glory and many spoils of war.

While small, because of their realitive lack of history except as lesser generals before the Great War, they are rich because of the amount of land they gained in the War. Many priceless weapons, artswork were taken by the Fortii as the spoils of War, as well as slaves (many a beautiful concuibine were taken by the power hungry family), and much gold. They are small now, but with their power as the new Northern Generals, the Fortii family has alot to look forward too.
Lucius Leticum Nero rose up slowly, the senator was the oldest one amongs the group, having served for over 50 years. The little whispers that usually fill the Senate even when someone is talking disappeared out of respect for the aging priest. As he began to speak his deep and powerful voice filled the room: "Senators, I am glad that Pyronicus Vo has nominated himself for a respectable position of Judge. I have full faith in his ability to carry out the responsibilities of the position with diligence, and I believe the Gods would be in favor of such a wise choice." Lucius looked at all the senators, trying to guss if any of them will be brave enough to go against the will of the Gods, "And so I say that I will support Pyronicus in his nomination, and express my sincerest hopes that all of you, as faithful servants of the Gods, will do the same."
The family stats are updated. I will change the stats for Nessos where the family exact income will be displayed .

@Panda please delete the two maps you posted here as I already have them. Thank you for your work.

I still have to do the map and update the city stats. But the game has already started.
~~The Most Noble House of the Paeologii~~
The Eagle of Nessos, by Padrone Senatorei Nicholaous Paeologeous Valerian

The Paeologii have existed as a family since the beginnings of Nessos itself, if not before. Their roots are deeply ingrained into the fiber of the city, and have been a powerful political presence for centuries, ever since the first Paeologii was bestowed the Order of St. Valerian, Protectors of the City and the Republican Fasces. The Padrone of the family has sworn itself to the republic, and those who would challange it cast their lot with Epirus and his Tyranny, before the days of Republic.

They are the symbolic protectors of the Republican Ideaology, and their voice in the Senate bears considerable wieght...

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