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stMinionNES2: Because it's tight like that

Nation: Rome
Ruler: Caesar Espacius
Tribalism / Despotism
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: 3
Army: 100 men
Navy: none
Religion: Roman Polytheism
Education: Barbaric
Ruler:Minos of Knossos
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: 3
Army: 100 men
Navy: none
Religion: Minoan Goddesses
Education: Barbaric

*star me off in crete, with a little land in the south of mainland greece,in the area of Athens, Anatolia, or Mycenae- the historic sites on the mainald where the Minoans seems to have had a LOT of impact at least early on

*edited, as my little note had a lot of spelling errors in it
Nation: Calicut
Ruler: King Virjay II (North King)
Government: Despotism
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: 3
Army: 100 men
Navy: none
Education: Barbaric

*Start me off on the west coast of India, About two thirds of the way down.
Nation: Briton
Ruler:William the I (Death)
Government: Despotism
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: 3
Army: 100 men
Navy: none
Religion: Briton Polytheism
Education: Barbaric

*start off in London
Ruler: Empress Hirohita
Tribalism / Despotism
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: 3
Army: 100 men
Navy: none
Religion: Shintoisim
Education: Barbaric

*start off in Tokoyo
to space i hope you know I have started off on the penninsula
looks liek there will be some compititon for dominon over italia...
wat do u have against Xen, Space?
what are you talking about I'm starting in CRETE
yea space its you and me
Oh, thats wierd I though Xen was starting on Sicily, not Crete, Im so dumb... anyways, nuts HS, I told AAMinion I called Rome, I thought you were starting in France. Anyways, yah, good luck to you, you'll need it. :)
The sword and chalice shall guide our victory you should be worrying
Nation: Russia
Ruler: Ivan I
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: 3
Army: 100 men
Navy: none
Religion: Polytheistic
Education: Barbaric
dammit jason, not you in control of more muscovites *or muscovite type guys ;)), I'm about sick of those guys :p
Update 1 - 3000 B.C.

Throughout the world, as irrigation becomes more advanced and more and more people settle down from their nomadic ways of life and start civilizations to stand the test of time.

In China, Han Fei Tzu takes control of the small tribe of Chin, and establishes a capital city: Peking. He is surrounded by some similar tribes who mostly herd cattle and are not warlike.

On an island to the East of China, the nation of Japan arises around it's capital city of Tokyo. The people experience occasional raids by the mountainous Ainu.

In the mountainous regions of Northern Anatolia, the Hittites rise to prominence. Many ask their King, Mursilis, to give them better farming land.

Not far South, the Assyrians impose control over Northern Mesopotamia, arround the city of Nineveh.

A bit to the West, the state of Imperiam arises around the city of Jerusalem. The surrounding area is populated by Hebrews, who regularly come to the city to barter amongst themselves.

In the land that would come to be known as Italia, the Crusaders of the Cross, a group practicing a strange religion focusing around the cross symbol make their home. Only slightly South, the small city of Rome arises. The nearby etruscan tribes pose a problem to both.

In North Europe, the Britons unite under king William I. Their city of London grows quickly.

In East Europe, several Slavic tribes settle and establish cities. The most prominent are the Kievan Rus and Russia. Winters can be long and difficult, but the people manage.

In between East and West in the lands of Indus, the kingdom of Calicut is established. The people prosper, although there's a slight barbarian threat to the North.

OOC: Human Slaughter, what is your capital called? And Erez, wtf are you, lol? Are you Israel? Are you some weird Hebrew state? Are you some weird state that's not Hebrew? Xen, you don't really have a navy yet... but build some ships and do as you wish.
3000 B.C.


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hey minion can you change my location to the begining of the river in france I dont want to croud Space and the capital is Spearing
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