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stMinionNES2: Because it's tight like that

1) Pashtunistan
2) Balochistan
3) Iran
4) Kashmir
5) Tajikistan

Best nations in the world MUWHAHAHA
and that list is for....
Greatest Aryan nations? They couldn't be much else, since they certainly aren't the greatest in the world... :p Or perhaps thats the greatest nations in the world by the Aryan perspective (in which case Calicut should be in there)? :p
awesome; with the huge russian army on my side, there would have been no stopping "the grand allaince of assorted weirdlly connected around europe and the med sea allance, except kush which is just sort of weird allaince!"
wat about the huns?
the Russians would have been poised to take care of them; i trea tmy allies right sharing with them both generals, and tech, and helping out with my forces when I can; a combination of Minoan and Russian militaryt forces and innovations would have creamed the Huns(I will remind you all that Russia was second best in the science line, at leas tuntil jason dropped out of it)
2nd best, until jason dropped out of it, but didnt' jason leave russia quite early? And i hope you know where the Huns gets their tech from, CHINA, the CENTER of science! Beat that! The huns even have fireworks to shoot at you!
@emu; uin an era when most armies ar eonly 300 troops, 500 is huge ;)


Nation: Minoa
Ruler: Emporor Xenophon
Goverment: Imperial Republic
Capital: Knossos
Age: Classical Age
Economy: 5
Army: 1225 men*
Navy: 45 ships
h.m.t.: chariots, balistas, triemes
Religion: Minoan Polytheism
Education: 5 (limit!)
Wonder: Great Palace of Knossos, 2 economy, +200 army, [Completed!], Workshops of Daedalus, 2 education, 2 economy [Completed!], Sanctum of the Bull, 3 econ, 2army (Completed!), Via Minoa, connect minoan cities and ports, [2/4]

Nation: Minoa Kush
Ruler: n/a
Goverment: Minoan Vassal Stata
Capital: Aksumopolis
Age: Classical Age
Economy: 3
Army: 700 men*
Navy: 20 ships
h.m.t.: galleys, elephanry
Religion: Ethiope Polytheism
Education: 1
Wonder: The Great Harbor of Axum, 2economy, 2navy, 1free trade route, [Completed!], Great Ziggurat, 1edu, 2eco, 2mil, [2/6]

Nation: Egypt
Ruler: Ramses
Goverment: Monarchy
Capital: Memphis
Age: Classical Age
Economy: 2
Army: 900 men*
Navy: 20 ships
h.m.t.: chariotry, triemes
Religion: Egyptian Polytheism
Education: 2
Wonder: Farms of the Nile, +3 economy, [Completed!], Grand Nile Transport Network, +4economy, [Completed!], The Great Pyramids, +3army +2economy, [5/6]

Nation: Mauretania
Ruler: King Bactra
Goverment: City State
Capital: Carthago Nova
Age: Classical Age
Economy: 2
Army: 600 men*
Navy: 25 ships
h.m.t.: camelry, triemes
Religion: Punic Polytheism
Education: 3

Nation: Russia
Ruler: Ivan I
Goverment: Monarchy
Capital: Moscow
Age: Iron Age
Economy: 2
Army: 525 men
Navy: none
h.m.t.: chariotry
Religion: Polytheistic
Education: 3
Wonder: the Russian Storm, huge expansion spurt to the east, [Completed!], Ivan's Palace, +4 army, [Completed!], Grand Kievan Route, 4economy, [1/5]

add in the arabs of whome I was negotiating with, and you have a damned fine allaince, able to take on the world, because its already composed of large chunck of it.
@Xen, against this:

Nation: Alemannia
Ruler: Chieftain Chondomarius
Goverment: Tribalism
Capital: Stuttgart
Age: Classical Age
Economy: 4
Army: 1600 men*
Navy: none
h.m.t.: n/a
Religion: Germanic Mythology
Education: 2
Wonder: Council of the tribes, 1economy, 4army, expansion, (Completed!), Bierrhut, 6army, [Completed!]

Nation: Assyria
Ruler: King Eriksha I
Goverment: Theocratic Monarchy
Capital: Ashur
Age: Classical Age
Economy: 3
Army: 875 men*
Navy: none
h.m.t.: Khirashmites, camelry, galleys
Religion: Naradakism
Education: 5 (limit!)
Wonder: Ancient Capital of Ashur (++army, ++economy, +education) (Completed!), Tigur's Army, 2army establish spy network, [Completed!], Khirashma Blade Temple, 3army 1education, (Completed!), the Message Towers, communication 3eco, [3/5]

Nation: Persia
Ruler: Shah Cyrus
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Persopolis
Age: Classical Age
Economy: 1
Army: 300 men*
Navy: none
h.m.t.: Immortals, galleys
Religion: Naradakism
Education: 4
Wonder: Masoleum of Mausalos, +2 education, [Completed!], Persian Currency, 3economy, (Completed!), the Royal Road, auto link all cities, [Completed!]

Nation: Xiong-Nu
Ruler: Huan I
Goverment: Tribal Confederation
Capital: none
Age: Iron Age
Economy: 2
Army: 1700 men
Navy: none
h.m.t.: Advanced horse-archery
Religion: Animism
Education: 1
Wonder: Terror of the Steppe Horsemen, 6xarmy, [5/7]
remember those arabs? ;)

and yes, i could win regardless; look at the map, its my side that has the better opertunites to attack, as its mien that controls the sea; how dose the sea count you migth ask? simple; fromt he atlantic I could attack the northern reaches of alemannia, or sailf up the danube or rhine to do the same; from the black sea i could easilly send in re-inforcments to russian troops, or launch raids from kush and the red, opeing up a big, deep rift of destruction intot he soft Assyrian and Persian underbellies of empire, while thier main troops foolish plod over land, thinkign that a direct land strike is goign to have an effect, when in reality it would be thier biggest mistake.
Me and my aryan allies were launching an invasion of Persia, with Persia outnumbered 10-1, so they would have fallen very quickly. I guess you could count Persia out of your war ;)
heh; you knwo what they say; the enemy of my enemy is my friend and what not; I have a feelign our nations would have neterd into fast alliance ;)
Xen, ur lucky this NES died when it did, or else my armies would be paradin' right into the palace in Knossos about now.;)
doubt if; your may be a war liek warrior culture; but you of all people know that I'm a stubborn jack-ass who refuses to lose. ;)
Tru dat.;)
1) Indian elephants pwn your elephants.
2) I wouldn't say that the Carthaginian state would fight against its own brethren. Then again, it might as well but we have superior tactics and strategy, and ofcourse our warriors are insane fanatics.
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